Erik gathered me up in his arms; his lips still connected to mine and lied me gently down on my bed. My hands grabbed at his neck, pulling him even closer to me. My fingers were tangled in his shaggy brown hair, and my mind went blank. I forgot about everything in this world; Roaul, Meg, Md. Giry, Carlotta, the opera, all the danger. None of that mattered to me at the moment. All that I could think about desperately I wanted and needed Erik in my life.

And I thought about how I knew that he felt the same way. I could feel when he touched, or when I was in his arms. I felt as though we were the only two people left in the world. How I wish that could be true.

A giggle escaped my lips just from the sure happiness that I felt. Erik stopped and looked at me strangely. "Am I doing something wrong?" He asked very concerned. I giggled even more. I was almost giddy. Although I had no idea what I was doing in this moment, which kept me giggling like a school girl.

"God no," I said almost breathlessly, "It's just that I'm so happy. But..." I trailed off, becoming slightly flustered because I really didn't have a clue what I was doing. Truth was, I've never been with anyone. The closest I've ever gotten was at a Christmas ball where Sean, another work boy, kissed me under the mistletoe. That was two years ago. I had no idea what I was doing then, just like I had no idea what I was doing now. It was all so crazy and beautiful. I just wanted it to be perfect for Erik.

"But?" He prompted, bringing back to the reality of the situation. I bit my lip.

"But," I started, trying to find the right words, "I've never done this before." I said it so quietly that I didn't think he actually heard me. He gave me another strange look, and then sighed.

"Christine," He said taking my face so I was looking straight in his eyes, "It's new to me too, and I'm so glad it's new with you. You are my everything. I want this to be perfect and I'm scared too. So if you're not comfortable-"

"No!" I interjected, almost exasperatedly, "I mean this is what I want too. I just don't want to…" I trailed off again.

"Just don't want to what?" He asked me, studying my worried face in the dark. "Oh," He breathed, "I get it." He smiled at me, making me feel a whirlwind of emotions.

"Really?" I asked quietly. He nodded.

"Yes," he smiled, "But you're wrong. I told you that I've never done this before. Remember, I've been on the run for the past three years. So how could I?" He finished with his signature warm velvet laugh. It never failed to make my heart melt, and I felt so much better. Instead responding with my words, I kissed him instead, showing him that was doing everything right. That he was everything right for me.

And I had him and nothing could take him away from me here in my arms, tangled in the sheets of my bed. This moment where our bodies intertwined in a passion I have never felt before. It was just him and I in the dark together and nothing else mattered in the world, because after this moment, I had no idea what the outside world held for us. For all I know, this could be my last night with him.