Chapter 4

(AN: I will be doing it in more detail now, I just really hate starting stories once I get into the middle and end I get better with the detail)

100 yrs. later


"Bella where are you!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" screamed, Samantha, as she walked swiftly through the house. I laughed silently, as my 'sister' searched vainly for me. "Bryan where is Bella!?!?!?!" She screached.

"Why Sam, what do you want her for?" He asked warily, he should be frightened.......

"She burned my books!!!!!!" she screached. Bryan whistled slowly.

"And why did she do that, you know she would only burn a book if you did something to her?" Bryan pointed out. Good job Bryan that is very smart.

"That doesn't matter, she burned my antique books, she will pay dearly." Samanthat seethed, I noticed Nick walking into the room with confusion written all over his face.

"What's wrong woth you Sammy??" He asked. "BELLA BURNED MY BOOKS" She screached, he looked slightly frightened.

By now I couldn't stop the laughter and fell out of the closet I had been hiding in, Samantha, whirled around to face me. "BELLA" was the only thing she was able to say, before she charged at me.

"By Nick, by Bryan see you later." I called back as I ran from Samantha.

NPOV (Nick)

hmmmm Sam seems as livid as the day we met her and Bella changed her....


We were all walking through the streets in Holland, when we heard a screach, Bella, Bryan, Christine and I looked at each other before running towards the sound, we found Samantha, bleeding fighting back 2 idiot thugs of course they ran when they saw us, Samantha collasped.

Bella immediately bent over her and bit her. She had done the same thing with me 20 yrs. ago. She never asked she just did. We watched over her as she changed for three days, her face wasn't contorted with pain as others would have been instead she looked pissed, hell she looked livid.

When she woke up, Samantha immediately got defensive, only Bryan's gift kept her from attacking us. (Will explain all gifts and their appearance soon)

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" She hissed.

"We are vampires like you are now as well and we helped you get better." Bella answered her simply, Samantha stared at us for a few seconds.......She nodded her head.

"Alright I will play along...." She mused glancing warily at each of us.

Christine brought a mirror. "Is this what you looked like last time you checked." She asked raising an eyebrow.

Samantha gasped, "No. So are you guys serious?"

"Absolutely." Bryan said grinning foolishly. BElla whacked him in the stomach it made a low sound like 2 rocks hitting together. Sam's eyes widened again.

"We are vampires yes, we drink animal blood, I am Bella, this is Christine, Bryan and Nick." Bella introduced each of us, Sam nodded.

"Alright can I stay with you guys, I don't know what I would do now, I want to become part of your group." She sounded, weak and scared. Bella nodded.

"I know how you feel, Samantha." She murmered quietly. She suddenly looked happier. "wanna go hunting??"

End Flashback

"Sam calm down." I asked catching her swiftly in my arms as her and Bella ran by, Bella laughed, and Bryan caught her.

"Damn, you Bryan, damn you Nick, you ruined our entertainment." Christine grumbled, as Jared and her walked into the room. "Those two have been getting back at each other for about a week now, it is quit hilarious." She muttered grumbling.

SPOV (Sam)

I can't believe, they all fell for it, come on, that was priceless. I began laughing hysterically, as did Bella. Everyone looked at us funny. "Ok Bella, I owe you 100 bucks." I said betwen laughs handing over the money, which she took and stuffed in her pocket.

"Thanks Sam." She said while Bryan stared increduously at us.

"Alright I am confused." Nick muttered, Bryan nodded.

Christine groaned. "Damn you two you were betting to see if we would fall for another one of your stupid skit things again weren't you?" Christine asked, I chuckled, she was catching on before the boys how sad.

"Ya, and once again I won!" Bella laughed.

"Bella, please tell me next time or warn me." Bryan asked, holding her tighter.

Bella laughed, "Of course Bryan." "Wait, can I know too please?" NIck asked looking down at me. I nodded and kissed him reassuringly.

"AAAAAHHHHHH PDA, Stop it, you two you are going to blind me." Christine screamed. We all laughed. "Too bad Christine, not like you don't do it too." I laughed, grabbing Nick's hand and racing out of the room.


Bella laughed , "Come back here Micheal will be home soon, and then we have to decide, on where we are going to move to." Everyone turned to her.

"Really?" Jared asked, Bella nodded.

"Awesome!!!" Screamed Samantha and Christine. Nick grinned and Bryan chuckled.

"I'm home." Called Micheal, he came into the living room, he saw Bella still in Bryan's arms, Christine and Jared standing in a corner, Nick leaning against the wall and Samantha standing exictedly beside Bella and Bryan.

