This is another short story first written for the gw500, way back in August '04. If you haven't read it before, it's new to you! Please enjoy.

Title: Rescuer
: babygray
Pairing: None to speak of.
Warning: Typos, and outdated writing, I'm sure.
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing.
: Takes place during Relena's time in Sanc. No blatant pairings, but I'm sure you can squint one or two in if you wanted to. This is just a quick glimpse at something.

At first, she didn't hear it, too wrapped in her own worries to allow any of her senses to wander too far from the problems at hand.

But, for one moment, her senses weren't completely under her single-minded control, and her hearing, wandering a bit too far, caught a not-at-all-faint tink of stone against glass.

She looked up from her problems, unable to identify the intruding sound. Turning towards the windows, she heard that unusual tink once more, accompanied by a visual confirmation of stone against glass.

She rose from her chair warily and made her way to the windows. This country was safe, she partially rationalized even as she tried to figure out who exactly was trying to draw her out with such a silly ploy.

Down below, some four or five stories below, was a figure made anonymous by the dark, moonless night. Its dark arm, barely visible, was raised to throw another stone as she opened one of the windows with a bit of difficulty.

"Who's down there?" she partially whispered, uncertain as to whether whispering or shouting was more appropriate.

"Just someone hoping to rescue you, fair princess," came a cocky voice, as anonymous in its whisper as its owner in the shadows. "Perhaps your Highness would like some nightly entertainment to ease her worry and smooth away the wrinkles she has been developing?"

She stared down into the shadows below, more than a little uncertain as to whoever this mysterious rescuer could be. She turn back towards her desk, still covered with paperwork and decisions and stressful situations she must sort through.

"Unless your Highness would rather prefer the company of her woes and her politics," said the anonymous whisper, enticing her to return her scrutiny to itself.

Perhaps she has been working a bit too hard for the night, she thought rebelliously.

"I'll meet you by the gates facing the shore," the whisper said, certain in its tone that she would join it post-haste.

She spun on her feet, quickly throwing on some casual clothes in place of her sleeping attire before dashing out of her room and to the rendezvous point.

At the gates, Dorothy stood almost provocatively as she watched her approach. "I'm glad you've decided to come," she said, her voice no longer anonymous, as her eyes flickered from her to just past her shoulder.

"And it's great that your shadow followed you as well," Dorothy added with a bit of a snide.

She looked over her shoulder, only a tiny bit surprised to see Heero a good five, ten feet away. There was a cold look in his eyes, colder than usual, as he stared at Dorothy.

Dorothy's dark smile grew as she flipped her long hair back a bit and focused her eyes back to her. "Are you ready for a bit of fun, your Highness?"

"Relena," Heero growled softly, warning.

Relena gave a sharp nod. "What do you have in mind?"


And that's it! Thanks for reading!