Thank you for all your reviews/story alerts/favorites.
Please check out my birthday story to Sasuke, "Regret". It's dedicated to all of you.
Itachi woke up to the sound of a buzzing phone, he heavily sighed. Opening his eyes, the only source of light he could find was the light from Sasuke's laptop. Sitting up on Sasuke's bed, he stretched his body. Itachi heard the buzzing sound again. He stared at his brother who hasn't moved for the last few minutes. What's wrong with him? He made his way towards Sasuke.
Itachi waved a hand in front of his little brother. Sasuke neither shoved Itachi's hand away from his face nor did his eyes twitch. Something's definitely going on.
When was the last time he's seen his brother like this? Wasn't it last year? When he got rejected by Hinata? Wait! Don't tell me... Did Hinata dump him?
"Sasuke." Itachi put a hand on Sasuke's shoulder.
Sasuke blinked. He slowly faced his brother.
"Is something wrong?"
Sasuke turned his head away from Itachi. "Itachi, can you leave me alone for a while."
Itachi knew it wasn't a question. Not wanting to pry too much, he just nodded and left for the door.
Closing his laptop shut, Sasuke headed to his bed. He plopped himself on the middle and stared at the ceiling.
One question flooded his mind: Did he love Hinata? Yes, he likes her very much, but does he love her? He hates it whenever he sees her with other guys, but it's just him being possessive... right? What's his should only be his. And, it doesn't mean that he loves her... right?
Sasuke groaned, shifting his body to the left side. Maybe this is the stage where idiot couples update their facebook status to 'It's Complicated.'
Sasuke groaned and shifted his body to face the right side as rays of light took over his dark bedroom.
"Wake up little brother." Itachi tied the curtain ropes to place.
Sasuke let out another groan. Feeling his bed shift, aware that Itachi sat on his bed, he put his comforter over his head. "Leave me alone."
"Moping in your room won't get you anywhere little brother."
Sasuke sat up. "I'm not moping!" He glared at Itachi. "And mind your own business." He lay back down on his bed, with his back facing Itachi.
Itachi sighed, standing up to head out the room. There was no way to get his stubborn little brother out of his room in time for lunch. Knowing that Sasuke won't be down till—he starves to death, Itachi figured that that was the only way to get his little brother out of his room. With a hand on the door knob, he turned to face Sasuke, "by the way, Hinata's in the living room," he closed the door.
Sasuke's eyes widened. What is she doing here? He quickly got out of his bed, and headed to his bathroom to get himself clean and presentable.
Running down the stairs, Sasuke looked for his bluenette girlfriend. Heading to the different rooms in hopes of finding her, he was getting the idea that Itachi must have played him. Reaching the last room—the formal dining room—his guess proved him right.
"About time for you to finally join us Sasuke." Fugaku's stern voice echoed throughout the room.
Sasuke glared at his brother who was sitting in front of their mother and beside their father. He gave a light nod to his father who was eyeing—staring—at him behind the newspaper as he headed to sit beside their mother.
"Good afternoon Sasuke!" Mikoto greeted their son.
"Good afternoon mom..." Sasuke spread the table napkin on his lap, "...dad" he continued.
"You know it's not good for you to sleep in. It's bad for your health." Mikoto put a hand on his shoulder.
"Yes mom."
"Good, now that we're all here let's eat." Mikoto lightly clapped her hands together. With the butler getting the signal, he ordered the maids to serve the food.
Throughout the whole meal, Sasuke glared at Itachi while Itachi just sat there as if nothing's going on.
A knock on the door.
"Come in." He let out.
He heard his door open then close not bothering to check who entered his room, knowing that it might be the maids who usually cleans his room around this time, since Itachi never knocks.
Sasuke turned his head to find his mother in his room.
"Mom." He resumed his attention back to his laptop.
"What's wrong?"
His fingers paused for a second before resuming their duties on the keyboard. "Nothing."
Mikoto walked around Sasuke's room, noticing the color change of Sasuke's bedroom from gray to black. "Come on, don't lie." She sat on Sasuke's couch. "You can talk to me about anything."
"I'm not lying."
"Do you know, when you're bothered by something, you take longer breaths? Or when you lie, your ears turn red? It goes for Itachi too."
Sasuke unconsciously touched his ears.
