Disclaimer: I don't own Peter Pan! I only own Aiden, Amy and Ryan.

Would You Be Happy In A Different World?

By AriestheDreamer

First Chapter: Not Everything Is What It Seems

"Then, she settled down for her last night in the nursery. Never would she forget Peter Pan and Neverland." Amy finished with her little cousins snuggled up against her on the window seat.

"Aww. One more story, Amy!" Her five year old cousin, Ryan asked.

"No, Ry." Amy replied, standing up and facing her two blond haired cousins.

"Amy, please!" Her six year old cousin, Aiden pleaded.

"No, little sirs. If I keep telling you stories of Peter Pan then I'll never get you to sleep and further more I'll have no stories left to tell you on the rest of your stay here." Amy explained, kneeling down in front of the window seat so she was eye level with them.

"All right, Amy. You win. But do you promise to keep telling us stories of Neverland and Peter Pan?" Aiden asked, holding out his pinky.

"As long as I still draw breath little buddy." She smiled, linking her pinky with his. "All right! Now let's get to bed before our parents come home and find out I kept you up so late with my stories."

"I'm not tired." Aiden and Ryan yawned in unison.

"I've heard that one before." She laughed before scooping the up into her arms gently.

Amy laid them down in her bed and tucked them in for the night. When they both seemed to be asleep she crept back towards the open window of the nursery. She scanned the skies searching for a certain someone. But like all the other nights there was no sight of him or his little fairy, Tinkerbell. Amy picked up a thick white blanket from the floor and sat down on the window seat with the blanket wrapped around her as she stared up at the stars. Soon she fell asleep, her eyes tired of watching the starry sky.

Amy turned seventeen today. She was Wendy Darling's grand-daughter. Jane was her mother. Both her grandmother and her mother were very important people in her life. They both were visited by Peter Pan when they a little younger then her and all Amy's life she sat at the nursery window hoping that Peter Pan would steal her away. She loved the stories her grandmother and mother would tell her of Neverland. In turn she told her little cousins, Aiden and Ryan since she didn't have any siblings. Today she realized that she was far to old to go to Neverland. She was almost an adult and Peter wasn't fond of adults. Anyone else would have stopped believing in Peter or in Neverland because of this but Amy refused to. Even if she was going to become an adult soon, she would still believe in the magic of Neverland and in fairies. So Amy fell asleep against the window pane dreaming of flying among the stars.

"It's been awhile. I told Jane I would come back and bring her to Neverland again. I hope she still leaves here, Tink." A certain boy clad in green said softly as he hovered above the window of the nursery.

Tinkerbell, the little fairy that was Peter's companion wasn't happy about sharing Peter's attention, but she too wanted to see Jane again. She flew down into the open window and banged into Amy's face. Amy stirred a little in her sleep but didn't wake. Tinkerbell flew right back to Peter as soon as she got her bearings and signaled towards the window. Peter flew down with Tink at his side and hovered a few inches from Amy's face.

"I came to take you to Neverland." He said, thinking she would wake up at the sound of this, but she didn't.

Tinkerbell tugged on a strand of Amy's hair thinking that, that would wake her. It didn't have any effect. They both looked at each other confused before Peter came up with an idea.

"Why don't we take her to Neverland anyway. Then when she wakes up it will be a surprise. I'm sure Jane won't mind. What do you say, Tink?" Peter asked.

Tink gave a nod of consent. Peter Pan picked up Amy with her blanket still wrapped around her and flew towards the second star to the right. He was happy to be taking who he thought was Jane back to Neverland.