As the whole fight was going on, a young man with a plant-like body and a face split from black to white was lingering around the area undetected. For a second after Minato had finished rasengan, and the clones had disappeared, nothing happened. Suddenly Minato jumped and whipped his head around to his right side. "Get out of here, now!" He yelled at Naruto, Sakura, and Doku while staring at the plant-like man.

Sakura and Doku ran to the side, but Naruto stood there dazed. He looked at Minato's slightly worried face, and then quickly turned to where Minato was looking, and saw the plant-like man. The man had on a black cloak with red clouds. Naruto gasped as the man's wings stretched out, and he realized that he was an Akatsuki member.

'Great. I was having too much fun to notice him lingering about, and I won't be able to finish him now that he's leaving,' Minato pondered. "Zetsu, come back here and fight like a man!" Minato yelled. Unfortunately, Zetsu had already begun to sink into the ground. "Coward," Minato spat under his breath.

"Who the heck IS he?" Naruto questioned, anxious for answers.

"Zetsu of the Akatsuki," Minato muttered. "He's the spy of the Akatsuki. He hates to fight, so that also makes him quite a peacemaker when fights within the organization occurred. Because of that, he's a big coward. At least his good side is."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"Well, he has a split personality physically and mentally. Did you see his face?" Naruto nodded as Minato questioned. "The black represents his bad side or 'yang', and the white side represents his good side or 'yin'. I only fought him once, but he is powerful. What happens normally is that his good side is dominant and his bad side is just giving him thoughts. When it's inevitable that he's going to fight, his bad side becomes dominant, and his good side gives him thoughts. From my experience, his bad side's really nasty, and it's the side that got him into the Akatsuki in the first place," Minato thoroughly explained.

"Hang on, how do you know so much? When did you fight Zetsu? What did you REALLY do before you came back to Konoha?" Naruto rallied questions quickly.

"I suppose I shall tell you, but this is not the place," Minato replied. "Follow me; we need to find Doku and Sakura." He ran out of the clearing and through the woods. Naruto quickly followed, and they finally got to the middle of the village, on top of one of the buildings. "Here, take this kunai, and don't lose it. When you find either Sakura or Doku, report back here immediately."

Naruto nodded, clutching the odd kunai in his right hand. He quickly glanced down at it, noticing a weird pattern around the handle. Not thinking too much about it, Naruto ran off and produced 50 shadow clones. "Okay! Everyone search for Sakura and Doku!" He commanded, even though he didn't really need to, because they would've done what he wanted without him telling them what to do. Each clone ran in a different direction, and Naruto thought for a second. 'Doku would probably be at Ichiraku Ramen Shop, and Sakura would be at the hospital talking to Tsunade. I'd better head to Ichiraku's, it's closer.' He ran in a direction behind one of his clones. Finally Naruto arrived at the shop, and Doku was sitting in his favorite spot, the seat all the way to the right. "Doku!" Naruto yelled.

"Naruto? I thought you didn't run when Da- Minato-sensei told us to. Anyways, want some ramen?" Doku asked, his cheeks slightly blushing as he was trying not to blow his cover.

"What were you going to say?" Naruto asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, just the slip of the tongue," Doku replied with a reassuring smile.

"All right… oh, I completely forgot why I'm here! Doku, follow me," Naruto exclaimed with a determined look pasted on his face. Doku followed him without question, and they arrived at the place Minato and Naruto last met. "Hey! This is the place Sasuke and I fought while Sakura tried to intervene. It was about 3 ½ years ago."

"What happened?" Doku asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Well, Kakashi-sensei stopped us before too much damage occurred. He threw us at two opposite tanks of water while we were still performing our jutsu. See that tank to your right? Sasuke's chidori hit that. The tank to your left was hit by yours truly." Naruto explained sadly, as he was thinking of not being able to save Sasuke from the path of revenge. "It makes me so mad! We were like brothers! How could he just cast our bond away? I'm still keeping my bond with him. I will bring him back here. Believe it!"

"I understand your bond, Naruto. In fact, I too have a deep bond with a special person to me. That person is my brother. That bond appears physically, too. You know, my streak of blonde hair. In truth, I dyed my hair this color the afternoon I met you. Just an hour before," Doku explained.

