Rating Teen for language.

Sakura's Secrets.

Summary: Sakura Haruno, a sixteen year old orphan who works as an apprentice for Tsunade, the medical legend. Her whole life turns around when Sasuke Uchiha, famous teen idol comes to town and becomes fascinated by her. Although, Sakura didn't want anyone to know about her true and shameful past, Sasuke tries to find out. Thus the whole story becomes a modern goose chase.

Disclaimer: Naruto or any of it's characters does not belong to me.

Sakura stared at him. And he stared back. "You know, you really need to quit acting." She mustered up a silly smile. Sasuke shook his head and chuckled, "It wasn't acting, Haruno. It's called the truth."

"Sounds like a quote you'd hear from The Notebook or something."

"I don't do movies like those."

"Weird, I heard you're fangirls say you were starring in one."

"They tell lies."

"So do you."

He raised his eyebrows.

Sakura shrugged, "It's called the truth, Uchiha." She turned the key into the lock and said, " 'Night."

"Yeah." He replied before getting into his car. It was just then that he noticed that he was completely soaked. "Women.." He growled before turning on the engine. Sasuke gripped the steering wheel before resting his head on it.

Sakura on the other hand was taking a nice, relaxing shower, sure that he didn't mean his words. When she got out of her bathroom and stared at the rain splattered window, all she saw was a black convertible Maserati Spyder driving west. She smiled.

That night, Sakura had a peaceful sleep knowing that tomorrow, she'd be met with a happy Saturday morning. The unfortunate girl..

When she woke up that morning at 9:00 am, all she saw was dreary weather with dark clouds humming over the houses. She frowned and set herself onto her bed. "Well..let's see if Ms. Yamanaka has something to say." She got up and grabbed her cellphone. The second her hand was about to touch it, it rang.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Sakura, we need you at the Cafe. Misaki is out sick and you're the only one who can fill in for her."

"But, Sayu-san," The roseatte was cut off.

"Please, Sakura." Sayu seemed to be pleading.

Sakura sighed, "Fine. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

She put on skinny jeans, a white sweatshirt with cherry blossoms all over it and her red and white Converse sneakers. Reluctantly, she pulled her working bag out of her tiny closet and grabbed a red Aeropostale jacket while at it. Sakura frantically looked for her cellphone which was sitting innocently under her pillow.

The pink haired sighed and swiftly took the umbrella next to her shoes and went off to the Red & Dark Cafe.

There were a lot of people there. A bit surprising because of the depressing weather. She turned to Sayu who seemed to be eager and extremely excited. "What's going on?" she asked curiously.

"Chidori's endorsing the Cafe!"

The only thing Sakura could do was make her jaw fall stupidly.

"What do you mean, endorsing?!"

"I know, isn't it great?"

"That's not what I meant!"

They were cut off from the screaming fans as a big, muscular man came out of a dark and shiny limousine. He was followed collectively by Sasuke Uchiha, his spiky hair as "sexy" as ever and he was wearing the Red & Dark Cafe uniform. Improvised.

The red and black stripes that the pants held were more popped out, like someone colored them darker so that it would be noticed more. The sleeves of the long-sleeved top was cut off, like it was naturally pulled up at the elbows. The red tie was hanging loosely off his neck, but wasn't falling. Three buttons were unbuttoned.

"You're kidding." Was all Sakura managed to say.

Sayu bit her lip. "He is soo hot!"

"They killed the uniform!" Sakura tried to reason with her boss.

"Would you relax?" Sayu looked at her, "Besides, you should be more appreciative."

"Appreciative?! They're too snobby for their own good."

"Oh, stop." Sayu turned to the band, who was all there. They were wearing the same thing as Sasuke. And the fans were screaming.

"Ugh.." Sakura took out her phone and listened for the ring carefully.

"Hello?" Tenten greeted her.

"Tenten. I'm gonna die."

"Whoa. Hold up. Screaming..Clicking cameras..Where are you?"


"What the hell are they doing there?"

"I don't know. Just save me."

"Well. From what I hear, I have no idea how I'm gonna get inside."

"I'll go 'round the back."

"Why won't you do it by yourself, without me?"

"Because if Uchiha catches me, I need back-up. Duh."

"All right, all right. I'll go over."

