-1A/N- I highly suggest that whoever is reading this, read Nessie's Birthday Extravaganza first. This is number two in a set of three I'm thinking of doing. I want to thank all my readers for staying with me, and giving me your great reviews!

Disclaimer: I own nothing twilight related. Some of the characters in the school chapters are mine, however.

Pictures of importance are posted in my profile.

Chapter Three

Self Control is Better Than No Control


My daughter was full grown. I frowned to myself as I leafed through the baby book Rosalie and Alice had tried so hard to put together as she had aged. Her beautiful smile beamed up at me in each picture, ironic how the few "years" were really only a week or so at most. Edward was laying down on our bed, watching me with a concerned look on his face.


I held up my hand to silence him with a smile, and crawled over to his arms, our "homework" momentarily cast aside. I had done the whole High School thing once before…a few hours wouldn't kill me on my calculus.

Kissing my husband's perfect lips I sighed. "Edward, she's made her decision."

Edward shook his head. "I know…but it's not right how we left things with the wolves. With Jacob." He paused…searching for the right words. "He's your best friend, Bella. You would have trusted him with her life before."

I shook my head. "I know I would have. But I refuse to make my daughter's choice for her. I refuse to throw Jacob into the mix when she is clearly with Nahuel."

We had been bantering back and forth for a while concerning our daughter's love life. I was happy for her regardless. Nessie was blood…Jacob wasn't. He would learn to live without her. But then I remembered how life had been without Edward for those long months when he had left me. My pain had been terrible. What was Jacob's like?

But if I chose to involve Jacob, when Ness had clearly chosen Nahuel…I'd be adding to HER pain. I was stuck in a corner, with no chance of pleasing all parties.

Edward sighed against me, mirroring my lips with his as he threw the books to the floor. "Who would have guessed having a daughter would turn out to be so difficult."

I laughed, knowing full well what he was up to. Daughters indeed.



My parents were talking about me. I could feel it. The ringing in my ears…surly they were discussing me and Nahuel and Jacob. Sighing I returned to my drawing. What a strange love triangle I had involved myself in. One, an immortal…like me. The other, a shape shifter, one who had imprinted on me. I hated Jacob for it. For the pain I was unintentionally causing him. All because he had to fall for me on sight.

Nahuel knocked on my door, slipping his muscular body inside, a book in his hands. His eyes were cautious of me as he sat down across from me on my bed, watching me. I laughed quietly to myself.


His dark eyes, showing his hunger, blinked once at me. "You're going to be the death of me." His rich voice hit me like a ton of bricks, sending warm shivers down my spine to my toes.

I grinned. "Why? You play with fire, you're going to get burned."

Nahuel inched up towards me, catching my wrist in his hand. "So if I play with fire…are you the spark?"

I shook my head. "No sir. I'm the whole damn flame."

Nahuel laughed once before catching my mouth with his, pushing me backwards on my bed. The game we had been playing had just taken a much more dangerous turn. I ran my hand through his dark hair, lacing my fingers through the ebony strands that swept his shoulders. He growled against me, his tongue exploring my mouth, his hands exploring my sensitive skin.

As a rule, we usually stopped before things got too heated. It was out of courtesy to my family, and to ourselves. I wanted to be sure that I was giving myself up to the right man. And with the two in my life…that decision hadn't been easy. But right now…I didn't want to stop.

And I whined as he pulled away, his dark eyes now black with lust. A soft hand stroked my cheek. "No, Nessie. Not yet." He nuzzled my hair. "As much as I want you…we just can't. Practice your self control, darling."

I just nodded and put aside my books so I could curl up on the bed. He spooned himself behind me, tucking me firmly into his curves, his strong arms holding me firmly. He was better at self control than I was. Hell…he had 150 years ahead of me to practice. Self control…bah.

I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent. "Nahuel…do you ever miss home?"

He was careful with his words. I could feel him thinking. "No. I define home as anywhere where you are. What more could I ask for? My aunt is here, I have you in my arms…I'm complete."

My heart warmed at his words and I relaxed against him with a happy sigh. Little did I know my world was about to get turned upside down while I slept.



I was fully aware of Nahuel and my daughter together in her bedroom, and it didn't bother me. We were a passionate race of beings. Sex came naturally and easily to us. As long as she was smart. Could half-vamps even get pregnant? I assumed yes. Bella had already gotten out of bed, dressed and had gone with Rosalie, Esme and Alice to hit up the local mall.

I got up and slipped on a pair of jeans, going downstairs to find my brothers and adopted father playing cards at the kitchen table. Jasper nodded a hello to me and returned his attention back to Emmett who was trying to cheat.

Carlisle smiled up at me. "Care to join us? We're playing for keeps."

Emmett punched Jasper playfully in the shoulder. "Yea. Soldier boy here is getting his ass kicked." He thought for a moment. "Wait…don't play. You always read my mind."

I laughed and sat down. "I'll pass on the playing, but I'll sit with you." We settled into a comfortable pattern. Jasper looked at me, his eyes worried.

"So…um…about Nessie…"

I sighed. "Yes?"

He looked visibly uncomfortable. "Alice thinks Jacob is in the area. Her plans for tomorrow vanished." The table had grown still while Carlisle and Emmett watched me for a reaction.

I remained calm. "This isn't going to be good."

Emmett growled under his breath. "Nessie picked Nahuel…Jacob shouldn't be here." I nodded in agreement. As much as I wanted to give Jacob a chance…Nahuel had won my daughter's heart. And everyone else around here was on Team Nahuel. Especially Rosalie.

While my brothers planned for the worst, Carlisle patted me on the arm reassuringly. "Don't worry, Edward…Nessie is a strong young woman. She can and will decide what's best for her."

I smiled and thanked my family, before heading upstairs to check in on Nessie. She was curled up, fast asleep in Nahuel's arms. He nodded at me, careful not to wake her. "Edward?"

I smiled at my future son-in-law. He was so careful not to wake my daughter, so gentle with her in his arms. She murmured against his skin and opened one lazy eye. I had to chuckle at the grin she gave me. Like a cat who had gotten into the tuna.

"Hi dad." I sat down at her desk.

"Hello. I have some news."

Her brown eyes looked concerned. I took a deep breath.

"Jacob's in town."