This is my new story! Yay!!! I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own TDI!! If I did Courtney would be in the second season!!!!!

Courtney and Duncan were sitting on the sofa on the mini-yacht. Well, it was more like Duncan was sitting and Courtney was lying down on his lap. Which Duncan liked a lot. Where was this Yacht taking them? To the most horrible place on earth, Camp Wawanakwa. Why? For the new season of TDI, Total Drama Couples. How had Chris gotten them to come back? Simple. He pointed to the really fine print. Courtney remembered that letter that Chris had sent her. She'd been so mad, Duncan had thought she'd explode. The letter basically said:

Dear Campers,

It's that time of year again. Summer! And that means its time for another season of TDI! Total Drama Couples! And you have to come. It's in your contracts.

So here's the low down of TDC. Turns out that all of the former campers hooked up with someone else from the show, except for two. There's the obvious ones like Gwen and Trent, Courtney and Duncan, but there are some really unexpected ones too. You'll find them out when you come.

So, basically, you'll be working with your current girlfriend/boyfriend. If you win, you each get $ 300,000!

I'll explain the rest when you get here. So see you soon!

Chris McClean

Courtney really hated Chris. But she was glad to spend more time with Duncan. She didn't see as much as him as she wanted, what with all colledge prep courses and stuff.

Courtney looked really different now. She'd realized that she didn't want to dress all prep and have people judge her all the time. So she changed her look. She now had red streaks in her hair and several piercings. She even had a tattoo. She was wearing a shortsleeve black hoodie with a red shirt under it. With it she wore some black shorts.

Despite being so different on the outside, Courtney was very much the same on the inside. She was still bossy and a know-it-all. She was way less braggy though. She was actually pretty modest.

"What you thinking about, Princess?" Duncan asked, wondering why she hadn't spoken in a while.

"Nothing. Just…that I've changed a lot since the last time I was at Camp. I mean look at me. I have red streaks, piercings, a tattoo,…"

"An amazingly handsome boyfriend." Duncan added.

"Right." She agreed, pulling him in for a kiss. It lasted for several minutes and left out of breath.

"And it's not like I'm the only one who changed. You did too." Courtney said.

"What do you mean?" Duncan said, hoping she wouldn't bring this up. But of course she did.

"Well, you don't look any different. But you're letting your nice side show a lot more."

"No I'm not." Duncan deined.

"Then what do you call rescuing that cat up a tree? Or saving that baby from the burning house? Or stopping that robbery? Or getting that award from the mayor?" Courtney argued. Duncan had done all of those things. Since he didn't want to go to Juvie again and be away from his princess, he found a new outlet. Now he was like a hero guy, bhut he still wanted to keep his rep as the bad guy. He didn't want to follow in his parents footsteps and be a cop, but that was where he was headed.

"Fine. But I still have my rep to protect. So don't tell anyone about any if those things." Duncan said, giving up.

"I'll keep my mouth shut as long as you keep me happy." Courtney said, flirting.

A smile appeared on Duncan's lips. "Luckily, I know just how to do that." He said.

They ended up on the floor of the boat, making out furiously. They didn't even notice when the boat pulled up to the dock. Not till Chris shouted,


So how'd you like it? I need reviews to find out. So hit that button down there. Here's my list of couplings:

Courtney and Duncan

Geoff and Bridgette

Gwen and Trent

Cody and Beth

Noah and Katie

DJ and Sadie

Heather and Justin

Lindsay and Tyler

Harold and Leshawna

Owen and Izzy

If you don't like those pairings oh well!!!

Let me know if I should do an Eva/Ezekeil pairing, k?

Review! Review! Review! Review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!