Title: You Bring It Out In Me

Pairing: Cuddy x Thirteen

Rating: M (to be on the safe side for later chapters)

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, sorry to say!

A/N: This is my first shot at a Cuddy x Thirteen pairing, so be nice! :) And reviews help me update faster, so keep 'em coming! ;-)


Lisa Cuddy really didn't know much about Remy Hadley, other than the fact that she was a good doctor…and…well…very beautiful, to say the least. While House was up to his usual tricks with his orientation group, with trying to steal her panties and playing games around the hospital to see which people he should keep or fire, Cuddy saw Thirteen the least out of everyone that tried to get her involved in House's games. It was usually Amber or Taub that approached her. Amber especially. God, Cuddy couldn't stand her! It was a relief when she found out today that House fired her. Cuddy didn't need another doctor with cunning wiliness running around the hospital. Dealing with House was enough for any Dean to deal with. She was especially angry with him when he let Thirteen go. Something had to be done about that. Cuddy's feet took her quickly to the lecture hall just down the hall from the clinic. She was unsure on what made her move so fast, but there was one thing that ran through her head—for some reason, she couldn't handle not seeing Thirteen again. Just today when House wanted his brain biopsy on the punk rocker Jimmy Quidd and brought his four team members in to throw her answer 'no' in her face and make her feel guilty about it, she noticed Thirteen. It was so hard not to. Even though she really wasn't sure on her feelings for Thirteen, she knew that Thirteen being hired here would be a start. Maybe then will she get her thoughts together and come up with an answer for herself. Cuddy never felt strong feelings for anyone before, male or female. The closest she's ever come to experiencing such feelings is back when she was at Michigan and had a crush on House. Even presently, she thought she had feelings for House, but her feelings that were developing out of the blue for Thirteen took over her rational thought process without her say and pushed House out of the way. Just what was it about her anyway that she saw? Thirteen was only twenty-three and fresh out of med school for only about three months now. She was practically half Cuddy's age! So what did a forty-four year old see in someone like her? That was the big question that floated in Cuddy's mind. Maybe it was only her looks. Thirteen had the most amazing shaped eyes, if that made any sense! That's the first thing she noticed about the woman. And then second, her smile…her eye color…her body…That's all she could really go on. After all, Cuddy didn't know about her. House had the files on his team. Cuddy never got a hold of them. She only knew what he told her, which wasn't much. As far as Cuddy knew, Thirteen wasn't seeing anyone, but had quite a life when not working. House said she parties for most of the night. Cuddy didn't know with whom, but now that she thought of it, it did make her kind of jealous. A part of her wanted to be the one she goes out partying or clubbing with after hours. Even though Cuddy never did any of those things, at least not recently, it might be fun doing it with Thirteen. To the younger generation, clubbing was practically a second nature. Once she got to know Thirteen better, she'd have to consider inviting herself sometime.

"Oh, god, get it together, Lisa!" Cuddy scolded herself in a murmur just before she threw the lecture hall door open. If House didn't hire Thirteen, Cuddy would. Either way, she's coming back. Now the trick with House was to not make her sound eager to get Thirteen back, otherwise he'll suspect something and tease her about it until she confesses the truth. That's the last thing House needed to know was his boss having a small girl crush on someone from his orientation group!

House was in the lecture hall alone, sitting on the desk with his hands folded in his lap. Cuddy almost hated to interrupt him while he looked so deep in thought, but he'd just have to get over it.

"What the hell did you do?" she asked, throwing her hands out to the side, trying her hardest not to sound too angry. Somehow, she had a feeling she failed miserably.

House also held his hands out to the side, acting innocent. "You told me to hire Kutner and Taub."

"Because I knew you wouldn't!"

"Oops." The look on his face showed guilt, but he was far from it.

"I can't let you hire two men." Cuddy slowly walked down the coliseum style steps, stepping closer to him.

"Now that is sexist."

"You've already got Foreman," she said, sounding saddened that she brought Foreman back onto his team.

"Is he a dude?"

"Hire a woman, too." Cuddy stepped down the few final steps to reach House.

"Hire two women?"

"You can have the one who gives a crap about people." Now, they were face to face. She hoped that House would get the hint on who she wanted back on his team.

"They both did."

"Right. Hire Thirteen." Cuddy had no choice but to say it. She said it with the least amount of enthusiasm she could come up with. House couldn't see that the only reason Cuddy wanted the young doctor back at the hospital was so that she could be eye candy.

