Authors Note: OK, here is a new story; It is a MOE.(Miley/Joe.) It is LEGAL because when The Jonas Brothers guest starred on Hannah Montana, they were in a SCRIPT; which made them characters, If it gets deleted, I'll just change their names or some thing and repost it like three days later... I don't know why people are being so pathetic and reporting stories, you know; there is this thing... I don't know if they've heard of it, but it's called A LIFE. I'll repost the rest of my stories, soon. Oh, yes and this story is some what based off of the awesome song "God Love Her." by Toby Keith, who should win more awards, like Blake Shelton, I don't see how Kenny Chesney wins all of these awards year after year, his songs are all based around the same things. It's boring, well enough with my rambling.

Please Read And Review!

Thank You!




Miley Stewart smiled softly as she listened to Her Father recite words from The Bible as he continued on with his Sunday sermon. She looked down at her opened bible in her hands and read the verse as he continued on; before telling the people in the church about next Saturday's annual charity event and that church would start one hour earlier on Wednesday night.

She heard the doors of the church open and she turned her head, curiously; making her light brown curls fling around. She felt her breath get caught in her throat; there was a boy, he was gorgeous, he had dark black hair, it was shaggy and it looked perfect. He was wearing a button down flannel shirt and really, really, tight jeans with black and white slip on converse. She watched as his face showed a smile before he waved to some one and walked over to one of the row's and sat down be side a family before a woman who looked similar to him handed him A Bible before giving him a look.

Miley was about to turn back around when his turned to her and their eyes locked; she offered him a small smile and he smirked in return, she looked at him confused before turning back around as Her Father continued on with his speech behind the wooden podium.

She smiled softly and played with the end of her light pink dress, it had light flowers on it with black ends and arm cuffs, and she had a pair of black flip flops on her feet. She softly traced the words in her bible; for some reason that boy's face was etched in her mind. Maybe it was because he was so cute.

Or Maybe it was because she had never seen him before; she knew every one in the small town of Franklin, Tennessee; she was the preacher's daughter; every one knew her. She was a nice, sweet girl who grew up with all of the other kids her age in this town. It was rare when new people moved in to Franklin, but when they did, she knew them, too. But she didn't know him; she had never met his family before… maybe they had just moved here.

"Thank You all for joining us on this fine Sunday to worship the Lord; I hope to see all of Y'all here on Wednesday and if not maybe at the charity event on Saturday and then again right back here next Sunday. Thank You, and God Bless all of you. Have a wonderful day." Robby Ray Stewart finished his speech before the church clapped.

Miley closed Her Bible and clapped her hands as Her Mother, Susan, and Her Brother, Jackson, who were sitting be side her did the same.

Robby Ray smiled at them before the choir started singing; Miley smiled and softly sang along with the words, not making her voice heard.

Robby Ray smiled once more at the people in the church as the choir ended their song and the crowd clapped before they started to get out of their seats.

"You did great, Daddy." Miley said as Robby Ray walked up to them; he hugged her softly before pulling away.

"Thank You, Darling." He said smiling at her.

"Your Welcome, Daddt." She replied before he said some thing to Jackson before turning to Susan and starting a conversation with her.

Miley smiled before grabbing Her Bible and turning to Jackson.

"Do you know who they are?" She asked gesturing to the family the boy was standing up talking to.

"Yeah, those are The Gray's… they moved here a couple of days ago." Jackson said before shrugging.

Miley looked at him confused; why didn't she know them?

"I didn't even know they were here…" She trailed off.

Jackson rolled his eyes before nudging her. "Miles…"

She sighed before smiling. "What? I just like to know every one!"

Jackson smiled before shaking his head. "Then go introduce your self."

Miley smiled before grabbing Jackson's wrist and walking over to them as Their Parents talked to one another and other people who came up to them.

"Miley, I said you, not me." Jackson said looking over at her.

Miley smiled at him. "Jackson, you're not talking to any one… so introduce your self… like I am."

Jackson laughed softly before they walked up the family.

"Hi." Miley said smiling at them as she let go of Jackson's wrist.

She saw the boy from earlier smirk at her and she looked at him confused again before turning back to the older woman and the older man.

"I'm Miley Stewart; I heard Y'all just moved here. I thought I would introduce my self." She said before shaking their hands.

"Hello, Darling… I'm Denise Gray." The woman, now known as Denise said.

"I'm Paul Senior. Your Father gave a wonderful speech." The man said and Miley smiled before nodding her head.

