My first fanfic, folks! Enjoy it, or an army of sticky notes will come and eat your brain! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!

Disclaimer:I do not, sadly, own Inuyasha. If I did, a lot of the villains wouldn't have died. Except Kikyo.


Angry was not, it seemed, a word stored in Kagome's emotional vocabulary. Mad certainly was, but not angry.

Or so everyone else thought.

But, while walking through an old, bloody battlefield that had once, more than likely, been a pretty, grassy meadow, with Inuyasha complaining incessantly, it was obvious to Kirara, and only Kirara, that the explosion was inevitiable.

"Hey, Kagome," Inuyasha whined. "Do you have anything to eat in your bag?"

"No," Kagome growled through clenched teeth.

"You know, sometimes, you're useless!" Inuyasha snapped. "Kikyo's much better! She'd never let us go without food! She'd have everything we needed, all the time."

Kirara, knowing that this was it, ducked behind Sango's foot.

"SIT BOY!!!!!!!!"


It was impossible not to hear it, the yell. Doing so would mean that you were either deaf or retarded.

And Bankotsu of the Band Of Seven was neither.

And he did not like being interrupted while he was pondering.

"A woman," Jakotsu spat, with a scowl.

Renkotsu rolled his eyes. "A woman yelled. So what? It's not the end of the world, Jakotsu." He smirked. "You sound just like one, anyway."

"Let's go see if that woman needs some company," Suikotsu suggested. "How about it, Big Brother?"

"There's nothing else to do," Bankotsu said with a shrug. "Why not?"

"What about me?" Jakotsu whimpered.

"Oh, I'm sure she was probably yelling at her husband, Jak," Bankotsu said. "You can have him."

"Okay then," Jakotsu instantly brightened up.


"Damn you, Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed. "Damn you to hell- and your precious Kikyo, too! Since she's so much better than me, why don't I go off on my own and find the jewel shards? Why don't you just send me back home and have Kikyo find the damn things for you, huh?

"Why should I stay around when I know, for a fact, that as soon as we find all the pieces of the jewel, you're just gonna wish Kikyo back and push me away?" Kagome continued, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I've stood by your side all this time, and all you ever do is compare me to that dead clay pot! And push me away, again, and again! I've sat here and endured it all this time, but no more! No more! I'd rather aid the enemy than stay here with you for another moment. I'm leaving, Inuyasha! Or, should I say, Inutrasha! Go get Kikyo, let her find the shards for you! And if I get killed, please know it's your fault!"

It was at that moment (the worst moment in history to appear) that the Band of Seven burst into the bloodstained field.

"Oh, look!" Bankotsu cried. "A damsel in distress!"

The young, short boy sauntered across the space between the two groups with unhuman speed, and before anyone could stop him, had scooped Kagome up, bridal style. "Aren't you pretty? I never really noticed you, before!"

"Oh, my sweet Inuyasha!" Jakotsu cried happily. He ran to the half demon and wrapped his arms around him.

"Get off me, freak!" Inuyasha ordered, shoving Jakotsu away roughly. "And get back here with Kagome, zombie!"

Bankotsu looked over his shoulder smugly at Inuyasha. "You'll have to find us, first."

"Kagome!" Inuyasha howled when he realized that she wasn't struggling. "What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"Well, Inuyasha, it was nice seeing you, but we've gotta go," Bankotsu said.

Jakotsu ran away from Inuyasha and leaped onto Ginkotsu's tank/body.

Ginkotsu fired a cannon, and in a cloud of smoke, they were gone.

Only Bankotsu's last words floated in the wind.

"You'll find us at our castle."


"Big Brother," Renkotsu asked after they were some distance from Inuyasha and company. "Do you think it was wise to tell Inuyasha of our castle?"

"He won't be able to find us," Bankotsu assured him as Suikotsu forced a sleeping potion into Kagome. "I didn't tell him where the castle was. He'll never find us."


Tell me what you think, kiddies! Review! Flames welcome!