Cuddy took the silence as a positive. Trusting him to do it, she turned around and walked back up the stairs. Suddenly, it dawned on her. He only went along with her request to hire Kutner and Taub so he could get another team member!

"This was your plan all along," she said, feeling she had been tricked yet again by House. She turned to him half way up the stairs was greeted by a smirk. Yep…he conned her again! Cuddy chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Well, at least the games are over."

"How long have you known me?"

She should've seen it coming. But it didn't matter. Thirteen would be coming back and it felt like the weight had been lifted off Cuddy's shoulders. Even though House tricked her once more, it all seemed to be made up in the end.

"I'll call her," Cuddy offered before leaving the room.

Before heading back to her office, Cuddy took a detour to the filing office. She was preparing to leave for the day, but had to call Thirteen before heading out. Just her luck, Thirteen would already have had another job lined up and tomorrow would be too late to call her. It had to be now.

Cuddy easily got a hold of her file and took it back to her office, peeking into it on the way. All she knew about Thirteen before opening the file was her name and age. Now, she saw vivid details on her schooling, transcripts, degrees, her parent's names, and even her social security number. Cuddy smiled inside. "I feel like a stalker," she mused to herself. The feeling didn't bother her.

Her heart leapt when there was a mug shot of Thirteen towards the back. It was the picture taken of her for her photo ID badge, only here it was about the size of a 5x7. She was tempted to take the picture out of the folder and keep it for herself.

Oh, it's just a little crush! I'm allowed! Cuddy thought to herself when her mind started to scold her for thinking these thoughts. However, crushes could go a mile and lead to so much more, positive or negative. Cuddy suddenly felt down on herself, as if she wasn't good enough for Thirteen. Cuddy's had plenty of dates in the past and not once did she think of herself not good enough for them. Here she was, just merely calling Thirteen to hire her back and she still felt like she wasn't good enough. What's the worst that could happen over the phone? Thirteen could say she was sorry and that she already had something else lined up, or she could be eternally grateful and thank Cuddy until she was blue in the face. Cuddy hoped for door number two, or something remotely close to it.

Cuddy picked up the phone, hands trembling slightly. Her skin suddenly grew hot and tingly and her throat went dry. She was nervous about making a simple phone call! God, Thirteen must be something special if this was all it took for the dean of medicine to shake in her shoes.

Cuddy dialed Thirteen's number slowly, trying hard not to press an incorrect button as she looked back and forth between the phone and the file. Usually she was great with numbers and could memorize a phone number after only looking at it once for two seconds. Not this time.

When the other line started ringing, Cuddy could feel her heart thudding against the walls of her chest. No matter how much she tried to contain herself, she failed miserably. Trying to talk would be the worst. Who knew that putting a simple sentence together, like, "Is this Remy Hadley?" would be so difficult. Cuddy put more syllables in that sentence than necessary and kicked herself mentally when it was Thirteen who answered the phone.

"Dr. Cuddy?" Thirteen questioned, recognizing her voice.

Damn! Too late to hang up now…

Cuddy let a pause flow between them. It was most uncomfortable at her end. Her mind screamed at her to say something, but nothing wanted to roll off her tongue, except for small utters.

"…Is everything okay?" Thirteen asked, most definitely frowning.

"Yes…of course," Cuddy said, finally able to speak. "Um…t-the reason I called, Dr. Hadley, is…" Damn it Lisa! What's wrong with you?! Cuddy was tripping up again."…House has room for one more on the team and I was wondering…if you didn't have anything lined up…you'd want to return."

"But I thought he only had room for three?"

"I bent the rules."

"Did he actually say he wanted me back? I don't want to work there for a day and find out that I'm fired again."

Cuddy shook her head, as if they were speaking face to face. "I won't let that happen, Dr. Hadley."

Thirteen sighed. This time, it was her turn to pause.

"Remy, hon, what's taking so long?" came a female voice from a distance on the other end.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were busy," Cuddy said, immediately apologizing, but at the same time, wondered who was calling her 'hon' from the next room.

"No, no, it's okay. Yes, I'll come back. Besides, I'd never be able to find a job that good anywhere else."

Cuddy chuckled, but it was mostly made up of air coming from her nose.

"Thank you," Cuddy said, without thinking. She quickly continued before Thirteen could question why she was thanking her. "Come see me in my office tomorrow morning at eight."

"Okay, Dr. Cuddy. I should be the one thanking you."

