Chapter 14 - The Verdict

Nina knocked on the planeteers door mid morning the next day and though they'd rather have stayed curled up together, they obeyed the summons.

Linka was far more self-conscious with her family there than she had been on the previous morning, using the bathroom first and waiting for the American to leave the room before getting dressed.

Though Wheeler knew her reasons, it still made him feel like she had begun to distance herself -- something he was all too familiar with -- though things had never gone this far between them before.

When the fire planeteer sat down to breakfast it was to find the others discussing Nina and Mishka's wedding.

"Ivan is to be my best man and I hope you and Gregory will be witnesses for me?" Mishka asked the American.

Wheeler grinned with genuine pleasure. "I can't speak for Gregory, but I'd be honoured."

He looked at Linka and she smiled at him. She looked happy but the affection that had coloured her behaviour the day before was gone. I've been spoilt! He mused. A couple of weeks ago, I'd have been over the moon at the thought of us just being this close, and now I'm complaining because she's not all over me?

"That is next year. Wheeler you promised to bring my granddaughter here more often, I will expect you both for New Year if not before." Grandmuska said firmly.

Again he looked at Linka. She gave him another smile and a slight nod so he said. "Erm yeah sure... I mean thanks, we'd like that." he laughed. "Barring planetary emergencies of course!"

They continued chatting happily but in the back of Wheeler's mind, he was still fretting. Are we coming back here as a couple or will we still be pretending? I know I said I'd give her time but we've made plans as a couple for a year from now... But if I ask her, I'll be pressuring her and I told her she didn't have to answer me yet. So I'm an idiot, what else is new?

He watched the beautiful young girl, relaxed and laughing with her family. If she'll only pretend, and she'll only pretend here, Grandmuska is going to get to see a lot more of us than she really wants to! He decided.

None of them had anything important they needed to do so after they'd eaten, they made themselves comfortable in front of the television.

Wheeler grinned and relaxed as Linka snuggled back against him on the sofa, holding her against him and resting his head on hers.

When Ma-Ti called, the American was asleep, oblivious of the English speaking film they had been watching as he cuddled his almost girlfriend.

"Wheeler's ring is flashing." Nina said in surprise.

Linka chuckled and covered her partners ring hand with her own, threading her fingers through his. Closing her eyes, she said aloud, as well as in her head. ~ What is it Ma-Ti? ~

As the Russian joined the connection, she momentarily had the impression that she was laying on the beach in Wheeler's arms with Ma-Ti standing over them looking distinctly uncomfortable.

Even as the American woke and the image dissolved, the Russian could feel the boys acute embarrassment. ~ Sweet dreams Yankee? ~ She teased in the darkness.

In the real world, Wheeler blushed slightly and chuckled, relieved that she wasn't mad at him. ~ Yeah, actually... er sorry Ma-Ti you wanted us? ~

Younger than all his friends, the heart planeteer still couldn't miss the change in his friends. Smiling broadly he said. ~ It is I who am sorry for having to disturb your break, but something important has come up and Gaia wants to know if you are able to return immediately? She did not want to alarm your family by appearing herself. ~

~ Of course Ma-Ti, ~ Linka replied at once. ~ Our duties as planeteers always come first. ~

~ Thank you my friends. ~ the heart planeteer said, ending their communication.

As soon a the link was broken, the lovely blond opened her eyes and sat up, disentangling herself from her companion. "We have to go back to work." Linka told her family apologetically.

They packed quickly and Wheeler took their things out to the eco-copter, while Linka suddenly disappeared back into her bedroom. She came out again a couple of minutes later carrying a set of five books.

"For you." the Russian planeteer said as she handed the collection to her partner.

Wheeler grinned, "Thanks Babe, I'd forgotten about that. I'll find book one for you when we get back."

Grandmuska claimed their attention at that point, insisting on hugging them both and demanding a kiss on the cheek goodbye. "You are family now Wheeler, do not forget that."

The American swallowed, obviously a little choked by her affection, but he thanked her and shook hands with Mishka before finally giving Nina a hug.

Once they were alone, Linka asked softly. "Are you okay Jason?"

"Yeah." he responded at once shrugging it off, then seeing her concern, smiled sadly. "I'm just not used to that... my family isn't... I don't know, it's felt like you expect family to feel the last few days. I wasn't expecting Grandmuska to see it that way though."

