Friends, Romans, fellow Tollie Fans...Lend me your ears, well I mean your eyes of course.

First and foremost, I want to apologize for my sincere lack of updates. Unfortunatly being a senior in high-school (only 41 days to go!), and prepping for college killed my time that I had intended to continue on this story. Life has an unfortunate way of doing things like that.

But never fear, I am not a quitter, never have been & never will, and I WILL at all costs continue this story! I definatly knew there were a few of you out there reading and reviewing, which I sincerly appreciate, especially the wannabe screenwriter/writer part of me, and I feel horrible that I've left you and those who've read but haven't reviewed, hanging.

So if you guys will hold on and have a little patience, though I know nearly three months of waiting has probably strained that thin, I will get Tess & Oliver's continuing romance back up to par! I'm including in this note, and praying that I haven't broken any rules, a small blurp of what might be the future for our lovely & powerful couple. I warn you, it's a bit on the depressing side, but I hope it makes up for my lack of updates. BTW, it by no means is what officially will happen in this story to them, though some of the concepts will be pulled over, I was just inspired awhile back and this was the result. [Warning: Character Death]

xoxo Green Arrow Girl (Your deeply apologetic "Winds of Destiny" author)

One Shot:

Tess pushed her hair over her shoulder, pulling her purse tighter against her before heading out the wide double doors.

"Good night Ms. Mercer," the security guard mumbled; she tossed a quick smile, and slowed her pace substantially.

"You too Jim."

Looking around, the night was eerily calm; at least compared to most Star City nights. It was hard to believe that three long years had passed since she'd left Metropolis. Three years since she'd given everything up that had been handed to her. She'd given up LuthorCorp, given up on Lex and anything they'd had, and for whatever dumb reason (blame it on the hormones), up and moved to Star City to have her baby; their baby. A smile crossed her face as she opened her cellphone, bright green eyes and a shock of blonde hair that was Christian Robert Queen staring back at her. To say that she'd been lucky to even survive nine months had been an understatement considering she'd nearly died having him. It was a cursed nightmare, to think that she'd almost died because of a mistake.

But, to say her mind and opinion had changed, he hadn't been a mistake. It had been fate; simply fate. She fumbled through her purse, snapping her phone shut with a sigh and began to quickly rummage through her purse for the keys. They should have been there, yet they continued to elude her fingertips.

"Little late for you to be away from you son, don't you think...Ms. Mercer?"

The cold voice echoed whiningly through the parking garage. She spun around partially in surprise.

"Or is it Queen now? The papers can't seem to make up their minds as to whether you've actually married the famous Oliver Queen or not. You're not wearing a that's probably a good sign."

The voice was too distinct; too fresh in her memory. Squinting through the darkness, she could barely make out his figure in the darkness.


"Glad to see I'm not forgotten in that traitorous mind of yours."

"I never betrayed you Lex; you did more than enough of that between the two of us."

He grinned; the moonlight creeping through an opening and reflecting off his bare head. It reflected off of something else; but she could hardly make it out.

"What do you want Lex?"

"What do I want," he murmured aloud, repeating her as he began slowly circling her like a lion ready to pounce upon its prey, "What I want is to know why you walked right back to the man that left you broken and defeated Tess? Don't think I know what happened, because, low and behold, everyone knows that Tess Mercer walked away from the biggest, and best might I say, investment of her life because she couldn't keep her legs closed around one playboy billionaire. How is your 3 year old spawn?"

Tess could barely bite her tongue; glaring, "Don't talk about him like that."

Another smirk; he was pushing her; pushing her buttons purposely, "Sorry I missed the invitation to his birthday; but I'm sure he gets everything his cute little heart desires."

"Honestly Lex; did you come all the way to Star City to taunt me?"

"There's my Tess; straight to the point."

She could hear the click and she could do nothing but gulp. Her fingers fumbled for her cell phone but his nodding as he stalked closer, sent a jolt of realization through her mind.

"Don't do this Lex. It's been three years. I did what I did because I had to."

"Survival of the fittest Tess; I'm sure you understand the concept. Something you, your son"s father, and I all share freely. The one thing we share I might add. Sometimes, we have to do what's best for business. Honestly, it's nothing personal..."


His arm rose in front of him, leaving her frozen in place despite the warmth radiating from the air around her, "Please..."

"I'm sorry...Mercy..."

The moments passed quickly as the echo of the discharged swarmed around her. Her eyes could barely dispense the pain as it quickly worked its way through her body. She dropped to the concrete, holding her chest all the while knowing that he'd hit exactly where he'd intended. Her cell phone fell from her grasp, opening. Christian's face stared back at her as she struggled to breathe.

A creak and the blasting of footsteps barely comprehended in her conscious until the gentle smell of leather crept through her conscious. A wave of nostalgia passed over her as he tightly clutched her chest, the blood spilling freely from the wound. He said nothing, but through the modifier, she could sense his panic through his labored breathing. A smile crept across her face as her hand reached up; she shakily removed the sunglasses that barely concealed his real identity.

"Always...playing white knight?"

He looked down on her, lines of concern and fear echoed brightly through the darkness, "Only because you always need rescuing."

She could feel him preparing to lift her; jog her off to salvation, but the warmth spreading from the wound let her tense muscles relax, "Don't Oliver," she whispered, every ounce of desperation, and fear, seemingly washing away, "Just...don't let go."

"Tess you need..."

"I know," she whispered, her voice fading lightly in her throat, "I know."

Her hand gently tugged him closer, and he followed her signal, "Keep him safe; take care of him Oliver...please, promise me."



His eyes were glassy; far more than she liked, "I promise Mercy."

"Good," she sighed, the energy washing away in waves, "...good."

One last smirk escaped her lips as he pulled her tighter against him, her head resting in his lap as he brushed her hair gently from her face with the gentle leather.

"Hang on Mercy. Hang on for Christian," he whispered; choking out the words under his modifier's capability, "You can't leave"

She smiled her last gaze upon his soft features as she weakly let a hand tread across his features until it came to a rest against his chest, where his heart rested, "...always here," she whispered, as a tender warmth enveloped her into the most comfortable sleep of her life. Fate had brought them together on that island, for her to save him and for him to save her; just as it had brought them Chris three years prior. It had been fate that here, in his arms, in the arms of her hero, her savior, the father of the most wonderful little three year old ever, and the man that she never could seem to get rid of...that she would die.