Cuddy smiled. They both said their goodbyes and hung up. Cuddy was thrilled that Thirteen was coming back, but not knowing the person in the other room was bothering her. She was positive Thirteen had friends, but the voice on that one sounded firm and gentle at the same time. It wasn't a voice friends use towards one another. And when Thirteen said 'she can wait,' it raised some suspicion with Cuddy the more she thought about it. And now that the subject was up, Thirteen did seem odd. Her breathing was a bit hurried. Cuddy couldn't help but wonder what made her that way.

After that, Cuddy left the hospital to go home. The entire time, she thought about Thirteen. It was hard not to. It was safe to say at this point that Lisa Cuddy was officially obsessed. And the sad part was, she didn't feel like this yesterday, or this morning for that matter. It happened when House brought the team into her office this afternoon. Every time her name so much as crossed Cuddy's mind, her heart would flutter.

Cuddy let out a growl of frustration. "I'm straight!" she said aloud, gripping the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles turned white. She was almost sure that Thirteen was also. Even if she wasn't, there's no way she would find a forty-four year old woman attractive, even though Cuddy was most definitely attractive, inside and out.

Cuddy then made up her mind. She would hold in her feelings for the young woman, even if it made her crazy in the end. It's better that Thirteen didn't know her feelings rather than be disgusted that she did.

Cuddy let out a long sigh. Hopefully this crush will dissipate as fast as it came on…


"You're not really going to go back to work for that jerk, are you? You said so yourself that you were going to quit."

"I changed my mind," Thirteen said, getting out of bed and donning a robe. "I liked working for House."

"Is that where your mind was?" Her lover propped herself up onto her elbows. "You weren't concentrating on me."

Thirteen sighed and brushed her hair with her fingers. "Sorry. I have a lot of things going on." Thirteen paused near the mirror.

"Like what?"

"Like…work. We have to stay one step ahead of House."

Her lover slithered out of bed and walked up behind Thirteen, snaking her arms around her waist from behind and leaning in to kiss her neck. "Does this mean you're not going to have any time for me?"

Thirteen sighed inaudibly. Everything was always about her.

"I liked it better when you thought you were fired," she pouted. "I didn't feel so left out."

Even though Thirteen was unsatisfied in her relationship, Lexi really knew how to please her. She knew exactly where her ticklish spots were and the spots that drove her begging for more. Lexi's aim right now was to get her begging for more. Thirteen's insides burned as Lexi nipped at her neck, taking the skin in between her teeth ever so gently and then kissing the spot lightly afterward. Thirteen arched her neck involuntarily and let out a gentle whimper.

"I knew you wanted me, Remy," Lexi whispered gently into her ear before running the tip of her tongue gently around the edge.

Evidently, two rounds with her wasn't good enough. Even though Lexi was the perfect lover who knew exactly what she was doing in every way possible, Thirteen turned her down. Lexi looked insulted when Thirteen stepped away and told her no.

"What's the problem? We make love for hours every night and you're telling me no. Are you seeing someone else?"

Thirteen drew her brows closer together at this accusation. "No, of course not."

"Because you haven't been into me all night. I was doing most of the work."

Thirteen shook her head and apologized to her lover once more. Evidently, Lexi didn't want to hear it.

"Stop apologizing to me!" she yelled, getting angry. "I can take a hint. If you want to break up, tell me now so I can leave you to whatever the hell it is that's more important than me."

Thirteen's mouth dropped at how quickly her girlfriend's attitude changed. "Lexi, is everything all about sex with you? Why can't we just watch a movie or go somewhere together, or hell, play a freakin' board game for a change?"

A huge frown came to Lexi's face. "Board game? What are you, eight?" She scoffed and hurried to collect her clothes before putting them on, piece by piece.

"If you knew anything about me, you would know that board games are my favorite because of the happiness they brought me as a child being with my mom. But you don't care about me or my interests. You only care about yourself."

Thirteen watched her clothe herself. She had feelings for Lexi, but her self-centeredness and constant need to fulfill her own needs bothered her. They've been going together for six months and every night, it's always the same thing. Lexi would come over to her place and they would jump into bed. In the morning, Lexi would be gone, sometimes before Thirteen woke up, sometimes after. It's as if Thirteen was being taken out of the closet for one thing and being shoved back in there after that one thing was finished. Lexi never wanted to go to the mall or out for a drive. The only place she wanted to go was to a bar to check out other women, even if Thirteen was with her. Thirteen would tell herself that this wasn't a healthy relationship, but never had the courage to break it off…until now. Now, she had a reason. She liked someone else.

"Board games are for kids and I'm sorry Remy, but I'm not into what kids like. I'm into people who want what I want," she said, throwing her jean jacket on.

