Me: Yay new story!
Ikuto: What's it about?
Me: Read the story!
Amu: Who's it about this time?
Me: Ikuto. His birthday is today!
Tadase: Am I in it?
Me: I don't think I'm going to put you in it.
Tadase: -cries-
Yoru: Where's my fish?
Me: In Tadase's pants. I don't own Shugo Chara! Please enjoy the story and don't ask about what happened to Tadase.
Ikuto was lying on his bed and staring up at the ceiling. Yoru was eating his fish and smiling. It was a normal day, his violin on his desk and the Dumpty Key in his pocket. Ikuto's cell phone beeped and Ikuto glanced at the text.
"What is it Ikuto nya?" Yoru asked as Ikuto closed his phone.
"It's time to go to work" Ikuto told his chara.
"You mean sitting around the park doing nothing nya?" Yoru questioned.
"Yup, let's go" Ikuto and Yoru jumped out the window and started to head towards the park. No one was in the park, it was 7:00 PM. Ikuto was about to sit down on the bench, when he saw Amu, as Amulet Heart, chasing an X-Egg. He character changed and jumped into the tree to grab the X-Egg.
"Ikuto!" Amu shouted.
"Yo" Ikuto said as the egg slipped out of his hand.
"Heart Rod Special" Amu threw her Heart Rod around the X-Egg. "Negative heart, lock on, open heart" Amu cleansed the egg and it flew away.
"Nice job" Ikuto jumped down from the tree.
"Thanks" Amu blushed and de-transformed. She looked at her watch. "I got to go, see you later" she waved to Ikuto and Yoru as she ran to the sidewalk and her charas, Ran, Miki, and Suu followed. Ikuto smiled at her. After Amu was gone Ikuto tried to cancel out his character change, but it didn't work.
"Ikuto, why haven't you changed back yet nya?" Yoru asked his owner.
"I'm trying Yoru!" Ikuto yelled at him. Just then there was a flash of light and Ikuto passed out.
Me: What will happen next?
Ikuto: Didn't you tell me I was going to turn into-
Ikuto: Okay –backs away-
Me: Sorry it was short; I was just trying to get it started. Please review.