Well, after the fiasco of last chapter, I am sure everyone is waiting to see what Eragon will look like as a dragon, so it's included. This will probably only go on for a few more chapters…that's my plan at least. Well, hopefully I can get in what I wish to and we'll see where it goes from there.

Chapter 3: Leaving

Kirea woke up and saw Eragon lying against a gorgeous elf maid with blonde hair and a blue tunic. She smiled to herself and said softly, Way to go, Saphira. I knew you could do it. She turned and nudged Remare to wake him up. He groaned quietly and raised his head to look into her eyes.

Good morning, mate. How are you? He licked her cheek.

Instead of answering, she flicked her eyes back over to Eragon and Saphira. Look at those two. Saphira finally changed. After our meeting with Glaedr yesterday I could tell that they were very close to getting there…

So could I, love. They love each other a lot for only being together for two years. Kirea leaned her head on his as they watched the two elves awake.

Good morning Eragon! Kirea smiled at the man and he rubbed his eyes groggily. How are you feeling this morning?

He stood up slowly and tried to keep his balance on his unsteady feet. "How are you this perky in the morning?"

She flicked him playfully with the tip of her tail, sending him toppling back to the ground. Remare has always been an early riser so I guess it kind of rubbed off on me. It really is nice you know.

Saphira also tried to stand up. "Yeah, but so is sleep."

Remare and Kirea laughed. Remare helped Eragon to stand again with his muzzle. Well we need to be off anyway. We have a lot of ground to cover before the sun goes down, and since we are to avoid the Unending Desert, it will take more time. It should take a few weeks if we encounter no trouble from the Lupine Tribes…

Eragon shot the white dragon a look of worry. "What if we do? We could handle them, right?"

Remare considered it for a moment. It's possible that we could deal with them. Kirea and I managed to escape from one of the rogue tribes. We've heard that the central tribes are gentler and more civilized, but we didn't stick around to find out. Let's hope we don't run into any of those rogues again though, they were pretty strong and Kirea doesn't have her sword anymore.

Saphira morphed into dragon form. If they attempt to capture us, then they die. It's that simple. Eragon, will you join me as a dragon?

Eragon's eyes widened in happiness. "I'd love too, but I don't know what to do. I've never even thought what I would look like as a dragon."

I can help you with that. Hmm… Remare walked up to Eragon and circled him, studying the elf's features with a careful eye. You strike me as a gentle person, but at the same time very aggressive. Would I be right? Eragon nodded and the white dragon turned to Saphira. What do you think Saphira, black?

Saphira joined Remare in studying the elf. Definitely black. And gold eyes. About your size Remare, maybe a bit smaller; he isn't as old as you. Bigger wings though, black dragons need bigger wings.

Eragon struggled to memorize all the details that the two dragons bombarded him with, compiling them in his mind to create an image of the dragon he should be. As the barrage of details ceased, he fixed the finished picture in the center of his thoughts and focused his will on it. He closed his eyes and felt his body begin to shift, every nerve ending in his body tingling with magic. He gritted his teeth through the feeling. The sensation wasn't pain, that he knew, but he could not identify it. The magic fled from his veins and engulfed his form, twisting the once humanoid form to the desire of an ancient spell. Eragon surrendered himself wholly to the force, letting his body reshape itself into the revered form of a dragon. He reopened his now sparkling golden eyes and craned his neck to look back on his new body. He stretched his wings out to either side of his now scaled torso, admiring the monstrous size of the flight membranes. He flicked his tail back and forth experimentally, enjoying the feeling of the cool grass running over his glossy black scales. Eragon looked up into Saphira's eyes and saw a playful glint in them.

How do I look? he asked the sapphire dragon.

Saphira simply stood there, staring at the black dragon with utter amazement. Eragon managed to stumble over to her and catch her attention by snorting directly in front of her. SAPHIRA! Eragon yelled at her, finally snapping the sapphire dragon out of her trance like state.

Saphira stumbled backwards suddenly, fumbling for the words to explain her actions. I- I was j-just-

Kirea cut her off, giggling at the attempt. You were fantasizing weren't you? The green dragoness shielded her words from the males, keeping the conversation between them private.

Saphira snorted once in indignation. I was NOT fantasizing about my rider…yet. She gave a sly expression of playfulness. Turning back to the males, she voiced her opinion. You look magnificent, Eragon.

The now black dragon lifted his head and performed a regal pose, arching his neck elegantly and curling his tail around his body. But his balance wasn't that good as of yet and he fell face first onto the ground.

Saphira smirked at him and trudged over to stand over her "rider," laughing at his clumsiness. You have a lot to learn, little one.

Remare nodded, and began to feel an impatience mount within him, wanting to get moving as quickly as possible. He turned to Kirea, who also felt impatient, and then brought his gaze back to the others. Excuse me, Saphira, Eragon? We should start our journey if we wish to arrive in a timely fashion.

Eragon scrambled to his paws and bobbed his head in agreement. Yes definitely. Go ahead, Saphira was going to give me a flying lesson.

Kirea snorted. Suit yourself. She pushed off of the ground and brought her wings down, propelling herself into the air with Remare close behind her. She looked back to see him catch up quickly and keep pace beside her. He growled lightly and she flicked her gaze towards his eyes. They radiated a small glow and held a bright shine to them. She giggled in his mind. You seem happy today. She noted.

Remare repeated his light growl, and Kirea then picked up the subtle undertone of lust in the sound. I was just thinking of us. We are mates, as you said earlier…

Kirea shivered at the thought and moved in closer to her dragon, making sure their wingbeats were perfectly timed. As she moved in closer, she leaned her head in and caught a whiff of his scent, the slight twinge in her nostrils cranking gears in the back of her head and almost making her lose control of herself. A smile played about her lips at the thought and she found herself liking the idea. Pushing it to the back of her mind, she focused on flying.

The day passed quickly and they set down just beyond the tree line of a forest unknown to Kirea. After an hour, Saphira and Eragon joined them in their spot.

Kirea felt insecure about the forest beside them and decided to morph back into her elf form so that she could curl up against her dragon's side with his wing over her. A sigh escaped her as she lay in her favorite spot against Remare's foreleg, her view obscured by the white membrane extended over her in comfort. She leaned over to her dragon's snout and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Good night, my Rem. I love you."

She felt Remare sigh as well and his words echoed in her mind as it drifted into the embrace of slumber. I love you as well, little Kirea. You are always safe with me.

As the group let the darkness of sleep overtake their minds, another group of creatures watched them from the woods, their intentions anything but peaceful.

Well, it took a while, but i finished it. sorry it took so long, but it kinda stopped flowing in my head and that would have ended badly. till next time!