"As am I," Thirteen countered.

Lexi wrestled with her long platinum blonde hair and threw it up in a messy bun, never missing the opportunity to scowl at Thirteen. "You're only breaking up with me because you have a thing for your boss."

"I never said anything about breaking up with you, Lexi. You're the one calling me a kid and rushing out of here to find someone to lay you for the rest of the night!" Thirteen said, louder than expected. She was actually defending herself in a relationship she wanted to see die. "I was happy with what we had, but I'm sorry if I don't like around the clock sex like you do! Other things run my life!"

"What, other things like the great Lisa Cuddy?!" Lexi yelled, stepping closer.

"I never said that!" Thirteen grew defensive.

"You don't have to say it, Remy; it's written all over your face! For the first four months we were together, I know you made love to me and only me. Now, the only reason you've been sleeping with me ever since you started working at your stupid job two months ago was so that you could see her face and picture her moaning your name instead of me! Do you honestly think I wouldn't notice your eyes always being closed or wanting to do it in the dark?"

"You know what, just get out of my house," Thirteen said, sounding surprisingly calm for someone who was the brunt of a huge accusation. "Go to a bar and find someone who will fill my shoes, because I don't want to hear this anymore."

Lexi looked insulted by that. She stuck her hands to her hips. "Someone that will fill your shoes?"

"Don't act so surprised. You do it all the time when you don't get what you want out of me. Now shouldn't be any different. Since you're so sure that I have a crush on my boss, why would you even want to stay with me?"

"Because I love you!" Lexi said, a little louder than she was shooting for. "And no I don't run to someone after I leave here, lack of sex or not."

"I saw you," Thirteen said, voice breaking up. Her eyes could no longer stay connected to Lexi's. She either looked past her or stared at the ground. "I followed you one morning to see where you go. You went to your ex girlfriend's house."

Lexi's eyes were wide. "I did not!"

Thirteen sighed, followed by a nod. "You did. Denying it won't change anything. It's still over."

Lexi was hurt. Nothing she could say would change Thirteen's mind.

"So now you are saying you want to break up with me," she said. It was her turn for the cracked voice. She immediately brushed a tear away from her eye. Her eyes begged Thirteen to change her mind. "Are you just saying this because of your boss?"

"I'm saying it because you broke my heart, Lexi," Thirteen said. "You broke it one too many times and I can't handle it anymore. I've tolerated your self-centeredness for the past six months, but seeing you with your ex was the final straw."

"Remy, come on, that's not why you're breaking up with me. You'll never stand a chance with the stupid bitch!" Lexi threw her arms out. She tried so hard to get through to Thirteen. "No one could ever love you like I do!"

"If you loved me, you would never have lied to me about your ex. And Cuddy has nothing to do with my decision."

Lexi shook her head with disgust. "You're lecturing me about lying and you just did it to me. Fucking hypocrite," she spat and left Thirteen's apartment, slamming the door behind her. Thirteen cringed a head of time, knowing the door would slam.

She did want to break up with Lexi for a while now, but didn't have the heart until she had a firm reason to, other than the fact that the only time she ever wanted to be around her was when she wanted sex. Even if her crush on Cuddy was a lost cause, at least it was healthier than what Lexi put her through emotionally.

Thirteen brushed a tear from her eye, but it was useless to try to keep up, for more followed. Her heart weighted a ton. Instead of going back into the bedroom, she planned to sleep on the couch. It was too painful to sleep in her bed. Lexi was wonderful until she started the orientation at Princeton-Plainsboro. She actually gave a damn about Thirteen's interests and wellbeing. That was entire four months worth of love, tears, comfort, and friendship. It started falling apart on Thirteen's end when she met Cuddy. She stopped paying attention to Lexi the way she used to and that's when Lexi became all about herself. She pushed their relationship by giving her all the sex she could ask for, because Lexi figured that's what she was missing. It didn't take Thirteen long to realize that it wasn't Lexi's fault at all. Lexi was only reacting the way any true and honest girlfriend would act. She wanted to save their relationship by giving Thirteen her all. When all became too much, Lexi needed a change of scenery, so she went to her ex girlfriend's house to get away.

Thirteen laid her head down on the velvet red couch pillow and pulled the fleece blanket up to her chin. A shiver coursed through her body, but not because she was cold, but because the truth was now becoming painfully real. She hurt Lexi, all because of something that would never happen in a trillion years. And to make matters worse…she had to see Cuddy in the morning.


A/N: Like it? Hate it? Should I continue? Let me know! :-D