"I want this Linds. Please tell me you do too."

"I want this too," she whispered.

He couldn't remember how it happened exactly. He must have stepped over her coffee table to get to her so quickly. But he remembered feeling like a man dying of thirst. He couldn't get enough. The kiss couldn't be deep enough. His embrace couldn't be tight enough. His hands couldn't cover enough of her soft skin. He needed more. Needed to feel even closer.

And suddenly, he was pulling her deeper before he could stop himself. He took advantage of her surprised squeak and brushed his tongue across hers. She tasted so good, even better than the last time he kissed her. He couldn't remember the last time he kissed her, not because it was so long ago, but because he wasn't sure he had lived before he felt this more love for anyone. She was so very sweet, that he found himself trying to devour her completely. She didn't protest as he extracted her from the well worn cotton sweatshirt. He was so happy she had already changed for bed. Less barriers, no obstacles. She didn't protest at his speed when he rolled her sweatpants and panties down her legs and her small hands helped him out of his own clothes.

She pulled him on top of her, and he let out a groan at how soft and how perfect she was against him. That familiar tug to her well worn couch. He knew exactly how to hold her on that couch. Exactly what memories it held. But suddenly he didn't want to take her on the couch, not quickly and furiously the first time after he found out she was carrying his child. She deserved more, a bed perhaps. Even better would be a holy alter to worship her on but bed would have to do. She whimpered when he pulled away from her, mourning the loss of his hot skin on her body. He looked at her slightly swollen breasts and small rounded stomach and it struck him as amazing to believe that he hadn't noticed these slight changes before. He made a habit of remembering everything about her. And while they were subtle changes now they seemed so obvious: she was carrying their child.

"What's wrong?" Her question broke him out off his reverie, she gave a little yelp when he lifted her up without ceremony and walked her to her bedroom.

He placed her gently on her covers, and crawled between her legs. His hands reverently ghosted over her breasts, before he leaned over her capturing her lips in the sweetest kiss.



"Yeah?" His hand stroking circles on her hip was incredibly relaxing. She had to concentrate, trying to think through the afterglow and the hazy fog of lust that was still muddling her mind.

"You awake?" he said poking her arm.

"Yes Danny." Now she was.

"Are you okay?" He asked hesitantly as if he wasn't sure he wanted to hear the answer. It all happened so fast, she wasn't exactly sure how they ended up here.

"Yes Danny." Ever patient.

"Okay just making sure." The silence fills the room again but Lindsay is sure she can hear the sound of his fingertips scorching her skin.

"Linds?" It was odd to hear his voice so hesitant, so unsure of himself.


"Can I ask you a question?"

She had to stop herself from point out he already did. His rambling usually was an indication that he was nervous.


"Um.. how old's the baby? I mean like how far along are you?"

"11 weeks."

"Wow. And the baby is okay and everything? As far as they could tell?"

"Yes. Healthy and as big as she's supposed to be."

"She? That's good. Great," he left the silence hanging there again.

"We'll I don't know for sure yet, but I don't like to call her it, so I just went with she. We could call him he if you like." Now it was her turn to ramble. He was so quiet, if his arms weren't like a vise around her body she might have thought that he ran for the hills when she started talking.

"I've missed you," he said finally.

"Yeah?" she said surprised.

"You've been here but not really here. I thought maybe you were having second thoughts about us. Are you?" He definitely wasn't sure he wanted to hear that answer.

"No. Well I mean I want to be with you but when I found out … well, I didn't want you to just be with me cause of the baby."

"Did you think I'd walk away?" He wasn't sure he wanted to hear the truth. Didn't know if he could take the disappointment in her voice of her trusting eyes clouded in fear.

"No. I don't know. I trust you Danny and I know what a good guy you are. But it's a really scary prospect. I know I wanted to run away for a few days to get my head around things. I wouldn't blame you, you know. If you needed more time to think about this." He shifted her in his hold so he could look into her eyes. "

"I don't need any more time. I don't want to waste another minute. I want you. I want our baby. I want this Linds."