Well guys, I hate to tell you, but this is the final chapter. It's been a good run, but it's over. So read it...

I woke up the next morning, rocketing myself out of bed and scaring the crap out of Sarah. "Jesus, Lilly!" She pulled the covers back up to her chin, and curled back up.

I jumped on her. "Sarah! Wake up! It's time for school!" I bounced on the bed, rocking her until she threw the covers back.

"Fine! Damn!" She sat up on the edge of the bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. I went to my closet, trying to figure out what to wear. I was exploding with nervousness and excitement. I settled on a pair of jeans, a black v-neck, and a purple and black plaid shirt. I ran a brush through my hair and was ready to go.

Sarah came out of the bathroom, still looking as tired as a few minutes ago. "Why are you so excited?"

"Do I seem excited?" I was practically vibrating, I was so jittery. But I didn't want to tell Sarah what was happening tonight. It seemed odd to talk about. "I don't know what it is. Weird." I turned away from her, looking at myself in the mirror again.

"Whatever." She muttered grumpily. She picked up her bookbag, I grabbed my guitar, and we went to school.

We were early, so I headed to Miley's room to leave my guitar. She was sitting alone at her desk, looking down at some papers. I snuck in quietly behind her, kissing her neck and running my free hand up and down her arm. "Hey beautiful, I can't wait for tonight." I murmured quietly. She moaned softly, and I almost lost myself right there.

"Please don't do that, or waiting until even tonight will be out of the question."

I kissed her neck again. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

She stood up, turning around in my arms. "It's not. But patience is a virtue." She kissed me softly. "Now get out of here before we get caught." I kissed her again, trying to put everything I was feeling into it.

"I'll see you in a few."

"Bye." She smiled at me. I left the room, feeling her kiss all the way down the hall.

Fifth period came slowly. The whole day was dragging. I just needed that final bell to ring. Miley took role, then sat on the front edge of her desk. "Well guys, I'd like to start another band project." I avoided her eyes, trying not to think about her skin, my hands on her, her lips on mine, but it didn't work. My mind wandered, thinking of my hands on her waist, sliding up her shirt, my lips on hers, her arms around my neck, pulling me as close as possible- "Ok guys, get started." I looked around and the class was breaking into groups. I'd missed everything she said.

"Lils?" Jackson tried to get my attention. "Are you paying attention?"

My eyes drifted over Miley's legs, which were only partially covered by a knee length skirt. "No. I am definitely not paying attention." Miley looked at me and I went hot all over. I looked away.

Jackson laughed. "Wanna hang out tonight?"

"Uh…I'm kinda busy."

"Doing what?" He asked me curiously.

'Your sister.' I thought to myself. "Uh…nothing?"

He looked at me curiously, then he looked at Miley, and back to me. "Oh." He said, and then he said it again. "Ooohhhh." And he burst out laughing. "You dog!" I turned bright red, and punched him in the arm.

"Shut up!"

"Maybe I'll see you tonight. You know, when you're done."

"Probably not."

"Oh, is this gonna be an all night thing?"

"Shut up. We're really not talking about this."

He laughed some more, and then Jake came over. "Hey guys, we're thinking of doing a cover of 'Break Your Heart' if that's alright with you."

"Maybe we should do 'Sensual Seduction'" Jackson murmured so only I could hear him. I punched him again. "Yeah Jake, that's good." Jake went back to Oliver and Matt.

I looked at Miley, and the song ran through my head. 'I'm only gonna break break your, break break your heart.' Miley looked at me, meeting eyes for a second. I smiled before I looked away. This day couldn't end soon enough.

After school that day I went home, dropping my books, guitar, and Sarah off. I left everything in the doorway, and drove straight to Miley's, leaving my car around the corner and sneaking to Miley's through the garage with the roses I'd brought. I knocked on the door, holding the flowers behind my back.

She opened the door, a smile brightening up her face and nearly melting my heart. I pulled the flowers out from behind me, presenting them to her. She took them. "Lilly, they're beautiful!" She set them down on the island, looking for a vase. I watched her looking around, opening cabinets, the graceful way she floated around the kitchen, and I was overwhelmed.

