Disclaimer: Nothing is mine! It all belongs to Tolkien.
Beta: Fiondil and PeppyPower. Thank you so much!
Three elves and a baby
Chapter 1
"You are really sure you will get along with him?" King Elessar eyed his best friend and his brothers skeptically.
Legolas rolled his eyes "Mellon nîn, everyone of us has dealt with hundreds of orcs and you think we will not be able to handle one little baby."
Estel´s expression grew only more skeptical. He was not sure if the three knew what they had gotten themselves into. Orcs were one thing, a baby another.
Arwen wondered, too, if it was a good idea to leave Eldarion with the three bachelors, but when they had offered with great enthusiasm to babysit, the parents could not refuse. Just in case, the baby's nurse assured them that she would not be far.
The Queen´s gaze felt on the chess game Elladan was carrying. "What is that for?" she asked her brother, who looked confused about the question.
"Playing, of course. Just in case it will become a boring evening. And now leave. Your baby is in good hands."
"You will not be bored, I promise you, dear brother."
Six-month-old Eldarion was sleeping peacefully in his cradle, wich was lovingly made by Aragorn and Arwen had embroidered the bed canopy with many little, sparkling silver stars. The mother gave her child a soft kiss on the forehead, careful not to wake him and Aragorn caressed the brown hair-fluff on the baby´s head, before they hesitantly left.
The next ten minutes turned out to be pretty uneventful. Elrohir was sitting in a big chair next to the fire, from where he had a good view on the still sleeping Eldarion, and was reading one of the big, old books from Gondor´s great library. Legolas and Elladan were playing one of their endless chess games. It was a very comfortable evening - so far.
"I do not know why Arwen told us we will not have time for chess. What else should we do now? Twirl our thumbs?"
Legolas made his next move and shrugged. "You are right, Elladan. They should have more confidence in us. But I think it is normal that parents fuss so much over their children."
Elladan nodded in agreement and wanted to make his next move, but he was suddendly interrupted by a loud cry. All three elves were on their feet immediately and rushed to the cradle where Eldarion was now crying his little heart out.
"What happened, Elrohir?" the older twin asked his brother, who has been next to the cradle, with great concern.
Elrohir shook his head. "I do not know. One minute ago his was still asleep. Maybe he had a nightmare?"
"I am not sure if babies can have nightmares." Legolas said, looking doubtful. "I will take him. Maybe he woke and felt alone?"
Carefully he lifted the still screaming little boy out of the huge cradle, his face red with anger. "Hush, little one. All is well. Uncle Legolas is here. Hush."
His gently spoken words couldn't soothe the baby. It only seemed as if Eldarion was screaming even more. The blond elf gave the twins a helpless glance, seeking for help.
"Maybe his belly hurt," assumed Elladan. "Arwen told me that is very often the case and she showed me how to hold him then. Give him to me, Legolas. I will try it."
Legolas was visibly relieved as his friend took the crying baby out of his arms. He and Elrohir just stood there with arms hanging, feeling very helpless and watched as Elladan held the boy´s back to his stomach, shook him lightly and walked through the room with him.
The three elves were very relieved when the shrill cries begun to decrease and finally stopped completely. It had been an ordeal to their oversensitive ears.
"Well, that was not too bad. I do not know why Estel and Arwen ever doubted we would be good babysitters." Elladan was apperently proud that he had been able to calm the child so fast.
"Come on, Legolas. We can continue our chess game. I can play with Eldarion on my arm." With these words he sat down, not knowing he was making a bad mistake. The moment he made contact with the chair, the baby began to scream shrilly again.
Thank you for reading. I hope you liked it. Please review, I would be very glad.