Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Pairings: InoXShika and onesided InoXSasuke


-by Lyrics and Music

Lies. That's all that came out of her mouth. Real. He was real. Reality. It was hard to accept. Chemicals. That was her solution.

Chapter One:


Swirling the wine around the expensive glass, her hazy ice blue eyes gazed intensely into the man in front of her. His hand toyed with her platinum blonde hair. Batting her eyelashes, the girl licked her lips, slowly, watching as his onyx orbs fixated upon the deep scarlet red. A perfectly carved, all too familiar coy smile made its way to her features. He leaned in to kiss her lips, carefully brushing against them with his hot breath. Her thin, elegant fingers wound themselves in his hair. Locking their lips in a passionate kiss, the ebony haired boy used his hand to caress her cheek. Breaking away, she smirked before quickly looking away, a beautiful blush dusting her cheeks. His growing curiosity painted itself on his pale face. Just what she wanted.

"Cut," the man whispered into her ear. The girl gasped, before realizing…

Ring! Ring!

"Good morning Konoha! It's going to be bright and sunny today. High of about..."

Slamming her palm on the alarm clock, the annoying announcer voices stopped. Groaning, the girl wrapped the silk sheets around her body, basking in the sunlight streaming through her window. The girl sat up snapping her crystal eyes wide open. Pale pink lips smiled slightly as her feet touched the floor. Carefully picking out clothes, she looked through a massive closet. Appearance was important to say the least. With all the cameras flashing all the time, how you looked was everything.

Beauty. Youth. Talent. Sex appeal. The list ran on forever. They would never understand. They wanted it all. They would never let her breathe. But it was worth it right? Suffocation was worth it for the everlasting fame, right? Trading your privacy for wealth and luxury was just something trivial, right? Giving up your life to be successful was just the price tag right? Apparently so and she hated it, but it was too late to back down now. She was a star and no matter how much she wanted to fall back down to Earth, she would remain up there, isolated, far off, and alone. Still, she would deal with it, put up with it for one little thing. Every night before drifting into sleep, she would wish for it, cherish it. This little princess wanted love. Passion and romance. Roses and kisses. Chocolates and hearts. But not the kind you get from everyone. No sir. She craved something new, exciting, and original. She wanted something genuine and when you're a star, that kind of sincerity eludes you.

Applying makeup to her already pretty face, the girl shook her head. Love, she thought that this new man, Uchiha Sasuke, would give it all to her. Her new co-star was smooth, cool, calm and mysterious. That was attractive as far as she was concerned. All she had to do was crack that exterior. Just a tiny break in his armor and she could slip into his heart. Then, he would love her. He would be hers. It was just like a movie. He would have feelings, compassion beneath it all. She was positive.

Revealing pearly white teeth framed by shimmering pink, freshly glossed lips, the girl watched the color in her eyes swirl. Her normally clear baby blue irises were now glimmering with an unclear muddled mix of deep blue, forest greens, and a peculiar lavender. The chemicals were taking effect, the foul smelling champagne colored liquid. The needle lay there on her dresser. Feeling a sharp pain in her side, the girl coughed. Tasting iron, she down at her blood soaked hand. The room began to spin wildly, the colors of the melting in a confusing mess. Gripping the edge of the counter tightly, feeling her knees buckle. Unsure of what happened, a moment later, the blonde could feel the plush rug up against her cheek. Unable to see anything, a numbing sensation exploded within her body. The brightest burning star of all of Konoha, Ino Yamanaka, was out cold.

Click. Click. Click.

"And action," a voice within her mind told her, instructing her eyes to open.

Click. Click. Click.

Reopening her cerulean eyes gently, seductive smile flashing across her features, she crossed her legs delicately, placing a hand on her thigh. Analytical orbs traced the movements of her fingers across the pale skin, ink carrying itself across his notepad slowly. Lifting his gaze to meet hers, he yawned. Boring, it was simply predictable. Rolling his sepia colored eyes lazily, a tiny frown adorned her lips. "Dr. Nara," she stated respectfully, running a hand through perfectly straightened, angelically flowing flaxen locks of hair, "I am perfectly fine. It was all simply a misunderstanding. There is nothing psychologically wrong with me."

"I believe that is not up to your discretion," he replied, glasses reflecting a tiny fleck of light emanating from the lamp on his desk, "As you have stated before, I am the doctor. You are simply the patient, so please do not draw your own conclusions so quickly, Ms. Yamanaka."

Click. Click. Click.

"Smile for the camera," a photographer instructed. Flashing lights blinded her vision. Slamming her fist into the lens, blood trickled down her palm.

Click. Click. Click.

"Please," she requested hastily, taking a deep breath, "Stop clicking your pen."

"My apologies," the doctor said quietly, complying, "May I ask why it bothers you?"

"No reason," Ino told him, attempting to conceal the lie with a sweet smile, "Just a pet peeve."

"Pardon me for saying this," the brunette apologized in advance, "but I strongly believe you are lying. No, let me revise that statement. I know you lied." Rosette lips parting slightly, an incredulous look graced her face. Smirking, he was absolutely certain now. Her expression confirmed his suspicions. "Now, Ms. Yamanaka," he laughed slightly, "I believe you can do much better. Acting is your forte, no?"

"Are you implying something?" the blonde retaliated, frowning slightly.

"Am I?" he asked, stoic once more.

Ring. Ring.

"Our session is over now, Miss. You are free to leave," the boy informed her.

"Paparazzi," Ino replied.

"I beg your pardon."

"It reminds me of the paparazzi," she restated, "The clicking reminds me of the cameras." He remained silent, watching her breathe. It was the truth.

Thank you for reading.

Reviews are appreciated.