Spoilers/Timeline: Set post 5x22 The Beginning in the End, therefore, references it in a broad sense.

A/N: It's been awhile since I've written one of these; it kind of spun a little out of control. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: Nope, Bones still does not belong to me. Title from the Keith Urban song of the same name.

He finished wrapping the crisp, white paper around the package, handing it to the man in front of his stall. The man quickly counted out his change, reassured Frank that the contents of the package would be what made his Fourth of July celebration the best on the block, and moved on, pushing his way through the crowded aisle.

Frank grinned as he slid the homemade sausage back in the case. The year round farmers' market was always busier in the summer, but the week before the Fourth was downright hectic. He didn't care. The market not only provided an extra avenue of income, but it allowed him to connect to the customers. To know who they were, what they bought every third weekend when they made it to his stand. He knew Rose Sharpido would want chipped beef, a pound of American cheese, and, if her son was in town, two stuffed pork chops. Her bright smile and look of amazement as she counted out money for the fresh product was just one of the many reasons he loved working here. It was beneficial for all involved.

Zeroing the scale on top of the counter, he looked up and gasped. Well, maybe not gasped... fifty-two year old men didn't gasp. He did inhale sharply, however, his eyes widening at the next person in line. It had been over a year since he'd seen her moving hurriedly from stall to stall each Saturday, stocking up on vegetables and fruit... every once and awhile purchasing a piece of shoo fly pie from the Amish stand across from him. Her hair was shorter, bangs skewed over her forehead, smile wider than he'd ever seen lighting her face, but it was definitely her. The striking blue eyes, the strong jawline, and bold necklace told him as much.

Automatically, he reached behind him for a container and began sliding down the case to scoop out the quarter pound of potato salad she was so fond of. He'd just picked up the spoon when the man sidled up and draped his arm over her shoulders, eyes never leaving her face even as she attempted to point out something in the case before them.

"Booth..." Her elbow nudged his ribs and Frank stifled a laugh as the man rubbed his side, feigning injury. "A sirloin or T-bone?"

"Did you see those T-bones? They could feed me and Parker and-"

"I'm not so sure about that. You have quite an appetite."

"Darn right, I do, Bones." He grinned wolfishly, pulling her closer. "Now would you please tell the poor guy what you want so he can wait on his other customers and we can get back to the apartment." His smile widened even further as she rolled her eyes and stepped towards the case.

"Hi Frank."

"Dr. Brennan, so good to see you again." He bit the inside of his lip to keep from laughing; Booth was giving him his best 'look but don't even think of touching' stare. The man clearly had it bad. "What can I get for you?"

"I'd like that sirloin in the front." She glanced back at Booth. "Also a pound of bacon. Oh, and a quarter pound of potato salad."

"Coming right up." He picked up the container he'd abandoned on the top of the counter, watching as Booth twined his fingers with Brennan's, tugging her back towards him. His lips brushed against her temple and he swore he heard the doctor sigh as she leaned back against him, relaxed as she waited for her order.

It was really something to observe. Not only was this first time he'd seen her bring anyone to the market, but it was the first time in all the years she'd been stocking up on potato salad and cheese, that she'd purchased meat of any sort from him. He smiled softly as Booth tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, his lips landing high on her neck as he whispered against her. Frank was surprised that she allowed such public displays of intimacy, but then - he finished wrapping the bacon, watching as her fingers splayed over Booth's wrist, her eyes slipping shut for a moment - she seemed almost oblivious to their location. The only thing that was important was the man with his arms around her.

"Dr. Brennan? You're all set." Her head jerked up, a slight blush sweeping across her cheeks, but her smile only grew as she accepted the parcels and slid them into the reusable bag Booth had slung over his shoulder.

"Thanks Frank." She began rooting in her wallet for the appropriate bills, muttering about 'Parker... last five...' as she did. "I realize I have neglected to introduce you." She passed him the money and titled her head towards Booth. "This is my partner Special Agent Seeley Booth. Booth, Frank's been providing me with high quality dairy products for years."

"Nice to meet you," Booth said, his grip firm as he shook Frank's hand. "I'm sure you'll be seeing even more of her now... all she talked about in her e-mails last year was how much she missed the fresh food from the market, that even though she could get all the spices she wanted the rest left-"

Laughing, she cut him off. "That is not all I talked about." She gave him a significant look before turning back to Frank. "However, I did miss the variety provided here. If you can get any smaller T-bones, I will most likely purchase those next weekend." Her eyes swept the case one last time and, nodding, she moved to the next stall where Frank had seen often seen her stocking up on tomatoes, cucumbers, and green beans.

He turned to his next customer and began filling her order, stealing glances at the couple. Booth stood behind her once again, his hand cupping her hip as Julie dumped a basket of onions into a bag for them. Frank almost dropped Mr. Egdir's steaks as Dr. Brennan turned in his arms, kissing him deeply before resting her head on his chest. Booth looked as shocked as anyone by the action, dimples appearing as his mouth turned up and his hand came to rest in the curve of her waist, holding her close.

Julie had finished compiling their order and, not a minute after they were gone, threw up a "back in five" sign before sprinting to Frank's stall.

"Did you see-"

"Yeah..." He leaned forward, watching as Dr. Brennan wrapped her arm around Booth's waist and he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"I'm not sure which of them is happier, but damn would I kill for someone to look at me like that."

He nodded, waving as she hurried back to her stand, a throng of customers jostling to be the next to get their fresh vegetables. Moving to take care of the next person in line, he inhaled deeply, feeling even happier than when he'd begun to unload his products that morning. He chuckled, piling slices of turkey high on the scale as he watched Booth drag Dr. Brennan to the stall across from his, pointing at the various pies and pastries.

Frank had asked her a long time ago about whether she had anyone special in her life. She'd shrugged it off then, asserting that she spent most of her time working or spending time with her partner. Now - her laugh carried across the aisle as Booth forced her to take a bite of the cookie he had purchased before pressing his lips to hers - now it looked like she'd found her partner for life.