Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or Harry Potter
After I crawled away from the fire place I followed them outside to find Mrs. Weasley. She saw the tears sliding down my face and ran over to give me a hug before giving one to everyone else.
"Where's Dad and Ginny?" Ron asked.
"Oh. They're out doing some last minute shopping. We're meeting them at the station after you guys get your stuff." She snapped her fingers and suddenly there were three piles of luggage behind her.
She began walking over to a small car.
"Are you driving?" Ron asked. Hermione and Harry exchanged a terrified look.
"Of course!" she replied. "How hard could it be?" Ron ran over to try to persuade her as Hermione lifted all of the luggage, including mine, into the air and into the trunk. I watched as it all magically fit in.
"Harry?" she yelled. "You'll have to carry her," Hermione said gesturing to a beautiful white owl.
Unsure of what to do I walked over to Ron and Mrs. Weasley.
"Would you like me to drive?" I suggested.
"Oh, would you dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked.
After everything was loaded and everyone was in the car I stepped in. Mrs. Weasley gave me directions as we drove. I was surprised at how easily I had already forgotten that they weren't muggles. I guess compared to the Cullens, they were pretty normal. Just thinking about the Cullens sent a pang through my chest. There was no way I was going to make it through two weeks.
A/N ok, so I am stopping it here. IF you have been following the story, you know that I just took down one and a hlaf chapters. I will be publishing them as a sequel. I am going to try to post it today, so be on the look out. I'm not sure what I'm going to name it so just check my profile if you want to read it.