the Other Doctor, a Twilight Doctor Who Crossover

By: SquidQ

Rated: T

Point of View: ME! (whoelse?)(JK)

Rated: T

Summary: New Moon Doctor Who Crossover.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, Doctor Who, or the internet. Stop accusing me of such


CHAPTER ONE: Memories and Doctors

And with a flash of light from the TARDIS, he was gone. Never to lay eyes on Donna again.

Oh, Doctor? What about you now? Who have you got? I mean, all those friends of yours

He was feeling faint at the thought of her.

They've all got someone else. Still, that's fine. I'm fine.

At the thought of what might happen-

I'll watch out for you, son.

Nay would happen- if she remembered him.

You can't ever tell her!

What happened to all that assisted The Doctor-

No, no - but every night, Doctor, when it gets dark, and the stars come out; I'll look up on her behalf. I'll look up at the sky, and think of you.

To save the world.

[Forks, 2006]

"Cullen- C, C, C, ah yes."

"Come now TARDIS; let us go meet Mr. Cullen,"

"What's it been? A year? Nah. Couldn't have been." The Doctor picks up a newspaper with the cover story of his successful adventure of saving the world from destruction.

He walks over to the TARDIS monitor, and strokes the dashboard.

"I know. I miss her too."

The TARDIS responds with a pattern of beeps.

"That's not important now. What is important is that we try to blend in with the appropriate time and location! And as far as you and I know," he sighed, "I am Mr. John Smith."

The Doctor throws on his signature glasses, and waltzes out of his time-traveling phone box. Walking up the stairs' of the Cullen's estate was not intimidating for him, because he already knew what they are. With style, he knocks on the door- awaiting his future.




A short-haired pixielike girl answered the door.

"Hello," she said.

"I'm assuming you know who I am?"

"Not only who, but what. And you know me as well?"

"Alice Cullen also known as Mary Alice Brandon- has the appearance of a sixteen to eighteen year old, species, vampire. Gift, seeing the future- you saw me coming, and you saw what your brother will do to your good friend Bella. Am I right Mrs. Hale?"

"Not so loud about Bella. It's her birthday tonight, and that's not happening for a while. Not if I can help it," she sighed, "would you please come in?"

"I'd love to."

"Jasper! Company!" the small girl yelled.

"Jasper- this is…" she gave The Doctor a look of confusion.

"It's perfectly fine," he winked.

"This is The Doctor. I'm assuming he's come to help us with Operation Save My Best Friend," she said, "am I right Doctor?"

"Not quite. Right now, I need a word with your father. Then I need to have a chat with Edward."

"Of course," she nodded, "oh, Doctor, will you be joining us this evening?"

"I would never deny an invitation from a Cullen."

"Up the stairs, down the hall. If you see the-"

"Cross? Yes. I know all about that." The Doctor smiled, with his hands in his pockets.

"Or you can just look up the stairs," said a voice from behind.

"Ah! Carlisle! It's been so long," the Doctor said.

"Look at you my old friend! You haven't aged a day!"

"I could say the same."

"Can I see her?" Carlisle asked.

"See her? Are you insane? Take her for a spin!"

Carlisle was beaming. At long last, he would be able to drive the TARDIS.

"Take Alice and Jasper with you. Anyone in the house really- I need to talk to Edward alone."

"Oh, Doctor, Edward is at Bella's house. How about I drop you off?"Carlisle offered.

"Brilliant. D'you think he'll remember me?"

"Well I should hope so! Let's go," Carlisle was as happy as a boy on Christmas.

As they all walked into the TARDIS, a wave of excitement washed over the two Doctors.

[Swan Residence]

"What would I do without you, Edward?" asked Bella when he said he was considering having the Vulturi kill him.

"The same thing you were doing before I threw your life off course," he replied.

"Here we go again," Bella sighed.

Edward it's me… it's The Doctor. Do you remember?


"Charlie?" she asked.

"No- it's an old friend." He explains. A brief smile lands across his face.




Just here to chat- she can stay if you'd like.

"I should really get the door-" Bella started.

"No, its fine… stay here," he then pulls her into a quick embrace.

Edward casually walks to the front door of Bella's home, looks through the peephole and takes an unnecessary sigh of relief. The Doctor has landed.

He quickly opens the door, "where the hell is your TARDIS?"

"With your father," he chuckles.

"It's so good to see you!"

"Likewise." Aren't you going to introduce me?

"Of course! Doctor? Or Mr. Smith?"

She's dating a vampire, and you're worried about her meeting a Time Lord? "Surprise me!"

"Come, sit down."

Edward took a protective seat next to Bella. The Doctor was no harm to her, but it's just his nature.

"Is he Vulturi?" Bella whispered.

"Last I checked, no." he replied, "Bella, this is The Doctor."

"Is he a vampire?" she asked.

"No, I am just your average Time Lord," The Doctor elaborated, "Aside from the obvious reasons, Why do you ask?"

"Vampires have abilities. I, um… I swear I had a dream about you- or something."

"It's true, she's always screaming TEN! TEN!" Edward said, and clearly embarrassed Bella since she turned a conspicuous shade of red.

"Odd." The Doctor said, staring.

"So, Doctor, how have you been? When have you been?"

"I recently made the accomplishment of saving the Earth from the Dalek Invasion. Created a clone, destroyed myself from hurting the one that I loved by having her turn herself into a Doctor, yes she was human. She still is. Trapped in a normal life," Bella flinched at his words, "in the near future. Alice," he turned to look at Edward, "your sister, saw me coming. We chatted a little about you," and again turned to Bella," and happy birthday Miss Swan. Eighteen years? That makes me many many many years older than you. And you," turns to Edward- don't let this one go. I know what you're going to do. Look at how happy she makes you- your family! Don't even think about it. Or I swear to you, I will slap you on the back of the TARDIS and we'll see about another Dalek invasion- on your watch! I know your worries; your fears. That you can't protect her. That you're not enough! You can and you are. Look at her face.

Edward turns to his love to look at her face. She looked happy. She looked aware that she was safe. Safe with him regardless of whom he was; what he was.

If you can't see that you're enough for her, then I'd love you as a new Companion.

"So that's what this is?" Edward accused "you're auditioning Companions?"



Bella: Edward?

SquidQ: muahaha!

Bella: Where is Edward?

SquidQ: He's in chapter two.

Bella: Oh no! Will I ever see him again?

SquidQ: Only if I receive over TEN reviews.

Bella: If I'm under the same username, then can I review more than once?

SquidQ: Hells NO! *Slap*

Bella: Ow! Fictitious biatch slap!