I walked up behind her, putting my hands on her waist and kissing her neck. "Lilly." She breathed my name, and spun around, facing me. I brought my hands up to her face, pulled her close and kissed her. She leaned back, bracing herself against the counter. And then my cell phone rang. I pulled back just an inch from Miley, and saw the call was from Jackson. I ignored it, turning my attention back to Miley.

She started to unbutton my plaid shirt, kissing me all the while and putting her hands on my stomach. I put my hands on her hips, pulling her close and trapping her hands between us. I could feel her smile against my lips. I kissed the corner of her mouth, to her chin, and down her neck to her collarbone. "Let's go upstairs," she murmured into my ear, taking my hand and pulling me up the stairs.

She pulled me towards the bed and we collapsed onto it. I dropped my plaid shirt on the floor. I propped myself up over Miley with one hand, kissing her while her hands made their way up my shirt. My phone rang again. "What?" I answered angrily, as Miley kissed a burning trail across my neck and her hands traced another one across my stomach, leaving me breathless and wiping out my anger as soon as it had begun.

"Reimard's back."

"I-what?" Miley's hands paused, and her eyes searched mine. "Why?"

"He wants to see us all now."

"Now?" I asked desperately. "I'm kind of…" I smiled down at Miley. "Busy."

"Now." The other guys are on their way. Get over here. You should bring Miley too." He deadpanned, showing no emotion.

"Fine." I snapped the hone shut. "My presence has been requested next door. Reimard is back."

I stood up, reaching out for her hand and pulling her off the bed. "They also want you there." She smiled at me. "What?"

"It's like we're doomed."

"Oh shush." I pulled her towards me, kissing her again. "We have all night." I picked y shirt up off the floor, pulling it on. When I turned around Miley was still smiling, but it was a sad smile. "Come on." I led the way down the stairs.

"You should go first. It'd be weird if we showed up together."

I looked at her long and hard. Something was off, but all I said was, "Ok."

I walked out front, and was met by a long black limo parked at the curb. I headed to the front and I walked in like I lived there, and was greeted by to the sight of Reimard seated on the couch.

"Ms. Truscott, hello again!" He seemed excited, which was a good sign.

"Hey there. What's going on?"

"Let's wait for the rest of the band to get here."

"Alright." We didn't wait long. Within the next five minutes the rest of the boys and Miley were there, seated on the couch and facing a standing Reimard.

"I took your songs to the label, and they sent me immediately back. They want you in LA right away. If you agree, tomorrow a limo will pick you up to take you there, where you'll meet with our lawyers to make a contract, and within two weeks we'll be recording an ep and setting up free concerts. If you're received well, we'll start making a full album. What do you say?"

All of us said yes, except for Mr. Stewart. "I have some questions. What about living arrangements? Supervision? Things like that?"

"Well an adult would have to accompany them until they're all eighteen. And we'll cover all necessary expenses. Travel, living, food, advertisements, studio time, all of it until they're out there."

"What about school?"

"We'll hire tutors for all the subjects they need."

"Why so generous? I've seen deals before. They're never this good."

"Because, Mr. Stewart, we're not looking for another cookie cutter pop group. These guys are versatile, and there is no chance they won't make it. And if we don't take them now, someone else will. So do we have a deal?" Reimard stuck out his hand.

Robbie Ray ignored it. "Guys?"

Jake, Matt, and Oliver all nodded. "We're 18 and we're there." Jake said.

Jackson looked at Robbie Ray. "Dad?"

"Yeah Jackson. I won't hold you back. Lilly?"

"I'm not eighteen yet. And my mom-" I stopped.

"Lilly, your mom and I had an agreement that if something ever happened to her, I'm your acting guardian. Mr. Reimard, we have a deal." Robbie Ray finally took Reimard's hand, and they shook on it. We exploded into cheers and whoops and all kinds of over the top noises.

Jackson wrapped me up in a hug. "This is really happening!"

"I know!"

