Before we get started, I wanted to remind everyone I have not written anything in a while. I just haven't felt inspired. Therefore my other two fics (not KHR related) are on a permanent hiatus until I feel like producing good stuff for them again. Now I have never done a one-shot/drabble thing like this before. It will not be updated frequently, only when I have the time and inspiration to do so. The rating may change depending on how graphic I feel like getting as I continue on here. Please do not flame either if you do not like boy x boy pairings either. Now... Please feel free to enjoy!
Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Pairing: X27 – Xanxus x Tsuna
Prompt: Furious
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 1,500 ish?
Warnings: Maybe a swear word and hinting at sex
Author Notes: First time writing KHR at all, let alone some X27. I haven't written anything at all in almost a year, so please be gentle. I might be out of practice.
They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Someone may be able to control their movements and various quirks, manipulating them to said person's own advantage. Even facial expressions can be hidden under a mask. Even masks have holes for which the eyes are to peer through. They cannot be hidden or manipulated – for there is no muscle to control. The eyes are crystal clear glass and are free, or cursed, to be able to display the emotions that threaten to bubble to the surface. This view may be obstructed in some places, but there is always a moment of clarity…
Xanxus knew this all too well. He had seen the fear or worry in the eyes of his victims as he and the rest of the Varia completed their missions in the past. Many times he could see which of the men that were slain by his team, and sometimes even himself, cowards and then which were noble. Xanxus disliked the weak ones, showing their remorse and whatnot so easily. The leader took advantage of such things, going so far as to predict movements from his targets before they fell in a pool of their own blood. It was for this reason that he had worked especially hard over the years to have an unreadable expression forever etched into his own features. To be like this meant that no one would be able to play him based on his emotions.
Yet he wasn't able to hide everything. Xanxus was a victim to fits of rage. It was in these moments that everything spilled through, enhanced by those radiant eyes of crimson. Wrath… Fury… These were his sins, his weakness. Though the man had long ago taken these and bent them to his will through his Dying Will Flame. The Varia leader was a forced to be reckoned with in normal conditions, but he was calamity waiting to happen once his blood started pumping. He was an uncontrollable force, continuing his assault until satiated.
He would yell and scream. His voice would echo the different hallways and make others cringe. Xanxus' infamous fits would make the entire estate on edge, and repair bills rise. The man would throw things, no matter the price. Even his own team would be wary of their actions, for the slightest thing would set their boss off. They didn't want to add any fuel to the fire and prolong the festering, seething rage that was Xanxus. His wrath, much like his flame, could continue on growing and become like a fire spreading through a forest: unstoppable. Those ruby eyes, when rage consumed them, could strike fear into anyone's heart. He enjoyed that fearful expression in his enemies' eyes when his temperament was in this state.
This was a reason why he took delight in his battle with Tsuna those many years ago. That boy was an open book. He hid nothing from anyone. Immediately the Varia leader knew that it was he that rightfully deserved the title of the Tenth Boss. A boss shouldn't be so weak as to let himself be so vulnerable. Tsuna was the polar opposite of himself in every way. He had been trained to kill; this boy had lived an easy life safe from all harm. Xanxus was a well-built man, a soldier through and through. Tsuna was a slender teenager, lean and completely lacking in any sort of athletic ability. It was Xanxus that was fairly decent in tactics. Tsuna could barely pass his classes at school. He had every edge that this little boy did not. The leader was the one to strike fear into people's hearts, while this boy just cowered and whined to Reborn about the safety of his friends and not wanting to participate. How could this child even remotely be suited for the role that he didn't even want?
Though it was Xanxus who had lost in the end of the ring battles, having to submit everything; He had to give up his desire. He had lost to those eyes of the next mafia boss. Much like his own demeanor underwent a change, so had Tsuna. The moment that the boy had switched into Hyper Dying Will mode, everything shifted. His movements were calculated, not random. This boy with the brown hair had become an immovable object, an iron-clad wall emitting around his soul. Nothing could shake his core, or if it had no one would be able to tell. Those eyes, so normally full of life and whatever Tsuna was feeling at the moment all but vanished, fading into those brilliant orange hues that betrayed nothing. They were the color of fire, but as cold and ruthless as ice.
