Hey guys! Yep it's another IchiRuki. I would be writing my UlquiHime if I didn't have an attack of the plots. So here you go. Rukia's slightly OOC but if you don't like it, well don't read this story. It's also got HitsuKarin mixed in as well. And might hint or include IshiHime. I'm not sure yet. But hey this is the first chapter.
Disclaimer: Do I have to say it?
Chapter 1: It Started Off As Homework
Diary Entry 1: 7th of January
Well, this as you can see is a diary entry. My sensei gave us this for homework, to write a diary over the weekend. Why? I have no fucking clue. It's a damn good thing that she should we could put whatever we wanted in these diary entries because it's supposed to be 'us'. If I wrote everything that will happen to me this weekend I'd probably have to kill her…I have my reasons. And it's not just the obvious reason either.
Yeah so I guess I'm supposed to put what actually happened to me today huh? Hmm, the usual homework, arguing with Ichigo and my er…other business. I know full well what I mean. Tell you what sensei. You want me to do more interesting stuff? Give us less homework!! Over and out.
Fortunately NOT yours,
Rukia Kuchiki.
Diary Entry 2: 8th of January
You better be happy sensei, I actually stuck to what I was supposed to do and wrote both diary entries. Well writing, er, oh you know what I mean. Even though I thought this was really stupid as first it's kinda intrigued me. Especially as Ichigo said there was a snowball's chance in hell that he was gonna give his diary entry in. He said he was gonna just quickly show her and be done with it. That she isn't gonna read it in a million years. Just what HAVE you been writing Ichigo? I so gotta find out. But he seems to pop out of no where when I get any where near the draw he keeps his notebook in. And I thought he was bad at sensing me. But I have to find out what's in that thing. I've spent all day trying to get to that notebook. And the result: NOTHING. God damn it I NEED to read those diary entry. So yeah, that's pretty much all I did today.
Still trying to read those entries,
Rukia Kuchiki.
Dairy Entry 1(New book: 9th January
The whole homework diary ordeal made me realize that diaries aren't all bad. So I'm gonna give it a try. I mean this way I can say, well write, what I want and what I actually feel like. Because in all honesty the whole tough exterior thing is just for show. That really isn't me. But considering what I do for a living you kinda have to have that attitude. I still haven't managed to read the entries yet. But Ichigo threatened to shred it if I didn't stop trying. So I'm just gonna try again after a couple days :D Oh that reminds me. Guess what! My birthday's in 5 days! It's my 147th. Sounds kinda weird really. Especially as I'm living in the human world. Which I've finally understood all the customs of! I just don't see the point of some of them.
Yeesh, today was eventful. Karin came home a lot later than usual (about an hour and a half) and her dad's reaction was interesting to say the list. It started off when Yuzu first saw her and kept on asking why she was so late. Then their dad came into the room. He started ranting on about how she's reaching that certain age. Then Yuzu got all confused because they're the same age. I knew full well what he was on about. So my first reaction is to head out of the room. (Just after Ichigo. I think he knew as well.) But then Isshin asks ME to talk to her about boys. ME. Why the hell should I talk to her? I hardly know about boys myself! They never teach you anything like this in Soul Society. So what do I do? I ask Ichigo about it. He just went red and stayed silent. He chooses NOW to go all cute and sensitive! Oh and to clarify I did write cute. Because quite frankly it did make him look cute. So I went down to the shop and asked Yoruichi.
It turns out Ichigo is an odd one out. Apparently they're all hormonal and stuff and would jump at the chance to see a girl naked. And then she called me cute because I didn't know and it made me cuter than Ichigo. Then I asked her what made Ichigo cute. It was him blushing again for pretty much the same reason. But I'm not going into details as the description would be better if it was: Yoruichi tormented Ichigo with her body. I'm not going further than that. You know what's weird though? I was really bothered that she did that to Ichigo. I don't know why, it just did. Before anyone gets any ideas it's NOT that I would want to swap places with Yoruichi! I have no where near enough confidence for that. Why the hell am I even thinking about this! Let alone writing it down. Mental Note: Never let Ichigo see this. Ever.
Anyway back to my original point. So after Isshin kept on begging me I finally gave in and decided to talk to Karin. I thought boys wouldn't even come up when I asked her why she was so late. You know what I'll just put the conversation in here:
Me: Karin, how come you were so late today?
Karin: Man, why is everybody on my case about that!?
Me: We're just worried. Rather your father is and he pretty much forced me to talk to you.
Karin: He would.
Me: Could be worse. He really wanted me to talk to you about boys. Going on about how you were reaching that certain age…
And then she BLUSHED. People only blush if they're embarrassed which usually signals that something/someone was right. Which would mean that Karin was out with a boy. KARIN. Of all people. Who would she be out with anyway? Mind you I shouldn't get so worked up. After all look at what people think about me and Ichigo. I know a certain someone who thinks we sleep together. Yeah because that'll certainly happen. NOT. But still it would be useful to know who this boy is. Especially as I saw her walking with Captain Hitsugaya the other day. If it IS Captain Hitsugaya we have ourselves some serious trouble. Captain Hitsugaya could be stripped of his captaincy.(Is that a word?) And that's if Ichigo hadn't killed him first. I swear he has this older brother protective syndrome thing. That would explain A LOT. But thinking about it, it does make sense if it was Captain Hitsugaya. I mean come on; it's obvious he has a soft spot for her. After all he helped her soccer game that one time (Karin told me) even though she wasn't that badly injured. By the time he had got there she was happily walking again and she had gotten used to the pain. I honestly don't think he would do that for Rangiku, especially as it's something so trivial.
Wow, long pargraph or whatever they're called. Long diary entry for that matter. I'm gonna get through this notebook quickly. Maybe I can persuade Ichigo to get me some more for my birthday. That's a point, is he actually getting me something? He'd better. Or I'll kick his ass into next week. Weirdly, there were no hollows again today. I think something's going on. I'll have to go round Urahara's. Ok so things I'm gonna do tomorrow:
Go to school
Go round to Urahara's
Try reading those entries again (I can't help myself!)
Hmm, I've just realised something. Is there actually any point me going to school any more? Ichigo has the substitute badge thing. Maybe I should just stop going. Although then I wouldn't see Orihime, Tatsuki and everyone else that much. Plus, it is fun at times. Oh hell with it I'm happy with everything as it is. Well possibly not everything. But more on that tomorrow, I'm tired.
About to collapse from exhaustion,
Rukia Kuchiki.
There you go. Can anyone guess what Ichigo's written in that diary? Go on and guess I dare you. I can't promise on daily updates as school is hell at the moment. But reviews might help :D