Darien dialed Serena's number, but once again he got Serena's voice mail.
"Hi, it's Serena sorry I'm not here at the moment, please leave a message," her voice mail said. Then went the beep
"Hey Serena, its Darien call me back once you get this," Darien said into his phone.
Again? Where is she? Darien asked himself as he ran down the street; he had been out all night looking for Serena. She had missed they're date and apart from being angry Darien had began to worry it was so unlike Serena not to call, if she couldn't make the date.
Darien had called the rest of the scouts but they hadn't seen Serena since school got let out. Darien began to worry more and more and began debating on calling Serena's house sure her dad would probably answer the phone but wasn't it better than running around by himself looking for help?
After a few minutes of debating he decided to go to her house instead but his plans were interrupted when the sky decided to open up and rain fell down on Darien.
Oh great rain, I'll head home and get an umbrella he decided, he jogged back to his apartment building trying to keep himself as dry as possible. After he got out of the elevator he went into his apartment, his radio was on and Can't Fight The Moonlight by Leann Rhymes started.
Under a lovers' sky
Darien felt a cold breeze move across the room and noticed the door to the porch was open. He walked over to see Serena standing on the porch gazing at the full moon, ignoring the rain splattering on her face.
be with you
And no one's gonna be around
If you think that
you won't fall
Well just wait until
"Serena," breathed Darien walking over to his girlfriend his worry disappeared as he glanced at the beautiful girl standing on his porch.
Serena turned at her name and smiled at Darien, she seemed unbothered by the rain as it slid down her cheeks.
was so worried," Darien said after pulling Serena into a hug.
the sun goes down
sorry I missed our date, I was at detention, and then I had to help
work on a project with my group. And when I tried to phone you I
realized my cell phone was still on my bed side table," Serena said
her eyes filled with worry.
Darien said putting his finger to her lips, this movement relaxed
the starlight - starlight
There's a magical feeling - so right
It'll steal your heart tonight
Darien crashed his lips unto hers, Serena wrapped her arms around his
neck and backed up until her back was on the porch railing. They
broke apart both panting as they tried to regain their breath.
had me worried," Darien said looking down at her hypnotizing blue
eyes, he tried to remember why he was worried and angry a few seconds
ago but all reasonable thought seemed to out of grasp at that
can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
felt a longing boil up inside of her and this time Serena leaned into
Darien and kissed him with full force, while locking her arms tighter
around his neck, until it was an unbreakable hold.
In that kiss he forgot almost all his worries and anger he had felt a few minutes ago.
you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
they broke free from the kiss again Serena leaned her head back on
the railing looking at the moon again.
"It is so beautiful," Darien said, looking up at the full moon as well then back at his Princess.
in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
not as beautiful as you," Darien said looking down at Serena his
eyes only filled with love no longer the anger and worry which had
now become a distant past to either of the two.
Serena felt her heart melt at the look in Darien's eyes; they were filled with so much love for her. She knew her own eyes reflected an emotion very similar to his.
"You know I'm sorry right?" Serena asked pulling Darien inside with her.
you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
you can't fight it
It's gonna get to your heart
course, but that doesn't mean I'm still not upset over this,"
Darien said trying to pretend he was still completely mift but
another look at her, he found it too hard to resist.
no escape from love
Once a gentle breeze
Weaves it's spell
upon your heart
"What?" asked Serena, when Darien hadn't quit staring at her.
"I almost forgot how beautiful you were in the moons light," Darien said in awe.
Serena took this comment as an insult "I'm only beautiful in the moon's light?" she asked offended at her boyfriend's comment. She turned around from him on the couch her mouth in a pout and her arms crossed against her chest.
looked confused at his girlfriend's actions but once he realized
what he had said.
matter what you think
It won't be too long
Til your in my
pulled Serena's face toward him "I wasn't insulting you, I
meant that I was shocked that you could ever be more beautiful then
you are now, but the moon has proved me wrong," Darien said. He
looked deeply into her blue eyes, slowly her arms pulled away from
her chest and wrapped around Darien's broad shoulders. Then her
lips changed from a pout into a huge smile, that only she could make.
the starlight - starlight
We'll be lost in the rhythm - so right
Feel it steal your heart tonight
was now Serena's turn to feel the moon's power, even though right
now her back was turn to the moon she could still see its bright
light in the dark velvet sky. And feel it's power as it ran through
her veins a feeling she had felt more clearly when she was her past
self; Princess Serenity.
the moon wasn't only giving her extreme powers in her own physical
strength, but also the power to make her boyfriend Darien melt at her
feet. But now also she was beginning to feel like jello too. Maybe it
was Darien's doing or maybe it was the moon whatever it was there
was defiantly something in the air tonight.
can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
Serena hadn't realized but she was slowly leaning closer and closer towards Darien. Darien noticed and moved those few inches that were between them and kissed her.
kiss was nothing they ever experienced it was filled with such love
and want, so different.
you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
in the dark
the first time in a while, everything felt so new and different and
as the kiss began to deepen. All the negativity that had been between
the two had slowly disappeared. And as the song played on in the
background so did the kiss.
surrender your heart
But you know
But you know that you can't
fight the moonlight
No you can't fight it
No matter what you
The night is gonna get to you
of them had expected the end of the night; Darien had come to his
apartment worried and angry. Worried over his missing love, and angry
because she hadn't called about a cancelation or reason for being
Serena had come to the apartment in search of Darien but when he wasn't there. She put matters into her own hands to make sure he wouldn't, be so angry that there was still a possibility of a date. So she stood outside to watch for him as time went by and she became inpatient and turned on the radio.
when Darien saw Serena again under the full moon he forgot all his
worries and anger, and Serena smiled they both had they're date
under the full moon and what a special date it ended up to be.
try then
You're never gonna win
Underneath the starlight -
There's a magical feeling - so right
It will steal
your heart tonight
You can try to resist
Try to hide from my
But you know
But you know that you can't fight the
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
you can't fight it
You can try to resist
Try to hide from my
But you know
Don't you know that you can't fight the
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
you know
But you know that you can't fight the moonlight
you can't fight it
It's gonna get to your heart
AN: I hoped you liked it, this is my first songfic, I own nothing.