The redhead was sprawled across the pavement, limbs sticking out at odd angles and a small trickle of blood leaking from the right corner of his mouth.

His eyes stared up at the sky, glazed and cloudy.

Of course this was due to the rather large bullet hole (or few) going through his abdomen and chest.

It was obvious he only had a little longer to live, if he wasn't already dead.

"Reno…" Rude approached the thin Turk cautiously, looking for signs of life.

No movement was made in response.


Another try.

This time the green eyes twitched and small groan was heard.

More blood gurgled from his throat.

"Ru…?" It was weakly spoken, but it was something.

The tall, dark skinned man said only what he had to; "I'm here"

"Can I…Nngh, oh fuck…have a-?"

He didn't need to finish the request; Rude was already pulling out his own pack of cigarettes and lighting two, placing one between the redhead's already cold lips.

The pained, but pleased sigh he got in response was all the thanks he needed.

He crouched beside his best friend, partner, (occasional lover) and watched.

They smoked in silence for a bit; only the occasional grunt or labored breath from Reno providing noise for distraction.

"I… guess I'm hit-, ahhh shit, hitten it big, eh… partner?" The lanky man croaked, his breath coming in short pants as the last of his life dripped away.

Rude simply grunted, and Reno could hear the unspoken "You idiot."

The dying Turk chuckled, but it stopped abruptly as he began to cough, and blood splattered over his lips and even more fell onto the pavement.

They were going to have a hard time washing that out.

It was silent for a few more minutes.

Reno suddenly made a groaning noise, and Rude turned to look at him, he was straining for breath, lips still clamped around the cigarette like a lifeline.

His eyes were wild and wide, searching the sky dazedly.

Then, he turned slowly towards the bald man after a large gasp, and sighed.

His eyes remained open, but he didn't move after that.

The cigarette, almost down to filter, still smoked lazily upwards.

Rude pushed himself up from his position crouched next to the corpse and bent down one last time to push the eyelids closed, but he left the cigarette in place.

Turning to walk out of the alley, he didn't glance back.

"Live another day, buddy"

And that was that.