Dancer: I know I know. I had another Idea after my friend told me of a story she was writing so I couldn't get it out of my head so here I am making another story. I promise one of these days I'll finish my other ones.
Disclaimer: I don't own it.
One thousand years ago there was a war. A war that destroyed millions of kinds; Humans, Vampires, Witches, Wizards, Werewolves, Animal whispers, Shape Shifters, Faeries, Demons, and Angles. The war lasted over twenty years. Most of the Humans were not affected enough unlike the others. The main one that was affected was the Vampires.
The one that lead the evil side was Zacarias. A Spanish Vampire. He had a necklace. A necklace that could help him destroy any kinds of creatures. The necklace had a pendant on it. It was all black with a red outlining. The chain was gold. The pendant could flash out to you your weakness if you got to close.
Zacarias created so much destruction that it was impossible to kill him. But one Vampire had enough will power to take him down even if it meant his own life. Once Zacarias was dead the High leaders of the Vampire world took both of his fangs out and put it in the pendant with much force and shield it over with a Witches spell and the chain as well. If a Vampire that touch the pendant and chain it would burn them.
Most Humans were not effected by this but some were. The Vampires were the most; they lost most of there kind so they turned most of Humans into Vampires. The Witches and Wizards disappeared from human contact. Werewolves fled to Russia or hid underground. Animal whispers they started to live with human race again an not talk to the animals. Shape Shifters didn't shape shift into animals that much. The Faeries hid in the flowers or right under the flowers. Demons and Angles were never found again.
One day the pendant disappeared and never was found again. Till one thousand years later.
Dancer: Please REVIEW!