Hey! This is my first story! I am so excited to finally write it! I read fanfiction all the time (twilight), so I found it only fit to post my own! I hope you enjoy this. I will take mean or nice reviews. Plz do! Now on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, but I do awn a set of the books!! So yes, sadly, I don't own Twilight or Edward Cullen! *tears up* XD

203 YEARS. That's how long I have been a vampire. But with out my true love. Well, you know my name, I'm guessing. If you don't, hi. My name is Isabella Marie Swan. I am frozen in an 18 year olds body, when really, I'm 221 years old. I'm supposed to be dead for God's sake! I have a coven of 2 other vampires. Their names are Jacob (ironically enough) and Samantha. Obviously, they are a couple. I'm the odd one out. Which I am fine with because I only have one love and I prefer to wallow in my own misery. We are moving once again. Yes, it's back to Forks. F-ing Forks!

I have a power. I can cry and blush. I can also absorb the powers of my coven. It is very strange. ONLY the powers of my coven. So if we add another vampire to our coven I can get theirs too. But if one leaves the coven, I can no longer use it.

Jacob can teleport, but only to places in the town he is in. Sam can project thoughts into people's heads. It's pretty cool actually.

I have a after-school job already set up in Forks. I sing at the local bar. I just hope that I don't encounter the Cullens again. It's not that I hate them. I miss them so much that I don't know what I would do if I saw them again. I don't blame Jasper at all. I too had trouble in my newborn stage. I am a "vegetarian" as they would say. In 2 hours, I start Forks High School once again.

So what did you think? Please review! What do you think will happen? I'll tell you that yes she meets the Cullens again. They will appear shortly! But what will she do? =) Please send me title ideas!!
