Author's Note: Set about four years in the future…so Jester is 18 and Jane is 16. Just a short little ditty that I didn't want to go to waste. Enjoy!

"Arrangements have been made to find you a suitor of noble standing," Lady Turnkey said to her daughter firmly.

"Mother! I have no desire for a suitor."

"Jane, it is high time you found a husband. You are no longer a little girl. There is no use trying to talk me out of this, I have the full support of both the King and Queen."

Jane rolled her eyes and followed the lady-in-waiting down the hall still arguing that she would have nothing to do with any of those pompous noblemen. Both women were so caught up in their discussion that they did not hear the tinkling bells that had suddenly stopped just before rounding the corner or the quick intake of breath that had accompanied the older lady's announcement.

Jester sat at the base of the cherry tree, forlorn face resting in his hands. Jane was worried about her friend. He had been acting melancholy all afternoon. She had been racking her brain for a way to cheer the blue-clad boy up. Suddenly an idea of pure brilliance struck her. Slipping over to his side she slowly reached down and whipped off his hat. The boy looked up in surprise and called out,

"Hey, give that back!"

"Come get it!" She retorted, dancing away merrily.

Jester jumped to his feet and raced after her. Jane led him all around the gardens laughing and twirling the hat upon her fingers. Before long a grin broke across his face which was soon followed by hearty laughter. Once or twice he nearly caught her, but she would duck out of the way just in time. Finally he cornered her near the wizard's tower.

Knowing she was trapped, Jane lifted his cap high above her head. The minstrel stretched his arms in an attempt to snatch back his possession, but she quickly pulled it down behind her back. On instinct his hands followed. Suddenly Jester realized just how close they were. Jane's cheeks were flushed from the exercise, and her wide grin slowly faded to a look of bemused uncertainty as his shadowy grey eyes searched her own.

Without warning the jester grabbed her arms and pulled her into a good, firm kiss. Jane's eyes went wide in shock. As he released her, they looked at one another for a moment in hesitation. Then Jane swung her arms up around his neck and pulled his head down for another deep kiss. At their feet lay a floppy, jingling hat… completely forgotten.