How Stole Christmas

Chapter 1


One cold winters day, December 23 to be exact, The Catscratch Brothers were decorating for christmas. By that I mean Mr. Blik was supervising as Hovis put up the decorations while Gordon made hot chocolate, and Waffle dug through every single decoration box getting pine needles, ornaments, and other things everywhere. "No, no, no! I said to have the wreaths with the red bow on it hanging on the front door, and the ones with the red berries on them on the back door!" Mr. Blik said yelling at Hovis again. Hovis sighed, climbed down the latter he was standing on, and went to go get the other wreaths. Mr. Blik flopped down on a big comfy recliner next to waffle who was still rummiging through a box. "Seriously! How can we have christmas if we don't have the decorations up perfectly!? Ya know Waffle I don't get it. Why are there so many people that just fling a christmas tree in a corner, through some cheap ornaments on it, top it with a plastic star and call it a day?" Waffle wasn't listening, just then Hovis came back and replaced the wreaths with the correct ones. "There, are you quite happy now?" he said sarcastically. Mr. Blik jumped up and walked over to the doors. He admired how pretty the wreaths looked. "I liked the other ones better actually." He said turning around coldly. Hovis grumbled and went to take the wreath down when he tripped and fell over off the latter into a pile of lights and tinsel. Mr. Blik turned around, "And no breaks untill the wreaths are finished!" he turned around and walked into the kitchen. Hovis growled under his breath from anger. In the kitchen Mr. Blik and Gordon were talking. "Gordon, I need you out there. Waffle is just messing around, and Hovis is laying down on the job! I need you to come out and help me!" said Mr. Blik. "Look Blik, I would but I have to go over Human Kimberly's. It's Christmas Eve Eve, and tomorrow she's going to be at her grandmothers house all day. I won't see her until Christmas day! That's why I'm making this Hot Chocolate. It's for her." "What!?! But what about decorating?" "I will Blik, I will tomorrow." The whole time Gordon was talking he had filled two mugs with the hot chocolate and a few marshmellows, put a scarf on, and was opening the back door. "Fine!! Go over Human Kimburly's! See if I care!! We'll have so much more fun without you!!!" said but Gordon was already gone. walked back out to see that most of the decorations were up perfectly. The only thing missing was the tree. "Great! We'll get the tree tomorrow." Mr. Blik took out his favorite Christmas movie. "Alright Waffle let's watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas!" but he looked around. No Waffle. He went to the front door to see a piece of paper taped to it. It read:

Sorry I couldn't stay for movies or anything. Went caroling with newts. Hovis came too. Be back 11!


"Caroling with newts?!" Mr. Blik said out lowd. "Ah well, guess it's just me and my movie...Who needs 'em!?" and with that Mr. Blik stuck the tape into the video player and plopped down on the sofa.