Disclaimer- I don't own X-men Evolution or its characters.(duh, thats why its called fanfiction)
Humans are strange creatures. They are intelligent beyond imagination and have the potential to do almost anything. They have built some of the greatest structures on earth, cured deadly diseases, and have built weapons that can destroy cities in mere minutes. They can feel emotions that can over power their senses and make them do odd things. They can love, laugh, and hate.
However, most humans are corrupt. They fear what they do not understand, and therefor, shun it. They seek only what they consider 'normal', and nothing more.
It is for this reason that when humans were confronted with the issue of 'mutants', they had mixed feelings. Some wished to hunt them down, claiming that they were the work of the devil. That they had no right to live. While others argued that they were human, just as they were
Countries and governments were divided, throwing their opinions and beliefs around until compromises were made. Each country had its own laws and restrictions to mutants. Some let the mutants live peacefully among the humans, with laws against using their powers to harm anyone. Allowed to go to school, get average jobs, and be treated equal in their communities. These mutants lived content.
Other countries though, hunted down all known mutants, killing or enslaving them as they tried to travel to free countries. Some were offered jobs in the military, while some were forced into it. The mutants of these countries either lived in hiding for all their lives, or learned to kill for the government before they hit puberty. These mutants lived in hell.
And it is in one such country that a small six year old child was dragged away from his adoptive family, screaming German pleas of help . Inhuman wails rang through the air that night as German government officials pulled the child from his home. The child's small body struggled and writhed, twisting in unimaginable angles as he tried to get away. His long, spaded tail thrashing in defiance and fear until another man grabbed it. Though small, he knew who these people were, and why they were taking him away. He knew what he was.
Tears flowed freely from his eyes as he was thrown into the back of an armored car. He landed hard, immediately feeling pain surge through him. He heard the door behind him shut and lock, leaving him alone in the darkness. The child curled up on the cold metal floor, trying to find warmth within the fine fur that covered his body. Sobs racked his body, as emotions poured out of him in his tears. He cried himself into a deep sleep that night, exhausted and pained.
He didn't awaken when the men roughly pulled him up from the floor, carrying his limp body into a secluded building. He was unaware of the black metal collar that was strapped around his neck. He only stirred slightly as he was thrown roughly on to the lumpy cot of his new cell. A cell that would be home to him for the next ten years.