Mikoto let out a laugh. "I've raised you and Itachi, so I do know if there is something bothering either of my sons."
Sasuke turned his chair to scowl at his mother.
"Don't be shy, Sasuke. I've seen you poo in your pants and wet your bed when you were young, so you can tell me anything." She smiled at him.
"Mom." He groaned. She was embarrassing him more and more.
"I'm all ears honey." Mikoto patted the seat next to her.
Sasuke sighed heavily. There was no way in getting around his prying mother. He got up and sat right beside his mother. "It's about Hinata..."
He told his about the whole misunderstanding between him and his girlfriend and the whole week's incidents about their 'misunderstanding/fight', but not the whole relationship between his girlfriend and the new student nor his inner 'L' conflict.
"Oh Sasuke, honey..." Mikoto rubbed her son's back. "A gentleman should be the one to apologize first, even if he isn't at fault."
"No but's."
Mikoto glared at her son. "Just apologize Sasuke. Remember Sasuke, a gentleman should always treat a lady with the utmost care. And by doing that, it makes you the better person. Okay?"
"...Yeah mom..." He hesitatingly let out knowing that saying yes is the only way to shut his mother up. Sasuke loves his mother very much, but every time she gives out her 'motherly' advice/talk, what she says is what is right. Period.
"Okay—oops! I'll be late for my appointment. Let's resume our talk later." Mikoto planted a kiss on her son's cheek and rushed out of the room.
Sasuke rolled his eyes. It's really a bad idea to talk about your problems with your mom. They're just so... one-sided.
The weekend flew by so fast that Sasuke didn't have enough time to think about what he would do. He spun his pen around (forward and reverse) his thumb.
Should he apologize and be the better person? But that would mean he's admitting that he's the one at fault even though he didn't do anything, and it would hurt his pride and ego. Or should he wait for her to apologize and still be the better person? Giving her the opportunity to be the better person makes me a better person too... right? But that could take days since obviously, she didn't apologize last week, and she might just run back to the redhead.
The redhead. Sasuke almost forgot about the redhead's existence. Weighing the pros and cons of his possible actions would all result to disaster, since the redhead is back in her life.
The school bell rang, bringing Sasuke back to where he is—in AP Literature class.
"Free period next meeting. See you brats on Friday!" Kakashi announced as he left the room. The class started getting loud as they got ready to leave for their break period.
"Hmm... I wonder why Kakashi-sensei's kind enough to give us a free period next meeting." Naruto put both his hands on the back of his head.
"Hn." Sasuke gathered his things and headed for the door with Naruto following him behind.
"You ditched our Saturday practice."
I don't care. Sasuke kept on walking, ignoring his blonde bestfriend. He has more important stuff to think about.
"Anko's angry 'ya know?" Naruto stopped walking for a second, falling a few seconds behind the walking duck-head. He picked up his pace and was beside his bestfriend in no time. "Teme." No reply. "Yo Sasuke." Still no reply. "Sasuke!"
Sasuke stopped abruptly, halfway through the staircase. "What do you want?"
"What's wrong with you dude? You've been really moody and bitchy since this morning—" Sasuke's eyes narrowed at Naruto's question. People's been asking what's wrong with him, lately, and he's really getting pissed. There's nothing wrong with him for goodness' sake! Can't people just leave him alone? "—though, you've been moody and bitchy since forever." Naruto muttered.
"Honestly, I don't care." Sasuke snarled.
"But this—is worse than the usual 'moody and bitchy' mode." Naruto continued. "And you in this mode, is something I can't handle. And if you're setting your fight with Hinata as an excuse—Ugh! I honestly don't know anymore." The blonde sighed heavily. "My advice is just put your ego aside and set your priorities straight." Naruto walked up the stairs and out of his view.
Sasuke clenched his fists tightly. He leaned his back at the railing thinking about what Naruto told him. It's been years since he's seen Naruto this serious—which means he really went overboard this time.
The bell rang, bringing him back to reality. He straightened himself and headed up the remaining steps of the stairs. Heading to his next class, the only thought in his mind was having an idiot blonde bestfriend to bring him back to his senses was what he needed as a wake-up call.
