A/N Hey guys! This is a Mush centric Christmas drabble. I was thinking about the poem 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, and I knew that I wanted to write something for Mush week, and this was born. I don't own anything but the idea- the poem belongs to someone who has a lot more money and is much more creative than me, and I should be getting the rights to Newsies for Christmas, but until then, they still aren't mine. :P Enjoy!

"Hey fellas, what da ya wanna do?" Jack called out. "Yeah, it's Christmas Eve. Let's party!" Les said from in a corner of the bunk room. "Hey Mush, why don' cha tell us dat Christmas rhyme of yours?" Bummelts said from the bunk above my head. Everyone in the room agreed, so I got up and started to speak.

The Newsies were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of newspapers danced in their heads.

With Klopmann in his blanket, and I in my cap,
had just settled our selves down for a long winter's chat.

When out on the roof there arose such a clatter,
We jumped from our seats to see what was the matter.

Up to the window I flew in a flash
And opened it up with a great mighty crash.

The moon on the pile of still white snow
gave shelter to the Newsie below,

Once we were gone who should appear,
But Brooklyn himself filled with holiday cheer.

With little noise, but done up right quick,
He brought in some toys, some knacks and a knick.

With gusto he yelled and started the game,
He whistled and shouted and called us by name:

Spot ordered the Brookies to pass out the gifts,
And they passed them all out. They passed them right quick.

We laughed and we chatted and had a great time
And they all started yelling a rhyme.

"Santa Claus came and Santa Claus went
This had been the best Christmas yet!"

But this made me sad for they did not see
That Christmas was not about you nor me

It wasn't about getting material things,
But understanding the joy that Jesus brings

So I called them all out and said "Have a seat"
They slowly sat down, they felt kinda beat

They said, "Mush what chou thinkin'?
We was just goin' to get back to sleepin'!"

I told them to hush and to listen up well
For I had a mighty important story to tell

I told of a star and the wise men three
Of mangers and children in a land with few trees

I told them of Christmas when Christ was born
The story went on to the wee hours of the morn

And when I was done with the story I said
Merry Christmas to all, now go back to bed!

"That was great Mush!" several boys called out from around the room. "Tanks guys!" I said, blushing a little bit. Even Spot said that it was a good story. "Now seriously, go to bed!" I said with a laugh. Filled with the warmth of laughter, love and a bizillion kids, we all slept well on that snowy Christmas night.

Please review!!!