Lucy gazed at the sun as it set behind the mountains. She was on her way to meet with an old friend of hers, one of whom he never wanted to see again but had no choice. Memories of her old days as a dark-mage filled her head and the seventeen year old shook it in attempt to rid them from her mind.

"We are here miss."

She gazed at the black castle and shook with fear. She got out of the carriage and was led by the driver up the steps and inside once there she was led down several corridors until they stopped at a room. His room.

"He will see you now miss."

She nodded before entering and her heart instantly froze. He was just like she remembered. That silky silver hair that framed his face and amethyst coloured eyes that held only hate and evil.

"Hello, Raven." She cringed when her old name slipped through his perfect lips.

"Hello, Marcus."

He stood and strode towards her and her breathing became shallow when he stopped in front of her. Her eyes widened when he stroked her cheek lovingly, almost like he cared for her. 'That's crazy…I know he only lusts for me and nothing more.'

"I missed you."

She only gulped before she hardened her gaze, "What do you want?"

He chuckled and she shivered, "You my dear."

She stepped back so she was pressed against the door and his hands slid to either side of her head.

"I'm over you and everything we ever had."

He smirked, "Really?"

She gasped when his mouth found her neck. He began to suck and nibble on the skin and her breathing became ragged as she pulled him closer. Pressing herself against him she exposed more of the skin. 'No…this is wrong…I-I'm over him…'

His hands slid under her sweater and up her stomach, stopping just under her bra covered breasts before he pulled away. He gazed at her; her brown eyes were hazy and her cheeks were flushed as she tried to catch her breath. His smirk only grew when he saw the lust that adorned her hazed eyes; he knew she'd never be able to forget him and what he gave her. She was like putty in his hands and he was going to mold her again, this time only better than before.

He stepped back from her and she shook from the loss of warmth. He had her.

"So Raven, will you join us again? I know you've missed the power and besides if you don't I might find ways to torture your friends that even you can't imagine the pain they'll be in."

She choked back a sob and nodded her head. 'I'm sorry, everyone.'

He held her hand in his own before pulling her towards the light of the moon that flooded in from the open window. Once the light covered her body he ripped her sweater off of her and saw that the mark was intact. In between her breasts was the picture of a raven and a rose. She always had it covered and when it wasn't she used magic to hide it from her friends.

"Bear with me love, this'll hurt more than last time."

She shut her eyes as he placed his thumb on her mark before muttering words of an old and forgotten language. A bright red light emerged from her mark and began to cover her body, pain spread like fire through her veins and she bit her lip to keep from screaming.

Once the light covered her and began to seep into her skin though she screamed. Collapsing to her knees, tears streamed from her eyes before the light vanished. The pain slowly ebbed away and the tears and cries of pain stopped.

"Do you need help to stand, love?"

She shook her head before standing she opened her eyes and gazed at the man ahead of her before turning her attention to the mirror. She walked over with long strides and stopped in front of it. Her once brown eyes were a crimson colour; a colour of death, and her hair now reached her butt and was black with random red and violet streaks running through it. Her body was pretty much the same as before only much paler and piercings adorned her face. She had two lip rings and an eyebrow piercing to match. She also had three earrings on one ear and eight on the other.

Marcus strode over to her and wrapped his arms around her nude waist. She purred before leaning her head against his shoulder.

"We should find you some clothes and then you can go and greet the others."

She smirked before following him out of his room and down the hall to her old room. He unlocked the door before opening it and following her in.

"There are clothes in the closet, when you're done come outside and I'll take you to the common room."

She nodded before opening the closet doors and glancing at each cloth. She grabbed some random hangers before walking to the bathroom and changing. She looked in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction.

She was wearing a black tube top that exposed most of her stomach and showed her belly ring. She also had several necklaces on and white bandages on her arms. Her legs were covered in tight black jeans that had several chains on them as well as her whip. Her feet were adorned with tight leather boots.

She walked outside and grabbed Marcus's hand before being lead down and to another room. Eyes of all colours fell on her as a girl of fifteen or so with red hair that had black and violet streaks embraced her.


She smiled before embracing the younger girl lightly, "Hello, Falcon."

The girl smiled a large grin as she held onto Lucy or as she was called Raven for dear life. Falcon had black eyes instead of red and her hair was the same except for the main colour. Her outfit was a red spandex dress that went to her knees with slits that exposed her legs and stomach and boots much like Lucy's were on her feet. She also had red bindings on her right arm.

"I thought I heard you screaming, did it hurt Rave?"

She smiled, "Not as bad as you will when I get my hands on you Sara."

The other woman Lucy's age laughed before turning her attention to Marcus, "Tell me, brother, what is your purpose of bringing her back?"

Marcus smiled before pulling Lucy to him, "To do what we originally planned. To take the council over."

Sara nodded and shook her head as snow white hair fell in front of her lilac coloured eyes. She had the exact same outfit on as Lucy except it was grey and she had on a matching jacket instead of bandages.

After a few hours of catching up with numerous people Marcus and Lucy headed to his room. Once there he crashed his lips on hers in a forceful kiss and backed her up until they reached the bed. He pushed her onto it before removing his black silk top and her own.

That night neither of them got any sleep as they began to memorize the other's body over again.

Lucy sat on the roof with her sister in-between her legs. Falcon was asleep and when she was there was no way to wake her up.

She gazed at the morning sky and sighed, she hadn't been able to sleep for the past three nights and it had almost been a month since she was turned again. 'Taking over the council is everything he's ever dreamed of, I can't let my selfishness get in the way…'

"What selfishness?"


The snow-haired teen smiled and sat down beside Lucy, "Rave…you know what needs to be done."

Lucy sighed and nodded before feeling a prick on her mark, "Marcus wants me, can you keep and eye on her?"

"Of course."

Lucy smiled before standing up and summoning magic into her hands before disappearing out of sight.

Sara sighed as she cradled Falcon in her arms. 'Why did you return Raven…I know it wasn't out of love…so why did you throw away everything you gained for him?'

When Lucy had first stumbled upon the castle it had been merely by chance. Her clothes were tattered and tears covered her face. Sara had been so concerned that she had taken her inside without Marcus's permission. When Marcus had seen Lucy he had agreed to let her stay, to the surprise of Sara and the others. After a few weeks of being there Lucy had shown a great understanding of Dark Magic and Marcus was instantly taken with her.

Of course her situation with her mom dying made her more easily corrupted and she soon began to listen and talk to Marcus more than she had before. Soon Sara noticed a change in her and that's when Marcus gave her the mark.

'You deserve the light; you left because you missed it… so you should go back. I know that your heart yearns for that ice mage there.' Sara never voiced her opinions to Lucy or Marcus for it might be the end of her if she did.

Marcus's head was placed on Lucy's lap as she stroked his hair softly. She hummed a song as she felt his muscles begin to relax and his thoughts drift to a place where they could be happy.

Although a smile was on her face, she was not happy. She still held onto the memories that she had from Fairy Tail and wished dearly that she could return to them… especially Loki. Oh, how she missed the perverted, loving, and handsome lion stellar spirit.



"I love you."

She stopped and looked down at Marcus who's eyes held no lie, "I love you too, Marcus."

She easily lied and she knew that he believed her. She watched as he finally drifted off to sleep and then she stood. Walking towards the closet she changed into a silver silk dress and tied her hair up before grabbing a new pair of shoes and a shawl and heading out of the room.

She walked down the hall in silence and undetected as she headed to the front of the castle. She grabbed the handle and stepped outside before walking down the steep steps and stopped at the bottom only looking back to mouth a goodbye to her sisters and to Sara, her only true family.