"Thanks. See 'ya." Sakura ended the call, "Now. To get away from here."

Unknown to her, Sayu was introducing to the band and the media the Cafe kitchen. Where Sakura was in.

As soon as she heard the screaming, she knew that they were inside. She grabbed the door handle and ran towards the back of the Cafe. "And this is where my workers take breaks and sometimes helps out with the baking. I also want to introduce you to my fantastic assistant, Sak-" Sayu was cut off.

"Sakura? Where are you?"

Sasuke raised his eyebrows and asked her, "May I have some time to see the Cafe by myself. Alone." He looked at his friends and the media. And of course, the fans. His eyes turned to Sharingan and they backed off.

He ran towards the front of the store. Meanwhile, Tenten and Sakura were just putting on their seatbelts inside Tenten's car. Sakura froze when she saw Sasuke run out from the door. He stared at her then went inside his car, not even putting the seatbelt on. "Hmm.." He smirked.

"Let's go, Tenten. Let's go."

Tenten stepped on the accelator and they bounded off.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Your house."

"What's wrong with your's."

"He already know where it is."

Sakura stared the rearview mirror. She could see the black Maserati coming after them easily and that he was way past the speed limit.

"Can't you make the car go faster?"

"I can't. I'm already past 65."

"Turn around to the back."


"Just do it."

Tenten jerked the steering wheel to the left and they entered the back neighborhood behind Tenten's house. Sakura climbed up the fence that Tenten's parents made so that their's is seperated.

"He doesn't want you, so just drive back up to your front garage."

"He might use me as bait. I'll climb up with you too."

Sasuke was already parked across them. He opened his car door and ran towards the fence. Sakura and Tenten had just jumped down. They could hear him get inside his car and come up to the front.

"You didn't forget to lock..Did you?"


"Oh, god.."

Tenten made a run for it but Sasuke was already inside living room.

"Where's Sakura?"

"I don't know..What do you mean?"

"Where is she?"

Sakura jumped up the fence but her shoes scraped the wooden surface.

"Thanks." Sasuke replied as he ran towards the back end.

Sakura ran towards the front, hoping that he won't catch her.

It was too late. He faked running to the back and he was already at the front, waiting for her smugly.

She tried running back again but he already caught her arm and pulled her towards him.

Sasuke wrapped his arms around her, her back facing him and his mouth was speaking closely to her ear.

"So.." He said seductively, "No car. Goes to a poor Cafe to work. Lives in a poor apartment complex. Tries to escape."

He wrapped his arms around her more tightly, "But can't."

"What do you want?" Sakura, asked her voice shaking.

"Just wanted to learn more."

Sakura thought about how he said a "poor Cafe".

"You knew...You knew I working at that Cafe."

"I asked your friend a few questions after dropping you off." Sasuke replied simply.

It seemed awkward for her. Talking to him with her body turned, her back facing him. He seemed to notice and he turned her around and stared at her. "So, what's next, Haruno?" He asked her, like he was expecting something a bit more. Like a daring escape. Or at least, something.

"Don't treat me like a toy, Uchiha. You'll regret it." Sakura told him boldly.

Sasuke smirked and he answered, "I'm not. It's interesting to watch you try and try to escape from me. But you just can't."

"You're a stalker."

"No, Sakura. I'm an eagle. When I find a prey, I won't stop until I have it."

"What's up with me being an 'it'?

"Humor won't save you, Haruno."

She glared at him and said, "Don't act as if you're stronger than anyone else."

Sasuke smiled. "What if I am?"

"Prove it."

"Kiss me and I'll let you go. If you don't, we'll stay here for the rest of our lives."

She smirked as Tenten kicked him on the back. He was quick. And Sakura knew then, that the Uchiha named wasn't just made for entertaining.

He slammed Tenten against the wall and touched a spot on her neck with chakra from his fingers. Tenten's eyes slowly closed.

"What did you do?" Sakura asked, as she frantically listened for Tenten's breathing.

"I just let her fall asleep, that's all." He shrugged. Then, took her and slammed her against the walk.

"Now, the condition." Sasuke told her, his eyes staring into hers.

She bit her lip and looked down.

Dun dun dun dun...


Anyways. I'm so sorry for not uploading much. Here's Chapter Four for you. 3

Thank you so much for making this fanfic my best, yet.