BlackRoseVixen05: Hello, people! Here I am, back again with the third and final part of this fanfic of mine. Hope all who read it enjoyed it. Be sure to leave me some nice reviews. On with the fic!

Disclaimer: I own nothing! Though, I do own the plot (it has a plot?) of this fanfic!

Chapter Three

"I want you to enjoy yourself…" Ruka whispered.

"What?" Saionji asked, not understanding.

"I want you to stop resisting and enjoy yourself. I don't want you to see me like you see Touga. We're not the same, he and I," Ruka said, tracing his thumb along Saionji's lower lip. "That is all I'm asking."

Saionji was still for several seconds, but he soon gave a small nod. "Alright…" he whispered, looking up at Ruka. The taller boy smiled once more and then kissed Saionji's lips, the Green Rose actually returning it this time.

The kiss started slow, but became deeper and more passionate rather quickly. Saionji soon found himself pinned below Ruka once again. Ruka explored Saionji's mouth with his tongue while caressing the boy's body. He spread the other boy's legs again and let their members touch.

Their kiss never faltered as they rubbed their cocks back to full hardness. Ruka finally pulled away a minute later and began to shower the Green Rose's face with tiny kisses. Saionji blushed cutely. He was unused to such affection.

"You know, this could have been easier…if you'd told me the truth about your plan…" Saionji whispered.

"Then I'm sorry for doubting how you'd react," Ruka replied, kissing the other boy's cheeks.

Saionji closed his eyes and gave a shiver of anticipation when Ruka's member touched his opening. "Can I?" he said softly, asking this time.

"Yes…" Saionji breathed.

"Kyouichi…" Ruka whispered in return, kissing Saionji again as he entered him. Ruka loved the feeling of Saionji's lithe body arching against his own.

Thrusting now, Ruka found himself amazed by how gorgeous Saionji looked when he let himself be truly swept away by the pleasures of sex.

The Green Rose moaned and gasped softly in bliss as Ruka thrust into him. Saionji's hands gripped the covers of his bed when the boy above him sped up.

"Ahh…Ahh…Ahh…Hah…" Saionji breathed, every gasp connected to, or followed by a soft cry of passion.

Before long, the bed shook as their lovemaking turned into fucking. Ruka panted as he lifted Saionji's legs higher, wrapping them around his waist. The green-haired boy clutched the sheets as he moaned and writhed beneath Ruka's body. The pleasure was so different from that he received from Touga.

"How does it feel?" Ruka asked, moaning softly.

"G-Good…Ahh…" was the simple, yet honest reply.

"Let's see…if I can make it better…" Ruka said between pants. He briefly ceased thrusting and took hold of Saionji's legs again. Ruka smiled as he carefully lifted them higher, letting them rest on his shoulders. He resumed thrusting once Saionji's legs were situated properly.

The green-haired teen moaned louder and arched his back. "Ahh…ahhh…so good…ahh…" he gasped, eyes closed.

Ruka smiled happily against Saionji's throat as he heard those gasping words. His left hand free, Ruka reached down and managed to pry Saionji's right hand from its grip on the covers. He entwined their fingers, holding the other boy's hand firmly.

Their current position and Ruka's thrusting was bringing them both closer and closer to orgasm as the seconds passed. "Ahh…I'm…getting close…" the dominant teen whispered, squeezing Saionji's hand tighter.

"M-Me…too…ahh…" the Green Rose whispered shakily in response.

"Do it with me…" Ruka said, before leaning back and beginning to thrust deeper, more frantically into the other boy's body. Saionji cried out and arched high, their hands never separating as they came together. Ruka stiffened as he buried himself deep inside Saionji's ass, cumming hard inside of him.

The kendo captain's body shook as he felt himself being filled, his abdomen aching a little bit. His own white streams of semen erupted from his penis shortly after. Some stained his bare belly, but most of it had flown right over him, splattering onto the wall.

They relaxed once they were finished, both boys trembling heavily as they bathed in the afterglow. "I'm sorry… I intended to ask before I came inside you…" Ruka whispered near the other boy's ear. Saionji didn't reply, only panting softly.

Ruka's eyes became downcast. "Do you hate me now?" he asked.

"No…" Saionji replied, slowly opening his glazed violet eyes.

"Do you want me to leave?" Ruka asked.

"Only if you want to…" Saionji said, looking away slightly.

"Thank you. I would like to stay," the blue-haired boy stated, carefully pulling out of the body beneath him. Saionji gave a slight shiver of pleasure as he did. Ruka gently lowered Saionji's legs and then situated himself on the bed next to him.

"You don't have the strength to leave now anyway, do you?" Saionji asked quietly after several seconds of silence.

Ruka chuckled and gave a slight shake of his head. "You caught me."

Saionji sighed, and turned his head to gaze at the other teen a couple moments later. "What will you do now?" the Green Rose asked.

Ruka smiled faintly and gently clasped their fingers together like he had done before. He then replied, "Wait."

Two Days Later

Everything returned to normal between Ruka and Saionji since the night they spent together. Still, Saionji hated the awkward sensation he got whenever seeing the former fencing captain now.

On his way to the kendo hall for early practice, Saionji overheard some students saying that Ruka had been rushed to the hospital wing that same morning. He couldn't suppress the feeling of dread that sprang into his heart.

