Turkey. The taste was still in his mouth after multiple brushings, gargling, and three packs of the strongest peppermint gum he could find. Disgusting, gamy, slimy…he liked everything else about Thanksgiving. Zuko just hated turkey.
If it was just a one day thing, then maybe he could be okay. The first serving he always managed to suffer through, grinning widely like a constipated idiot and forcing out normal conversation as if he wasn't slowly torturing his taste buds with every bite, no matter how much mashed potatoes and creamed corn he put on top. When he had been a little kid no one had minded that he left out the one dish from his Thanksgiving plate, but once he entered high school his father finally drew the line. Everyone else in the family ate turkey, Zuko ate every other kind of meat out there, so he would damn well eat the turkey too.
And, because life was a bitch and Agni a cruel, cruel being, there was always nearly half the turkey left. Which meant for Zuko, as for every other kid at Ba Sing Se High, weeks of leftover turkey was in his future.
Fucking turkey.
His friends had learned three years ago, freshman year, that talking to Zuko after Thanksgiving was a fine art. No mention of joy, frolicking, frivolous matters, and above all else holiday festivities was to be mentioned until either the boy brought something other than leftovers for lunch or someone else cracked and bought him a hamburger to exchange for the dreaded fowl. It was a pity, really, that Jet had had the misfortune of taking him out so soon after the holiday; most of their friends agreed they would have made a cute couple, and some of the girls still held out for their rousing bout of hate sex bound to happen one drunken night. It meant that Sokka and Toph had to be kept away from the table too; their unique lack of any tact…whatsoever…generally meant someone would walk away with a black eye by the end of the day. Now, the newest additions to their little group; two freshmen named Aang and Teo, would get to learn first hand the joys of Zuko post-Thanksgiving. It may have been a bit cruel that no one warned them ahead of time.
"So what do you guys have for lunch today?" During his homeschooling years, Aang had watched a bit too much life on television, and was convinced this was the way to start every lunch period.
"Turkey and stuffing."
"Turkey and potatoes"
"Turkey and corn."
"Turkey and turkey."
"Shit." (Zuko)
"What about you, Aang?" Casually maneuvering herself between the freshman and senior, Katara turned her attention towards the boy.
" Tomato and egg sandwich." He pulled it out of the brown bag to proudly brandish it in front of his friends.
"No leftovers?" Zuko snatched up his own lunch, the look in his eyes balancing precariously between desperate and manic,"trade me!"
"Um….but, I'm a vegetarian Zuko." Aang scratched the back of his head sheepishly, "I can't eat turkey."
"Please Aang? I can't eat any more of this. I need the taste out of my mouth." Zuko, prince of the volleyball team, head of the mathletes and voted "only guy who can make a third degree burn that damn hot" (ah, eighth grade and all it's punny glory)was pleading.
"Well…I guess…maybe I could split it with you…" The airbender frowned in thought, then smirked, "for a price…"
"Name it." The senior pulled his wallet out, ignoring the snickers from the others at the table and not noticing Aang stand up and walk next to him.
"I meant more…something like this." Aang waited for Zuko to look up, then quickly bent down to catch the other boy's lips. Zuko stiffened for a moment, but soon relaxed into it. At least Aang didn't taste like turkey.