When two fires connect, it releases a devastating force. It makes the flames twice as hard to put out in the end. Though the brighter and hotter a fire burns, the quicker it is to die out. One can be burned by flame and instantly tell that they had been injured. Someone can tell when the flames have died down enough to approach it. This was Xanxus.
It took him a few years observing the child to understand Tsuna. When he would get mad, he would kick and flail around just like anyone would. His guardians didn't seem to fear him in the least. This confused Xanxus greatly, irritating him to no end. He personally had seen what the new boss was capable of doing, how dangerous this child really was. Yet no one rightfully chose to be respectful, not that Xanxus was one to talk in the least.
All the confusion died one night when he finally experienced Tsuna's true wrath. His guardians had been fighting amongst each other, the Varia only making matters worse. All of the sudden Xanxus, who had wanted no part in the squabbling at all, felt the hairs on his neck rise. His crimson orbs immediately settled on the Tenth, brows rising slightly. The young man, for he really couldn't have been called a child at this point, was silent. There was no kicking, no flailing, nothing. When he stood, all eyes fell on him. Everything simply went as quiet as the grave. A chill even descended upon the room and Xanxus could have sworn that he felt the slight prickling of goose bumps forming on his flesh. Tsuna's eyes appeared to be very much the same as that time that he fought Xanxus, cold and emotionless. With a simple action, the whole room was his stage.
Tsuna spoke to them all then. His voice didn't waver with bits of emotion lacing his words. Far from it. They were hard and almost monotone. The Tenth didn't yell, didn't scream. He merely spoke, almost to the point of were Xanxus would have to strain to be able to hear everything that the young man had to say. Yet everyone heard him perfectly. Once done with his little berating speech, he just left. Xanxus's eyes, widened, followed his boss as he left, leaving a stunned room in his wake. He off-handedly heard one of the guardians comment about "Jyuudaime being furious" with all of them. Everything clicked together in the Varia leader's head then. He now understood that once brat.
Ice is just as dangerous as fire, but in a different light. The cold service can be transparent; showing what is on the other side, but unmoving. It doesn't consume anything or feed off of anything to be, to exist. Ice doesn't even really grow, but it can spread. Freezing is a slow process, starting from the outside in until the object is completely still. Thawing is also like this, the core remaining cold the longest. When one is harmed by the cold, it cannot be felt. They may be able to see the affects that it has, but cannot feel the process happening. One cannot even really approach ice, for even the cold water left behind in the melting process is cold to the touch. It takes time for the waters to warm. This is Tsuna's true wrath.
This was very much the case. None of the guardians, or anyone else for that matter, approached Tsuna for days, or if they did then they acted as if they were treading on thin ice. It didn't matter how much the little boss reverted back into his normal, half dazed self. Perhaps it was in fear of getting that cold glance again, hiding everything behind those orange orbs.
Xanxus and Tsuna were opposites in every way imaginable. This was why the man couldn't understand the younger male and loathed him from his every fiber of existence. Yet it was also what drew the violent leader of the Varia to the compassionate Vongola boss.
It was an argument that first caused the sudden attack of lips against each other. Xanxus or Tsuna didn't know who had initiated the contact in the first place. Nor were they able to remember what had first spurred the little fight to begin with. From there it only escalated into a rather heated situation. Both men were a mere tangle of limbs and bed sheets in the hours following. Clothes had been ripped and torn, discarded in that office that was connected to Tsuna's room.
Fire and ice are opposites of each other. One gives off heat and the other sucks heat away. Fire cannot move past ice and ice can be undone by flame. While fire can melt away at ice, the water that results from this action also prevents the fire from growing and may very well put it out in the process if not attended to. Fire and ice… Ice and fire… They undo each other. This is Xanxus and Tsuna together.
Please feel free to review!~