When we finally settled down a bit Mr. Reimard spoke. "Well, I'm going to head back and tell the label you guys have said yes. And two limos will be here to pick you all up around 3 tomorrow. Bring whatever you think you'll need for the next two weeks, ok? Congratulations. "He and Robbie Ray shook hands again, and he left.

The boys started to leave one by one, needing to start packing for tomorrow, until I was left alone with the Stewart's. "Well, I've got to pack. See you tomorrow."

"Night Jackson." I hugged Mr. Stewart. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Because your mom trusted you, and knows you can take care of yourself. But she wanted to know someone else would take care of you, too."

"Thank you."

"It's no problem, Lilly. I told you, you're family. And you should probably go pack, too."

"Of course. Bye Mr. Stewart."

"Bye, Lilly."

"I'm gonna leave, too. Night Dad." Miley hugged Mr. Stewart and we left. We headed into the garage and back to her place. We stepped into the kitchen and I kissed her. "Where were we?" I kissed her deeply, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. It took me a few minutes to realize something was wrong. Miley was crying. I pulled back some. "Miley?" She didn't look at me. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"You're crying." I wiped a tear from her cheek.

"You're leaving."

"What? No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are." She murmured the words. "You're going away."

"Oh." To LA. "So what?"

"We can't do this."

A feeling of unrest settled into the pit of my stomach. "Then we'll wait." I offered meekly, knowing that this wasn't what she meant.

"No. This." She barely managed a whisper. "We can't do us. I'm sorry." She pulled out of my arms to the other side of the island.

"Miley, no." I could hear I was begging, and I hated it. "Why?"

"You're going to be famous. We can't keep this a secret. People will find out, and they'll know I was your teacher.

I walked to where she was standing. "Then Miley, I won't go. I'll give it up. I'll give it all up for you. I love you."

"No you don't."

"I do."

"I-I don't love you. I want you to go. So go."

I felt as if I'd been smacked. As if someone had punched me in the stomach, ripped out my heart, and smacked me in the face. "Oh. Oh. If that's how you feel, I'll go." I made to leave, and, with one hand on the handle, I turned back to look at Miley. She was bent over the counter with tears rolling down her face.

The last thing I looked at was the roses on the table. A line from a long forgotten song ran through my head. 'You gave me roses, and I left them there to die.' And I shut the door. I made it to my car fine. And I got inside it and drove home. The sun was setting over my broken heart. And when I got in front of my porch the tears started pouring. I stumbled up the stairs, and I couldn't see which key was my house key. I slammed my hands against the door, pounding until Sarah let me in.

"Lilly, what the hell?" I pushed past her and went up the stairs to my room, sitting on the edge of my bed, hunched over with my face on my hands and my elbows on my knees. The tears poured out freely. I felt the bed sink next to me when Sarah sat down. "Lilly? What happened?" I felt her hand on my back.

"Miley dumped me."


"She said we couldn't work out if people found out about us. And that-that she didn't love me."

Sarah's arms wrapped around me. "Lilly, I am so, so sorry."

"I just don't understand. I don't know what happened."

Sarah didn't answer, so I just looked at her. "I don't know what to say Lilly." She still had her arms around me, and her face was so close, she leaned in and kissed me. It was only for an instant, and then it was over. "I am so sorry Lilly, I didn't…I just-" I leaned forward, kissing her again. She pulled my plaid shirt off my shoulders, and I pulled off her t-shirt. "Lilly, are you sure you want to?" Her hands paused where they were on the buttons of my jeans. "When I broke up with Oliver, it was because of you."

"Me?" Suddenly it all came into place. She had dumped him for me. Oliver had tried to set me up with Jackson as a test. This was my best friend, who'd waited for me for months. "Yes, I'm sure." I pulled off my shirt, leaning her back on the bed and helping her shimmy off her jeans. I kissed her again, running my hands over her bare skin as she undid the buttons of my jeans. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I undid her bra and she undid mine. We pressed our bodies together, and the plain desire roared through me. Lying there with her, we shared one long, passionate kiss, before we took that final leap together.

What can I say? Nobody's Perfect.

So, that was it. Lemme know what ya thought? Reviews?

For the record, I hate unsigned reviews. And second, there will be a sequel.