-MoonxStar-: Erm, Hello to all my readers *waves awkwardly*

Tenten: *Eye-roll* Just get on with it

-MoonxStar-: *Sigh* well, as you can probably tell, I haven't updated the story in quite a while...

Sakura: Yeah right! It's been over a year, A FREAKING YEAR

-MoonxStar-: Um *shrinks back* Sorry?

Ino: * Pats Sakura* Calm down pinky, let the author finish what she's saying

-MoonxStar-: Um, *gulps* I'm discontinuing the story *hides under table, then peaks* I'm really, really sorry guys, You guys are great but I just don't have any motivation for the story. *cries* I might continue the story at some point, but thats a BIG might. And I can guarantee it won't be for a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. *hangs head* I'm really sorry.