I swung my hand at the bulking Eraser. Of course, this was a new version. It dodged my pathetic attempt and grabbed me.

"Let go of me, right NOW, you bastard!" I screamed angrily. He kept walking (or she, you never know) until he hit the cage room. He stuffed me in my size medium cage and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

Now I was alone. The cages next to me were empty, of course. Envy swept through my body like a tornado. Those betrayers. They escaped with Jeb and left me here to rot. I was going to get out of here, no matter what it takes. I am not going to die at age eleven in a hellhole where I was tested on for a so-called 'better cause'.

I tried to close my eyes, when a whitecoat walked in. He opened the cage and took me out, swinging me over his shoulder like I was a sack.

"Ugh! Let go of me!" I screeched, hitting his back.

"No, Max." he dropped me, but still held on to my shoulders. Then I got a good look at his face, and I gasped. "I'm here to rescue you." Jeb said.

"Jeb!" I gasped.

"The flock ran away from me, don't know why. I forgot about you when we escaped. I'm sorry, please forgive me."

"Jeb…" I said again. I was in a daze. "Gone?"

He understood what I meant to say. "Yes, Max, they are gone. But I can rescue you. You can live with me and your mom and your sister."

"Mom? Sister?" I asked, still in a daze.

"Yes, Ella and Valencia (Dr. Martinez's first name incase you didn't know). She is a doctor, she makes good money and we could live a normal life."

I considered the possibilities. Why did the flock run away? Did Jeb do something bad? What if I went with him and ran away, to go find the flock?

"O- okay." I said. I had chosen my decision and I would stick with it.

Jeb smiled. "Okay, let's go."

We walked across the hall. When we got out, I looked at the sky. It was nighttime. Perfect. But first, I needed some answers.

"Why did they run, Jeb?" I asked in a sweet voice.

He hesitated. "I don't know."


"Jesus! Iggy!" Fang yelled. Iggy came running into the room.

"Look at this! All of these papers…" Fang dug through a stack of papers he had found in Jeb's room. "Do you know about this?" He held a paper up to his face.

"I can't see, idiot." Iggy said.

"Oh. Right." He blushed, happy Iggy didn't see. "It says; ITEX. Twenty experiments have been abandoned at the Institute. Please take and give to the Itex branch in Germany, and dispose of them immediately. Experiments seven through eleven have escaped, and only one avian hybrid, experiment six, is left. Destroy all experiments except for Erasers. Send them out to destroy avian hybrids." Fang read it aloud.

"Are they talking about us?" Iggy asked.

"I think so. And Max." Fang felt a wave of guilt. He missed Max. Iggy looked sad at the name also, and Fang regretted bringing it up.

"Okay. Any more?"

Fang dug through some more.

"Oh my go." He said, reading a paper.


"This paper… It says that they have…" Fang stopped.

"What, Fang?" Iggy said angrily.

"Max had been programmed to find us and kill us. The operation for it was yesterday, and they are sending her out today."