Author's Note: So here's the sequel to "Eyes of Purple". Bet that was faster than you thought it would be! I'm very excited about this and I hope you enjoy the first chapter. Please review!
As for ages- they are pretty much the same as my other story. Except Ed just had his birthday, so he's 15.
Disclaimer: I only own Davina. The rest are property of one of my favorite authors.
Chapter 1- Davina's Ponderings
Davina sighed as she pulled on her school uniform. After showing up at Professor Diggory's house last year, he had made arrangements for her to live with 'Aunt Polly' who lived just outside of Finchley, so she would live near Peter and the family she'd come to love. It was easy living with Aunt Polly, because she already knew about Narnia- having been there when it was first created.
Still, it wasn't easy adjusting to sleeping alone and almost living alone. She was used to falling asleep with warm arms wrapped around her for fourteen years, now she woke up disappointed every morning.
The two had made it a point that they would not sleep in the same bed or anything of that sort while in England, at least not until they were 'legally married' there. No one would understand here and both the High King and Queen were a very honorable sort.
She brushed her dark curls and began tying her hair in a French braid. Davina was used to wearing comfortable gowns, not scratchy outfits that ended just above her knee. She was used to a bustling castle with her family and courtiers running around, not paved English roads and empty houses. She was used to courtiers bowing to "Her Majesty, the High Queen" even when she told them they had no need to do so, not being shoved by men who ought to act like gentlemen and jeered at by schoolboys who thought she was 'hot'. She was used to being treated civilly and comparing gown designs with other women of the court, not being made fun of by all the girls at school for being 'holier than thou' because she acted older.
As she pulled on her stockings and shoes, she thanked Aslan for the Pevensies. A year without her brother would have broken her if they hadn't been holding her up. But they were all changing, including herself. Everyone missed Narnia, ached for it. Peter worst of all. He didn't even act like the same Peter he was in Narnia as much, letting his anger take control of him. He seemed more like an angry schoolboy sometimes than a High King.
She fingered her wedding ring that hung on a chain around her neck, before tucking it underneath her shirt. It had been the only Narnian thing that had come with her through the wardrobe. Peter's hung on a chain around his neck as well and both kept them well hidden. She smiled as she thought about her family. Even with all the changes, she wouldn't be able to survive without them. They all stuck together through it all. Peter was still magnificent and protective. Edmund was still a fair, just person- even though he sometimes let his temper get the best of him. Susan was still gentle and motherly. Lucy was still valiant and faithful. Davina was still strong and loving. The main difference is that they were all quieter, more content to think than speak. Well, except Peter who was having trouble keeping his fists under control.
Davina pulled one of Edmund's hats she'd stolen from him over her head as she grabbed her bags and headed out the door after saying goodbye to Aunt Polly. The five were heading off to boarding school for another horrid year. The girls were staying at St. Finbars and the boys were across the street at Hendin House. At least they would be close.
She hurried toward the Pevensie household, their mother had offered to drive them all to the train station. She groaned as she thought about the upcoming school year. Last year had been horrid. The girls were ghastly, mocking the three Queens and some tried to bully Lucy. None bullied the older girls, just made fun of them, but they were quick to come to Lucy's defense. All the girls at the school loved Peter and quite a few were beginning to like Edmund. When they learned that Davina and Peter were an 'item', they held that against her too. They all watched like vultures for the moment he would dump her so they could move in. Too bad for them, that wasn't going to happen.
The two Kings were usually left alone by the guys, they were closest to each other and Edmund was bullied at first, but Peter came to his defense though Ed could easily fend for himself. The girls from St. Finbar's were always sucking up to them, trying to get them to fall in love with them, but Edmund had higher expectations for a girl and Peter was already taken. The guys at Hendin House often hit on Davina and Susan, which neither put up with. Thankfully, Edmund and Peter were protective and were always on the look out for that sort of thing.
