BloodyLove: I DID!!
Me: YAY! I'M LOVED!! Wait, who're you?
BloodyLove: I'm Kunoichi Sedona! I just changed my name to TheBloodyLoveofSakuraHaruno. Like it?
Me: I do. Very original.
Me: Right. Anyway, welcome to New Beginnings after Broken Endings: Sequel to A Love Meant to be!! And here's some info about it. This is a prologue chapter, so it will be ridculously short. And, I NOW ACCEPT FLAMES!!
BloodyLove: But last story you didn't.
Me: That was because I forgot my bag of marshmallows. I mean, you CAN'T have a fire without roasting marshmallows.
BloodyLove: Ah, I see.
Disclaimer: The day I own Naruto is the day Sasuke's hair doesn't remind me of a duck's butt. And since that seems like it will never happen, it seems like I'm not owning Naruto anytime soon.
He ran through the empty streets of the Uchiha district. The massacre only happened a few hours ago, and it already began to smell like death and destruction.
"Got to get away. I have to live!" Sasuke thought, running past the bodies of his family. "I've got to escape him." He stopped when he saw the silhouette of Itachi standing in front of him.
"Please don't kill me!" he begged, tears running down his face.
"Foolish little brother. You're too weak to even consider killing." He said coldly. Sasuke froze on the spot. He hadn't expected him to do this.
"You're too weak to kill. And do you want to know why you're weak?" he asked mockingly. "It's because you lack hatred."
"Wh-what?" he stuttered.
"Foster your hatred for me. Let my death be your goal for living. And then when you are strong enough, we shall fight to the end," he said, "Until then Sasuke." He then disappeared into the night, leaving a hurt and alone Sasuke to fend for himself.
Sasuke shot up in bed, breathing heavily from the dream.
"That dream. I've had it before, but never so vivid." He thought, staring at his shaking hand.
"Mmm…Sasuke, what's wrong?" mumbled a voice next to him. He looked down and saw that his girlfriend of three years had woken up and was staring up at him with her beautiful jade eyes.
"It's nothing Sakura. Now go back to sleep." He said, running his fingers through her pink locks.
She smiled sleepily as she settled back into the sheets. "Mmm 'kay Sasuke." She said, and drifted back to sleep. He watched her sleeping form as she breathed in and out deeply. He sighed and went back to his thoughts.
"She said that she'd tell me when Itachi came close," he thought. He looked out the window into the night sky filled with stars. "Does this dream mean that he's close?"
"Meow?" asked Shine.
She sighed. "I know that Shine. But there's so much more to be done before that can happen." She said, getting out of her meditative position. She turned and entered the apartment of Naruto Uzumaki, smiling as she remembered that he said that she could stay there while he was away with Jiraiya.
"Things are gonna get really interesting when you return Naruto." She thought, closing the door to the balcony.
A/N: Well, hope you enjoyed the prologue!
BloodyLove: I did! I did! Can you tell me what's gonna happen next?
Me: No.
BloodyLove: Why not?
Me: Because if I told you, then it would ruin it for everybody else. So no.
BloodyLove: Okay then. Should we wrap this up?
Me: Yeah probably. Alrighty then, stay tuned for the next chapter of the sequel! Also, unlike before, I will now only update ONE chapter per weekend. So just bear with me on it. Well, until next time, JAA MATA!!