Tears gathered at the corner if Linkas eyes and she reached out to place a hand on his arm. "I did, and I agree with her."

The fire planeteer smiled and taking her hand, lifted it to his lips.

Gaia spread her arms in welcome as they entered the crystal chamber. The others were already there. "I'm sorry I had to cut your holiday short but I'm glad to see you both."

"It is okay Gaia we were to leave tomorrow anyway." Linka replied unconcernedly.

Wheeler glanced in her direction but said. "Yeah, so what's the emergency Gaia?"

"The Earth summit has altered its agenda." The spirit explained. "You weren't expected there until Friday originally, but now you are to speak tomorrow instead, and stay a few more days, and I thought Linka would like the opportunity to prepare her speech."

In an attempt to provoke his fair companion, Wheeler pulled a face and asked. "Why have the rest of us got to be there again?"

Gaia was about to repeat what she'd told him the first time he'd asked, about the importance of showing the world they were a united team, when Linka beat her to it. "To gaze adoringly up at me while I talk." she said cheekily.

Wheeler laughed, relaxing a little and winking at her. "Any time Babe."

They all left shortly afterwards, Linka and Kwame to prepare their speeches and the others to perform their various duties.

Linka fetched her dinner to eat in her room -- so that she could continue her work -- before Wheeler even entered the kitchen.

He did his best to hide his disappointment but it was obvious to his friends that his mood was affected and he couldn't help the cynical thought that crept into his mind. I guess we're home!

After dinner the fire planeteer excused himself to go and read in his cabin and told his friends good night at the same time.

When he'd gone the others exchanged glances and Kwame, who had already finished his preparations for the conference, said. "They seemed okay when they returned..."

"I think they are." Ma-Ti replied. "Wheeler had her to himself all that time and now she is all work again, he is bound to be grumpy."

Gi looked dubious. "Maybe, but I wouldn't put it past Linka to have gone, 'just friends' on him again."

A couple of hours later, the wind planeteer entered the common room carrying her laptop. "Kwame, will you check through my speech notes please? I think I have covered everything but I want to be sure."

The African agreed and took the laptop, while Linka sat down on the sofa next to Gi. After a while she asked quietly, "Is Wheeler in the kitchen? He is taking a long while."

Pleased that Linka had apparently missed their fiery friend, Gi nonetheless said, "No, he's in his room, he said he wanted to read, like he even has any books... I guess things didn't work out huh?"

"Nyet... I mean da... I mean, we are fine and he does have books." The Russian replied, but she looked a little uncomfortable.

"Are you sure everything is okay between you?" The Asian girl asked with interest. "Because you didn't seem like you were 'together' earlier... just friendly, well friendlier than normal but not couplish."

Linka blushed. "I got caught up in planning for the conference... But I am sure Wheeler knows that I... I mean we..."

Raising her eyebrows at her friends hesitation, Gi asked. "You what?"

The Russian swallowed and cast a surreptitious glance at the boys to see if they were listening. "I will tell you everything tomorrow, I think I should speak to Wheeler first."

Gi grinned at her as she stood up but Kwame called out to stop her. "Do you not want to go through your speech?"

Linka hesitated, she had always had a very strong drive to perform her duty but now she also had a very real need to make sure Wheeler was okay. "I can make any amendments you think necessary on the way." She decided.

When the wind planeteer had gone Kwame said, with a twinkle in his eyes. "Did our Miss Perfectionist just decide to leave something to the last minute?"

Gi laughed and nodded. "Must be love!"

"Come in?" Wheeler said as the knock sounded on his door, putting his book aside and looking up, he smiled a moment later when his beautiful Russian entered. "Hey Babe, something wrong?"

Linka closed the door behind her and moved to sit next to him on the side of the bed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Nyet, I just want you for your body." She slipped her arms around Wheelers neck and pressed her lips to his.

Responding immediately to her embrace, Wheeler deepened the kiss and held her in place. When he did release her, it was just to say "Okay." Before sliding one arm under her legs and keeping the other around her back so that he could lift the beautiful planeteer over onto the bed next to him and then rolled over so that he was on top of her.