Davina was hurrying through the streets as the clouds above her predicted rain, hoping she would get to the Pevensie house before the downpour. Then she hit her foot on an upraised piece of pavement and went sprawling onto the ground. She sighed as she pushed herself off the ground. Huffing a small black curl that had pried itself from her braid and was now on her face. She looked down to see her right knee was now bleeding. As if playing to her mood, the skies took this opportunity to open up.
"Not helping!" she yelled at the sky. Grumbling, she stood and grabbed Edmund's hat off the ground and shoved it back on her head. As she leaned down to grab her stuff, a hand held one of her bags out to her. A guy who looked about twenty stood before her, helping her grab her stuff. When she had it together she thanked him.
"No problem." he told her, shrugging. "Are your eyes purple?" he asked after a moment. She took a step back involuntarily.
"Yes." she answered. Ever since the attempts on her life in Narnia, she was a bit more hesitant about her eye color. He just shrugged.
"Here, come inside." he said, gesturing to the house behind him. "I'll get you an umbrella." he grabbed her hand and started to lead her toward the doorway. She pulled her hand away.
"Um, no thanks." she said, starting to grab her bags again. He grabbed her just above her elbow, squeezing tightly.
"That wasn't a question." he growled, beginning to pull her harder now. She reached for her sword out of habit, then realizing it wasn't there, began to struggle, pulling away from the man. She wished she'd let Edmund teach her hand-to-hand combat years ago.
"I demand you let me go!" Davina yelled.
"You're not really in a position to be demanding things." the man answered her. Just then she saw Peter round the corner with Edmund, both chattering away about something.
"Pete! Ed!" she yelled. She watched as both boys caught sight of her and charged, ignoring the slippery pavement. Peter reached the guy first. Punching him, the guy doubled over and lost his grip on Davina. Edmund grabbed Davina and pulled her back as Peter punched the guy hard enough to knock him over. He hit his head on the pavement and was knocked unconscious.
"Are you alright, Vina?" Peter asked. Both Kings were looking her over, assessing the damages, as they always did after a battle. She rolled her eyes, laughingly.
"I'll be fine. I"m just luck y'all came around when you did." She gave both of them hugs. She pulled her hat off her head and wrung it out, the rain having just stopped. She smiled as the familiar word, y'all, brought both a pang of happiness and sadness as she thought of her brother. She know had a fully British accent, the only thing that ever gave her away was that word, though the Pevensies found themselves saying it alot as well.
"Hey that's my hat!" Ed cried as he picked up one of Davina's bags and Peter picked up the other one. She held a little package in her hand that had gotten wet, but was still alright.
"I know. I stole it from you a week or two ago and forgot about it." she laughed, knowing he wouldn't mind.
"That's alright, you can keep it. Mum got me a new hat for my birthday." he answered her, indicating the one on his head. The two didn't look much different, except hers was a gray color and a bit beaten up. She smiled as she handed Edmund the package she was holding and took back her bag.
"Your birthday present, since I forgot it yesterday." she explained as they reached the door of the Pevensie house. He smiled as they walked inside. Setting her things down, Peter helped her take off her red school jacket and hung it with her hat on the rack by the door. She sat on the couch and Edmund sat down next to her. Peter headed upstairs to grab his things.
Edmund tore into the package and lifted up a scarf that was navy and yellow.
"I knit it myself." Davina told him.
"I can tell. Fifteen years has improved your knitting well." he told her as he set the scarf in his lap. She leaned forward to make sure the stairway was clear.
"And yours as well." she laughed. He rolled his eyes and just then Mrs. Pevensie walked in.
"Davina! I'm glad to see you." she said, as she hugged the girl she had no clue was actually her daughter-in-law. "Oh my! What happened to your leg!" she asked. Davina looked down, realizing she'd forgotten all about her knee.
"By the mane!" she mumbled, then looked up. "Oh, it's nothing. Just fell on the pavement." Mrs. Pevensie grabbed a dishtowel and wet it before giving it to Davina to put on her knee.
"The others should be down in a moment."