"Oh please! Just give me a break!" Ino whined, hugging Hinata in the process. "Hinata, I already saw his face first thing in the morning and first day of the week—mind you. Don't tell me we have to eat lunch everyday that—" She abruptly pointed at the redhead, who was standing a few feet away from them, "—guy?! Doesn't he have any friends to hang out with?"
"Ino don't be mean..." Hinata scolded.
"I'm just stating the obvious here Hinata. He should have friends by now. The terrorizing first day is over." Ino stood up straight and crossed her arms, ignoring the glare of the redhead.
Hinata sighed. She didn't know what to say anymore.
"Anyway, I'll be eating in our usual place... The seniors aren't here, so I suggest you ditch Mr. Panda over there." Ino checked her phone for any messages. "It's best for you to talk to Sasuke too. Naruto said students have either been peeing their pants or cowering in fear just by making eye contact with Sasuke."
Putting her phone away, Ino sighed heavily. She grabbed Hinata and led her to a far good distance, away, from Gaara hearing their conversation. "I know Hinata. And I'm sorry for giving you a bad advice. But I think this is taken far too long. I'll accept any complain you have of me for being such a bad love advisor, but please, please make up with Sasuke. Being with this guy makes Sasuke look right for you." She pleaded holding both Hinata's hands.
"I... I don't know Ino..." Hinata looked away. Ino dropped both of her hands back to her sides. "I... Please let me think about it... I'm still very confused with some things, and I don't know what I might do or say... So let me figure out some stuff first."
"Okay Hinata. Just ignore what I said before and just follow what you want. Don't listen to my previous advice. Just push it away from your mind." Ino gestured pushing an invisible thing away from her head.
Hinata chuckled at the blonde's actions.
"I'll bring Mr. Panda—ugh—with me to give you some time alone." Ino grinned, making her way towards the redhead and dragging him off with her.
Sasuke's day just turned from bad to worse. He intently glared at the approaching figures.
"Seems that the only thing missin' from your glare is for your eyes to actually pop out of your head." Suigetsu mocked. "You look damn constipated with try'na kill the new kid in your head."
Sasuke shifted his glare to Suigetsu, who only continued to mockingly laugh at him with Kiba and Naruto.
"I'm leaving." He stood up and walked the opposite way the figures were coming.
"Hey Ino..." The voices from where his friends are, were fading.
He mindlessly walked further into the forest to his usual place—under a big sakura tree. Leaning his back comfortably on the bark of the tree, he sighed heavily.
How will he say sorry? How will he approach her?
"Hinata... I'm s-so..." Sasuke grunted, ruffling his hair in annoyance. Why is this so fucking hard?! He took in a deep breath. "Hinata, I'm such a dick. I know I'm a jerk for not thinking about your feelings." He improvised, since the words 'sorry' and 'apologize' seem to not exist in his Uchiha dictionary. MY ego and pride... Broken into pieces... But, is this enough to convince her to stay with me? What if she'll still end it?
The sound of cracking dry leaves brought his attention to where he came from a few minutes ago. His eyes widened. Is he dreaming? Or just hallucinating? But there she was, standing in front of him, hair in disarray (probably from the wind), lavender eyes widened, and lips parted.
It took her a minute to keep herself together, then she headed and stopped a few feet away from him.
He stood up abruptly, "Hinata." He said in a whisper-like manner, but was loud enough for her to hear.
"Hinata, I..." The word 'sorry' was stuck in his throat. "I..." He even can't get the word 'apologize' out, or his 'apology speech' that he practiced a while ago out. Sasuke eyed her fidgeting figure.
Hinata knew that Sasuke was trying to apologize to her. But this whole thing is her fault. She started the accusations (thanks to Ino) and started this whole awkward 'you should apologize first'. Hinata bit her lower lip feeling Sasuke's eyes on her. She inhaled deeply, "Sasuke, I'm sorry. Especially with how I acted..." Her eyes started to tear up. "I... I... I—"
Sasuke quickly pulled her into a hug, shutting her up in the process of saying something she might regret or something just stupid—like break up with him and say that the problem is her not him then run back to the red head... "Shut up." Sasuke whispered into her ears as he pulled her in closer, burying his face into her hair.
Hinata froze for a moment. Realizing what Sasuke just did, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer than what she could possibly do with her strength. She buried her face to his shoulder.
The couple stayed in each others arms for minutes.
