Summary: After a bad break up with her boyfriend of almost 2 years Bella decides to start over, the thing is he wont let her. AU fic. ALL HUMAN. Edward&Bella. If dominating Edward isn't your thing, i suggest not to read. xD
Authors Note: I dont really know why i came up with this idea, its my first Bella&Edward fic, i really dreamt once about another fic of them that Edward changed when he finally found a family or somewhere to be in this world and then suddenly he comes dissapointed with something or someone, he loses control of everything he worked and becomes raw and fury, he even burns up the city, it was a really good dream, that i'll try and give it a try, i had this dream before i even heard of Twilight. (in that dream there wasnt bella and edward but there was this guy that played Peter Pan and the girl)- okay why im rambling this? Dont mind me. Ok thiiis fic, its a totally new idea, where edward is rude, can she make of him a better person? If you guys like this prologue and idea ill promise ill write more, even if you dont, cause i got really good ideas for this one :D But just let me know your thoughts :)
I was done. I made sure he heard me when i spoke my words.
Im done. Im done with you.
The thing is; he didn't like to hear what she had to say, he didn't take anything seriously, he didn't take her seriously. That was her first mistake; how could she expect to take 'whatever they had' seriously, if he couldn't take himself seriously? It was a joke, all of this it was a joke to him. He didn't see past friday night. And she needed a serious commitment, she needed someone who could see past through high school.
For once she was done with this lifestyle he implanted on her, well...a lifestyle she implanted on herself by dating him, it was not the way she acted, it was not who she was, she was suddenly the typical stereotype of the girl who dated a jock, she started trading jeans for skirts, school for Seattle and books for sex, until there was nothing less but a restless never ending story that started over and over again.
She missed the boring life of simple Bella Swan, she missed the stay at home watching a movie on friday, she missed the time she had to herself and her dad, she missed to study, she was tired of being passed as a numbless dumb girl who failed math, when she perfectly was good at math but just didn't have the time to study because her jerk of a boyfriend wanted to 'fool around' 24/7, she missed her best friend, Jacob! A real best friend who wouldn't report back to Edward what she was doing or where she was or with whom when he wasn't sticking his tongue on her mouth...or dick...anyways!- she had been nothing but horrible to poor Jake, for Edward's request, she wasn't allowed to speak to him, see him was out of the question.
Well she was done with it, she was done with him.
She was just glad she could get out of it in one piece. Little did she know she will be having trouble getting out of it at all.