Author's Note: Hey, it's me EdwardCullen4President (or EC4prez for short) again. You may be wondering why I am writing another story when I haven't finished Magical Experience. Well, this story was a short story project I did for my English class last year. I found it and changed some of it (not much, just names). I decided since its never going to get read or used again, I'm going to post it here. Why not? :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

The Desire Box

Chapter 1: Meet Bella

Isabella, or Bella as she liked to be called, let out a low, inaudible sigh as her math teacher, Mr. Wilson, continued to lecture about the Pythagorean Theorem. His voice faded from her ears and she left the real world, entering her imagination. Her eyes became unfocused and they stared out of the window at the darkening gray sky. A young man grabbed her hand and pulled her into a field of blooming flowers. The wind blew softly, blowing his bronze hair around in every direction. Bella's brown hair flew onto her face. In one fluid movement, the boy reached out and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. She stared into his lovely green eyes. Laughter dancing in his eyes; laughter spilling from her mouth.

"Miss Swan!" Bella jumped in her seat and looked around. Mr. Wilson raised his yardstick and waved it towards her. "Miss Swan, what do you find so amusing?"

"Oh, um, nothing sir," she mumbled, covering her face. The curious eyes of her fellow classmates burned into her.

"Good. Now pay attention," he turned and continued his lecture, pacing the front of room.

Bella placed her chin in her palm and stared down at her blank paper lying on the desk in front of her. Math is the one subject she hated. Numbers were never her thing. A squared plus B squared equals C squared. Bella frowned. Her mind slipped into her dream world again. The boy pulled her through the field of flowers and over a hill, where a castle shone in all its unknown glory. The sky was a bright blue and it seemed anything Bella wanted could happen. Bella smiled to herself.

Clunk! Bella looked around the field. What could make that odd noise? She looked towards the boy.

"Miss Swan?" the boy said in an oddly familiar voice. "Miss Swan!" Bella looked up and stared into the face of her math teacher. "I would expect you to stay awake during my class, Miss Swan. I know my class can't be that boring, could it?"

"No, Mr. Wilson; I thoroughly enjoy your class," a girl – three seats in front of Bella – spoke.

Mr. Wilson nodded. "Thank you, Miss Mallory."

"No, thank you, Mr. Wilson," Lauren Mallory said, lacing her fingers together and flashing Bella a quick smirk. Mr. Wilson turned back to the whole class and began to talk again.

"As I said earlier, the Pythagorean Theorem is-" Mr. Wilson's words were no longer coherent. The bell rang signaling the class was over. "Remember," Mr. Wilson called, "test next class."

Bella quickly gathered her things and rushed out of the room, not wanting to stay another minute in his class. Bella walked down the halls of Forks High, weaving through the mass of students. Bella's books flew out of her hand as she tripped; her glasses fell to the ground with a loud crack. Laughter erupted throughout the hall.

"Ha! What a loser!" Lauren laughed. "Can't even stay on two feet!"

Bella looked up; even though, everything blurred without her glasses, she felt that everyone was watching her. A boy, she couldn't tell who, put his arm around Lauren and laughed along with everyone else.

Bella's eyes filled with tears. No, she told herself. I can't cry in front of them. No, no, no! It will just be another way to tease me. I won't give them the satisfaction! Bella crawled over to her books and quickly gathered them. She stumbled to get up and ran down the hall, away from the spectators, away from the pain.


On her way home, Bella took the long way. She wanted to think and outside was her favorite place to do so. The incident at school earlier wasn't the first. She hated that she was the target of all the pranks, butt of all jokes at school. Why me? She continued to ask herself. What makes me so different? She frowned walking passed a small park. Her now taped glasses allowed her to see the children screaming in pure amusement, playing with each other happily. She scowled at the children and quickened her pace. She walked passed an old flower shop, small convenient store, and a barbershop. A small flashing sign caught her eye, "Madam Sulleman's Fortune Shop." It was different then all the others; the words flashed a light lavender and it had very odd symbols inscribed into it. Bella stopped and stared at the light purple shop crammed between the barbershop and an apartment building.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Bella whispered to herself, walking up the three small steps to the front door.

She pushed open the door and numerous aromas filled her nostrils. Scented candles were placed randomly around the room. Books and figurines littered the many shelves. Bottle upon bottles of liquids and materials ranging from aardvark saliva to zorilla eyeballs were labeled and lined in rows behind a table. Bella cautiously walked into the room. She stared at the stuffed head of an animal; an animal she had never seen before. It's head structure and fur looked like a dog, but it wasn't. It had fangs like a saber-toothed tiger, but those tigers are extinct, right? Its glass eyes looked like it was surveying the room. Its squared shoulders connected to the wall. It had to be huge when (and if) it was alive. Bella inched away from the creature; scared it's powerful body might break through the wall and attack her.

"Vhat do we 'ave 'ere?"

Bella jumped and turned to the voice. A woman with a purple gown and shawl walked into the room from the back. Her long brown hair curled and framed her perfect face. Beads and shining jewels hung from the edges of her gown, clanking as she walked, her moves flawless. Of course, a gypsy would run a shop like this, Bella thought as the woman walked up to her.

"You 'ave vandered into my shop. Is zere anysing I could help you vith, my dear?" she asked, her French accent audible. Or maybe it was German.

"Uh, um, I'm just looking around," Bella answered, playing with her hands.

"You are nervous, my dear. Zere is nothing to be afraid of," Madam Sulleman said, motioning around the room. Bella glanced up at the creature. Madam Sulleman chuckled. "Zat is a Verewolf. It terrorized zeh people in my country many years ago. Okay, so zat maybe a bit scary."

Bella nodded slowly, not knowing what to say about the mythical werewolf head. Bella turned away from the werewolf and saw Madam Sulleman holding a small box.

"I sink zese is vhat you are looking for," Madam Sulleman handed the box to her.

"What is it?" Bella asked, slowly taking it.

"It is a box that zat vill make your deepest desire come true," she said, tapping the box lightly. "Even if you do not know vhat you vant, it could read your 'eart."

"Uh, how does it work?"

"All you 'ave to do is put a drop of your blood into zeh box and lock it vith zese key," Madam Sulleman explained, handing her a small key.

"I don't have any money."

"Free of charge, my dear," Madam Sulleman smiled.

"Oh, thank you," Bella said, not know any other way to thank her. "Um, I best be off."

"You keep zat safe and vhen your desire comes true, don't let anyvone steal it away from you. If zeh box is not in your possession, zhen your desire vill soon disappear along vith zeh box," she said seriously, and then smiled.

"Okay," Bella responded awkwardly.

"Goodbye, my dear," Madam Sulleman waved.

"Bye," she responded and walked out of the store with the box in one hand and the key in her pocket.

"Vhat a sveet child," Madam Sulleman said to herself as she watched Bella leave the store. She turned around, her long hair whipped around here and she once again disappeared in to the back room.


Bella swiftly walked away from the store, not even wanting to look back. Madam Sulleman was odd and her beliefs on werewolf and magic startled Bella. She hurried away from the store. She didn't even notice its warm light purple exterior turned into a peeling gray. The once white door hung off its hinges and its warm scented interior was now a nauseous smell of mold and dirt. The store vanished and Bella paid no mind. She concentrated on getting home, before the sun set and the April storm began.