"What's going on?" He asked looking around, raising an eyebrow.

"Bella says we can choose where we are going to move!" Samantha screamed.

Michael nodded. "Alright, so any ideas on where to go?" He asked.

Bella nodded. "Forks." Everyone looked at her, "Okay," Michael nodded, the others nodded as well.

"Bella you told us that you wanted to go back one day, now is a good a time as ever." Christine pointed out. "Besides, you are coven leader (everyone voted her leader) and we shall follow you to the ends of the Earth, plus the Cullens may be there soon as well." Christine added, everyone nodded.

"Awesome, so are we going to by a house or make our own?" Be3lla asked, looking at everyone.

"Build our own house, duh." Bryan answered. They all laughed.

"Awesome lets start on some designs." Sam cried, sticking her hand in the air with one finger pointing up, she looked kinda like Superman as he flew. Everyone chuckled.

2 days later.....

after many arguements about the house design both inside and out

"Now, that we are finished," Bella mused glancing at the boys who were watching their wives warily, from the dining room table, she remembered how the moment the girls decided to start dsigning it, they had immediately, ran out of the room and watched, them with frightened looks, as they had argued, vehemently over and over again. "Sam and Nick,you are in charge of getting supplies as you are best at doing that. Christine, you and Jared, shall stay here and begin packing while Bryan and I head to Forks to 1: buy some land in a forest and 2: create a treaty with the Wolves so we don't end up attacking each other."

Everyone nodded and raced off to begin their job, except Michael who merely went to grab a book, his job was awlays the same, continue work and give an excuse for keeping the others out of school, of course, they alway moved either during summer or just after or before summer.

Bryan and Bella raced out of the house with Sam and Nick, see you in Forks in oh 20 hours, Bella called as she bolted into her black vanquish, Byan right behind.

10 hours later (even with super vamp driving)

"Bella and Bryan stopped outside a realtors office, they walked in. "Hello how may I help you?" asked the secretary whose name was Mrs. Ostenationa (randomly thought this up)

"Yes we would like to buy a proprty, not n Fork but in the orest someplace, preferrably without any houses or anything." Bella said sweetly. Mrs. Ostenationa, nodded and led them into a small room.

"Um.... Miss Snitchel.. will be right with you to look over properties." she stuttered, heading out a differnet door.

"Not 5 minutes and I already feel like barfing." Bryan muttered.

"It is okay Bryan, we shouldm't be staying here too long." Bella murmured reassuringly, keeping her own anger at the old lady, yes OLD lady hitting on her mate.

Just thn the door Mrs. Ostenationa had left through opened and a younger lady, walked hrough.


any inappropriate things, I hear from her and I will murder her I thouht as she slowed, visibly and checked Bryan out.

"Helli I am Miss Snitchel, so you want to uy a property, just the two of you you don't look old enough to be buying a house." She asked rasing an eyebrow. wow did she really just say helli.

I shared a glance with Bryan who looked just as shocked. "Well no we aren't old enough but our adoptive father has decide that we are going to move here sometime soon and wanted us to find a property to buy, and he can't do it right now because he is really busy with work so he sent us insted." I said swetly, she looked at Bryan who flashed a grin, her heart skipped a beat.

Stupid dazzling vampire. "Keep dazzling her an you are staying ina shed for a week." Ihissed vampire spee, he looked at me innocently, I glared.

"Alright. Here are some properties we have in the forest....."



"So do you really think the Cullen's will end up in Forks whilewe are here?" I Samantha as we walked through the aisles of Home Depot.

"I don't know but I really don't want to be Edward if they do." She murmured shuddering slightly at the memory of a pissed Bella.

"Me either, though really I don't feel sorry for him."

Neither do I, oh here we need these." Sam cried triumphantly changing the subject skillfully.

I shook my head and we continued on our search for things we would need.


hmm I think we may need to go through some of this stuff.

"Jared what is this?" I asked pulling out something bright puprle with oragne spots.

Jared looked at it quizzically, "No idea, whose do you think it is?"

We looked at each other "Samanatha." we said at the same time.

We both knew Sam's strange habits of getting creepy strange things then leaving them the most random places and completely ignoring them until someone else found it.

10 hours later

"Oh hurry up Chriss, or we are building the hous without you." I heard Bella call, I snarled, they had better not leave without me

"Sam an Nick are going tobeat us there" She called again.

"Fine I am coming." I called. Jeez irritated much. I heard Bryan's voice in my head.

hehe now you all have to wait for the next chapter to find out about their house
