Breathless anticipation gripped the studio audience. "Before the break, Ms. Sarah Jane Smith correctly answered the £125,000 question," explained host Chris Tarrant to the television cameras. "The reporter from London is now three questions away from the £1,000,000 grand prize. Tell me, Ms. Smith, if you do somehow manage to win a million pounds today, what do you propose to do with the money?"

"Well, Chris," replied Sarah Jane, "my life being as complete as it is, I don't have a great personal need for that much cash. I imagine I'd give most of it to charitable causes, and put the rest into a college fund so my son, Luke, can attend Oxford."

"It just so happens that Luke is here today with us," said Chris Tarrant. The cameras turned and focused on the smiling, dark-haired boy in the front row. "Might I suggest that instead of putting the money aside for college, you buy him a very large stick so he can beat the girls away?"

Sarah Jane chuckled while the audience laughed. "An excellent idea, Chris."

"I agree," said the host, picking up a card. "Without further ado, for a quarter of a million pounds, here is the question. What American composer wrote the opera Nixon in China? Was it: (A) Philip Glass, (B) John Adams, (C) Leonard Bernstein, (D) John Cage."

Stress creases appeared on Sarah Jane's face as she pondered the question. "Chris, I'd like to use my last remaining lifeline," she stated. "I'd like to phone a friend."

"Which friend would you like to call?" Mr. Tarrant asked her.

"I'd like to call my husband," said Sarah Jane, "who, unfortunately, couldn't be here today."

"British Telecom, please put Sarah Jane's husband on the line," said the host.

A few dial tones followed, and a girl's voice was heard throughout the television studio. "Hello?"

"Rani, I'd like to speak to my husband," said Sarah Jane.

"I'll get him for you right away," said the girl. "Mr. Smith, I need you…"