"Thank You; I'll tell him you said so." She said before turning to Jackson.

"This is my brother, Jackson." She said before Jackson shook Paul Seniors hand.

"It's Nice to meet you." Paul Senior said as he let go of Jackson's hand.

"You, Too, Sir." Jackson said nodding his head.

"Oh, and these are our sons; This is Paul Kevin Gray, we call him Kevin, then that there is Joseph, then Nicholas and Franklin." Denise said gesturing in between all of them.

Miley smiled and now knew the boy smirking at her's name was Joseph.

"It's nice to meet Y'all." She said smiling.

"The pleasure is all mine." Joe said before winking at her.

Miley's eyes widened; before Nick and Kevin hit Joe in his shoulders.

"Joe's trying to flirt with you." Frankie said before rolling his eyes.

Miley laughed softly. "Well, I have to go… I'm organizing the charity event for this Saturday and I need to get every thing ready! It was so nice to meet Y'all!" Miley said happily, as She and Jackson smiled at them.

"You Too." Paul Senior said nodding his head.

Miley smiled before She and Jackson walked away.

"They were so nice!" Miley said smiling as they started to walk out of the church.

"Except that Joseph guy was ripping your cloths off with his eyes." Jackson said before shuddering.

Miley Gasped. "Jackson! Do not say things like that!"

Jackson raised his eye brows at her as they walked out of the church; he smiled before he quickly walked over to his friends, Thor and Cooper.

Miley smiled before her best friend, Lilly Truscott walked over to her.

"Hey, Miles… Oliver told me to tell you Sorry he wasn't here; he wasn't feeling too good." Lilly said referring to their other best friend and Lilly's boy friend, Oliver Oaken, before putting Her Bible in her purse.

Miley smiled softly. "Well, when you see him tell him I hope he feels better."

Lilly smiled and nodded her head. "I Will."

"Excuse Me?" A voice said and Miley and Lilly turned around.

Miley felt her breath get caught in her throat when she saw Joe standing right there, smiling at her.

"Hi, Joseph." Miley said smiling at him, letting her deep breath out nonchalantly.

This was the first time she had really looked in to his eyes; they were gorgeous. They were brown; but they had a small bit of green and a small bit of yellow in them; they fit him perfectly. Gorgeous eyes for a gorgeous boy.

Joe smiled and shook his head. "It's Joe."

Miley smiled and nodded her head. "Hi, Joe. Can I help you with any thing?"

"Actually, Yes." Joe said nodding his head.

"Since I'm new to Franklin and every thing; do you need any help with organizing the charity event this Saturday? Your Dad said it would just be you… and I figured you might get stressed out." Joe finished before shrugging his shoulders and smiling at her.

Miley looked over at Lilly. "You can't do it this week end, right?"

Lilly shook her head. "No, I'm Sorry. Oliver and I are going to this skate tournament in Nashville."

Miley smiled and nodded her head before turning back to Joe. "Sure, I Guess."

Joe smiled at her. "Alright, well… where do I meet you at?"

"Do you know where Palm Lake Is?" Miley asked as she putt Her Bible in her purse, before looking back up at Joe.

Joe nodded his head. "I passed it on my way here."

Miley smiled at him. "Great, just meet me there tomorrow at noon."

Joe smiled before nodding his head. "Bye, Miley."

Miley smiled at him. "Bye, Joe… and Thank You for helping."

Joe smiled back at her. "Your Welcome."

And with that he walked away.

Lilly turned to Miley and smiled. "He was cute."

Miley raised her eye brows at her. "What does Oliver think of you thinking of other guys like that? And be sides, I don't need guy in my life right now."

Lilly rolled her eyes as they started walking over to Robby Ray and Susan.

"Sure, Miles, Sure." Lilly said and Miley smiled before shaking her head.

Authors Note: Reviews would be awesome; this is just basically an introduction chapter. Just remember, through out the story, no matter how nice Joe seems... he's a jerk. Just remember that. Haha, it'll come in to play later in the story. Well, I should have my internet back, soon, and my 15th birth day is tommorrow! (December 1st.) YES! Haha, Happy Thanks Giving to every one! Oh, and by the way... TEAM JOE! Hehe. I'm Sorry for these freakishly long authors' notes and every thing! Oh, and I won't putt that much religious stuff in here, even though I am a Christian, because I know other people have different religions and I wouldn't want to offend any one! So, Yeah!