"Hey..." Sasuke whispered. "I've been insensitive about your feelings, so it's not just your fault. I'm also here to blame..."
Hinata smiled. This was a way of Sasuke apologizing to her, even if he didn't exactly say the word, she knew. "Yes, cause you're a jerk." She mumbled on his chest.
Ouch. Sasuke inwardly cringe. He's been called worse names from his brother and his so-called friends, but it hurts more when it comes from the person you love. Wait, what? Do I really love her?
Sasuke broke the hug, leaving Hinata puzzled. Hinata tried reaching for him, but was stopped with his hands on her shoulders, keeping their distance. "Sasuke, what's wrong?"
"Sasuke... Sasuke..."
His ears shut her out. There's just too much going on his head.
Whenever she's with other guys (be it their friends), he dislikes it. When she directs her soft smile to others, he hates it. When she leaves his sight, he misses her. He just can't get her out of his mind.
The feel of her touch on top of his hand brought him back. His onyx eyes locked on to her lavender ones. "Sasuke?"
He pulled her in and kissed her lips softly. Hinata was taken back, but kissed him in return. She noticed that the kiss he was giving her wasn't the type of kiss they usually have, a kiss they never had... yet. But he's giving her that kiss now. The feeling it gives off was something she definitely had felt before, not with him, but with someone else. But the difference this time is this feeling is something... stronger, unique and just... different. This kiss made her realize something important.
Sasuke broke the kiss leaving both breathing raggedly. He rested his forehead against hers, keeping both his hands still on the sides of her face. "Hinata... I love you..." Sasuke kissed her on the tip of her nose.
Hinata smiled at Sasuke. It seems that it wasn't just her who realized something. "I love you too Sasuke."
"Finally! The power couple's back!" Naruto applauded, with Suigetsu and Kiba joining him.
Sasuke just ignored his the three idiots and sat down to his usual seat with Hinata around his arm.
"Took you guys long enough..." Shikamaru commented.
"You're red Hinata... Sooo..." Naruto nudged Hinata. "Did you guys have make up sex?"
The question earned Naruto a laugh from his friends and a glare from the newbie.
Hinata felt her face heating up. "N-no!" She buried her face on her hands.
"Aww, Hinata's so cute!" Ino hugged Hinata. "They definitely did." She earned a glare from Sasuke and Gaara.
"Mind your own business Yamanaka." Sasuke pulled Hinata on to his chest. "And get your hands off of her"
Ino pulled Hinata to her side. "Tch. Getting too cocky for your own good huh Uchiha?" Ino glared back. "Don't forget that you still have competition here..." Ino taunted. Her eyes shifted to where Gaara is, then back to Sasuke. "And you are definitely behind." She smirked.
"Ino... Sasuke... Don't fight." Hinata got in between the two.
Naruto coughed, pulling Ino to his side. "Chill guys! Anyway..." Naruto grabbed Sasuke and headed to where Gaara is—a few feet away from everyone else—leaving Ino and Hinata to their girl talks. "Sasuke, Gaara. Gaara, Sasuke." Naruto introduced, smacking both person's backs, pushing them closer in the process.
Gaara plastered a fake smile at Sasuke, offering him a hand. "Nice to meet you Sasuke."
Sasuke glared at Gaara's hand, "Hn." He gripped Gaara's hand hard, with Gaara doing the same.
Naruto nervously watched the two. It seems that neither of the two is going to give up. "Uh, guys?"
Sasuke harshly pulled Gaara's hand towards him, letting his grip on the redhead's hand go, leaving Gaara stumbling to his side.
Side to side. With both of their views different—Sasuke facing the group, while Gaara facing the the school building. Gaara composed himself, "Don't think that just because you've apologized to her doesn't mean you've won her Uchiha..." Gaara muttered lowly, but loud enough for only Sasuke to hear. "I'm taking back what's rightfully mine."
"Too bad Sabaku..." Sasuke smirked. "You've already let her go." With that, Sasuke left Gaara's side and headed to where Hinata was.
And now she's mine.
I'm sorry if that's the worst possible ending for this story. orz
Thank you to all who read this story even though this story's plot is a bit 'cuckoo' and amateur-like. I hope you guys check out "Regret". I think it's better and more organized than this story.
Again, thank you to all who stuck with me from the first time this story was published.