Perhaps today was the day…

Making his way to the medical wing, Saionji was directed to the room Ruka had been placed in. He disliked the sight inside. Ruka was already hooked up to IV and oxygen machines, as well as a heart monitor. It was beeping, so Saionji felt a tad relieved.

He proceeded further into the room quietly in case Ruka was asleep. Saionji discovered the contrary when the other boy opened his eyes.

"Hey…" Saionji said as he came to stand at Ruka's bedside.

"Hello," Ruka replied softly, his breathing rather labored, even with the help of the oxygen tubing.

"I heard that you'd been brought here. I came to see how you were," Saionji went on to say, before his gaze shifted to the ground. "Do you…think it will be today?"

"Probably," was Ruka's answered. "But it's okay. I've known it was coming for months. I'm prepared."

Saionji lifted his gaze, letting it settle on Ruka. He didn't say anything.

Ruka only smiled. "I'm not afraid," he whispered. Saionji managed a thin smile in return.

"I am glad you came to see me, though. There is something I want to tell you, Saionji," Ruka said then.

Saionji looked interested. "What is it?"

"I want to say that I think you're wrong. It is not foolish to believe in friendship, but I think only a fool settles for being alone," Ruka stated somberly. Saionji was slightly taken aback by Ruka's words, not knowing how to reply.

"You are free to put your faith in whatever you wish, whether it be friendship, solitude, or eternity, but I ask that you'll remember what I just said. Will you?" Ruka asked, looking up the Japanese teen.

Saionji gave a slow nod, "Yes…I will," he whispered, "I promise."

Ruka smiled again. "Thanks," he said, lifting his hand for the other to take. Saionji did take his hand and Ruka let their fingers entwine once again.

"I'll come by again this evening, but…if I don't see you, then…well…" Saionji said, looking down at the floor.

"Goodbye? It's alright to say it," Ruka whispered, chuckling lightly.

"Then, goodbye, I suppose," Saionji said, never taking his eyes away from the floor. The Green Rose gasped when he was harshly tugged downward, his lips meeting Ruka's. Though rather shocked at first, Saionji quickly accepted the kiss and began to return it. Minutes passed before they finally parted, the kendo captain able to stand up straight again.

"Thank you, Kyouichi," Ruka said, using Saionji's first name. "I hope that, when I pass, you will not mourn me. Not too long, anyway."

"I don't mind losing a bit of sleep," Saionji replied, giving a small shrug and another thin smile. Ruka laughed.

"I guess you better go now. Your classes start soon," Ruka murmured, reluctantly releasing the other boy's hand.

"I guess so…" Saioji agreed, taking a small step away from the bed. "Goodbye, Ruka."

"Goodbye, Kyouichi," the blue-haired youth replied, giving tiny wave.

Saionji turned and slowly left the room. That possible final "goodbye" was harder than he ever imagined. Saionji was constantly blinking back moisture as he headed down the hallway. Ruka's words hung in his mind and he intended to keep his promise.

Would it be so bad to shed a few tears for a dying friend?

Saionji didn't think so.

So he did.


As he said, Saionji returned to the medical wing that evening. Right hand in his pocket, he strode along casually as the evening twilight shined brightly through the windows.

He was about to round the corner and enter the final hall that led to Ruka's room when he heard the rattling sound of a gurney in motion. Saionji stopped walking, staring straight ahead as two male nurses appeared around the corridor, pushing along a stretcher.

A body lay still on that stretcher, a body covered by a solid white sheet. Saionji's face was emotionless as the men passed him. He gave the tiniest glance as they went by. He saw the hand hanging limply at the gurney's side. A rose crest ring adorned one of the fingers of that hand.

Saionji closed his eyes, remaining where he as the nurses continued on. His eyes opened again when he heard the soft clink of something hitting the floor. Saionji turned to see something shiny lying in the middle of the hallway. The men must not have heard it since they didn't stop.

Saionji knelt and picked up the item. It was the rose crest ring. Ruka's rose crest ring. Saionji stared the ring for a moment before pocketing the tiny trinket. He continued around the corner and blinked at what he saw.

It was Juri. The Orange Rose was sitting on the bench located outside the room Ruka had been in, her head hung. Sighing, Saionji approached her.

"Hello, Juri," he said when he reached her.

She jumped and quickly wiped her face, trying to make the action seem more laidback than Saionji knew it was.

"Oh. Saionji. What is it? What are you doing here?" Juri said, standing up.

"I was on my way to see Ruka, but I suppose my visit wasn't meant to be," the Green Rose replied, finding no reason to be dishonest.

"I see…" Juri mumbled, keeping her eyes averted.

"Here," Saionji said, reaching into his pocket and presenting the girl with the ring.

"What? What is…this?" Juri murmured, turning to examine the item.

"It's Ruka's. It fell off his finger a minute ago when he was being taken away…" Saionji said softly. "I think he would want you to have it."

Juri's green eyes lifted to meet Saionji's, the girl curious as to why he was acting so strangely. The two returned stares for a moment, until Juri finally took the ring.

"Thank you…" the swordswoman said, her words sincere as she held the ring to her chest.

Saionji gave a single nod. "Good day, Juri," he said, before turning and heading back down the hall.

Juri watched him leave quietly, both confused and thankful.

"You, too…"

The End

BlackRoseVixen05: (sniffle) Well, that's finished. I was tearing up so many times. I hope all who read this enjoyed it. Review please!