The wind planeteer giggled against his lips and tightened her grip, entwining her legs with his and responding without reservation to his gentle exploration.

Feeling how relaxed she was, it was difficult for Wheeler to stop, but he forced himself to do so, raising himself to look deeply into her eyes. "Were you serious?"

He sounded unsure, like just asking the question could make her change her mind, causing Linka to raise her lips to his mouth briefly in reassurance. Stroking his hair gently away from his face she replied "Da… well not just your body."

Still hesitating, Wheeler asked. "What's brought this on? Not that I'm complaining…"

Linka blushed. "Gi seemed to think I had turned you down… I wanted to make sure you did not think that too."

Now it was Wheelers turn to reassure her and he did so, taking her breath away and for several minutes they forgot their conversation. "Sorry Babe, you were saying?" he asked at last.

Chuckling, the Russian said. "I thought after we… after yesterday morning, I thought you would know that I would not turn you down, but Gi made me wonder…?"

"I wasn't sure but I wasn't about to give up either." He told her, and becoming distracted by her proximity, lowed his mouth to the crook of her neck and began kissing his way up.

"I was going to tell you when we had our dinner, but with the summit being moved forward I don't know when we will actually have time for that so..." Her voice trailed off as he distracted her, his hands having loosened her top and slid up her bare side.

"So…?" Wheeler prompted.

"So, I do not want to wait any longer to be with you. I want us to be a real couple and not pretend anymore… if you still want me?" This last was said in almost a whisper because despite the situation, the answer still frightened her.

"If I want you? Are you kidding?" He stopped what he was doing and just held her tight. "Lin, you don't think I'd actually ever let you go?"

Linka sighed and relaxed against him, but held him back just as tightly. "I will not let go of you either Jason."

"So we're official? For real?" The American had never been happier.

The beautiful blond laughed and nodded. "Permanently official."

Wheeler let out a whoop, and was immediately told to hush. "Yankee, not so loud! They will think we are… er… I mean they will get the wrong idea." She blushed.

"They, can mind their own business." He told her. "Besides, I'm happy and I want everyone to know it!"

"I love you." Linka said suddenly, surprising her partner. Before he could respond she added. "Now stop talking." And did her best to silence him.

Eight months and several family parties later, Wheeler stood with Mishka and Gregory outside the ZAGS office, while Nina arranged to throw her bouquet.

"I understand this was Linka's idea." Mishka said shrugging.

Gregory laughed. "Watch out Wheeler, sounds like she's trying to trap you."

"I hope so." Wheeler grinned at him.

Linka joined them shortly afterwards, looking pleased with herself and carrying her new sisters bouquet. "Happy now Yankee?" She asked, slipping under his arm and tucking one of her own around his waist.

Wheeler pressed a kiss into her hair and gave her a squeeze. "Getting there." Knowing that no one was listening to them now as the bridegroom had been called away for more photos and Gregory with him, "You wanna register while we're here?"

The Russian girl gasped and looked up at him, searching his eyes to see if he was serious. "Did you just ask me to marry you?"

"That was the idea yeah," He grinned. "You want me to get down on one knee?"

Linka's cheeks flushed prettily. "Nyet but… this is Nina and Mishka's day, we should come back another time."

"Was that a yes?" He grinned at her.

Laughing, the wind planeteer pressed herself against him. "I am not answering you here, you make too much noise when you are excited."

Joining her laughter, Wheeler put his hand in his jacket pocket and flipped open the box that it held. "At least wear this? I've been carrying it around for months now, waiting for the right time."

He took her hand from around his back and placed a diamond ring on her palm. "I know it's not a Russian custom but it is an American one."

Linka looked slightly awed. "You are really serious." She whispered.

"Aren't you?" He asked nervously.

"Da." She said distractedly, still staring at the ring. Then looking up at him, her eyes full of love, she said deliberately. "Yes. Of course."

The Fire planeteer pulled his fiancée into a very passionate embrace, nearly making her drop her ring. He pulled away briefly to tell her he loved her and place the ring on her finger, but then took her back in his arms.

Both planeteers ignored the calls of their friends and family as they anticipated their future together.

The End

A/N: Thanks to everyone who has reviewed, and if you haven't yet, please do let me know what you think, it really is what keeps me writing.