Naruto sat there with a look of question on his face because Doku didn't say the 'morning I met you', he said the 'afternoon I met you'. Which couldn't be possible because they had a battle at Ichiraku's in the morning, not afternoon. Naruto just thought it was another slip of the tongue, and quickly went back to his first question. "Why?" he asked.

"I had to look different than my brother, I had to hide my identity," Doku replied.

"Who's your brother? He lives in this village?" Naruto questioned, trying to think of who would also have blonde hair in this village.

Doku nodded. "He lives here. Actually, he's standing right in front of me."

Naruto sat there, frozen, wide eyed, and mouth gaping open. "You're… my brother? But how? What's your name?"

"My name is Doku Namikaze," Doku replied. "When I kept on saying Da- Minato-sensei, I was about to say Dad. It became my habit when I lived with him."

"Why is your last name different than mine? Why were you allowed to leave the village, and not me? Why!?" Naruto shouted as he realized that the question 'why' could be the most difficult question to answer, and the most difficult question to hear the answer, because you knew that you didn't want to hear the real answer.

"Kushina Uzumaki, your mother, my wife. She wanted to keep her family's name. We decided, before she died, to keep both family names going, since she was an only child. So we gave you the name Uzumaki and Doku the name Namikaze." Minato explained as he suddenly appeared while still having his left hand performing the Tora sign. Naruto whipped around, right before he started talking.

"Why did Doku get to go with you while I had to believe I had no brother and that my dad was dead?" Naruto interrogated with a hint of jealousy and loads of anger in his voice.

"I'm sorry Naruto about that. You were born slightly after Doku, and I sensed you were the destined person to contain Kyuubi, even though I knew it was a curse. After that, everyone knew of you, and nothing of Doku. So I used that as my advantage and fake my death. I took Doku, but I had to leave you, because almost everyone already knew about Kyuubi being planted in you. I left you here, and thought the village would praise you as a hero, but they shunned you instead, as a monster. I'm truly sorry, and apologize from the whole of my heart," Minato replied.

"Naruto, you don't know how long I've been waiting to meet you. I was so happy when I met you. Does this mean I can finally move in with you guys?" Doku asked excitedly.

"Yes you can move in-"Minato answered as he was interrupted.

"Hey guys! Did I miss anything?" Sakura asked as she jumped up from the street.

"Yeah. Doku's my brother," Naruto answered with anything but a smile on his face. Sakura paused with quite a surprised look. She didn't notice Naruto's unhappiness.

"I actually did think Doku looked like Naruto, but never realized they were related. I can now tell that they are brothers," Sakura concluded.

"I will never be brothers with a liar like him!" Naruto roared as he jumped off the building and ran. Sakura chased after him as Minato and Doku stood there. Doku looked painfully sad, as his brother had just denied them to be related.

"It's okay Doku. Naruto's just going through shock. Eventually he will accept your relation. Come on, let's move you into your new home," Minato offered in a warm tone. Doku and Minato jumped off the building and headed for their house.

"Dad?" Doku asked.

"Yes?" Minato replied.

"When are we going to talk about the Akatsuki with Naruto?" Doku questioned.

"When Naruto is ready," Minato replied with his mouth in a straight line as he suddenly looked serious.

The same night, but around 11:00 P.M. in a dark cave-

"I hate Konoha. We have to do something about them. They're just getting stronger and stronger!" Kisame roared.

"Now that they have Minato and that little brat back, they should be some chaos to us," Hidan replied as he spat the word brat out heavily. "Mostly, I think the village won't believe the famed Yellow Flash about his story of where he was the past 15 and a half years."

"You seem a little down today, Hidan," Tobi said in a playful voice.

"Shut it Tobi, or should I say Madara," Hidan pointed out. "I can't even believe your little magic tricks, jokes, and tendency to escape are the results of 'time and fortune'."

"Oh, but they are, my buddy Hidan," Tobi said as he saw Hidan losing his temper. "You of all people would know that."

Hidan swiped out with a kunai at Tobi, but barely missed as Tobi made his arm disappear. "Missed me, missed me!" Tobi taunted.

"Enough! Hidan, you know better than to meddle with Tobi," Zetsu interrupted.

"Yes Hidan, don't meddle with Tobi," Tobi continued.

"Sir, please stop taunting Hidan. I know I can't control you since you ARE the leader, but the other me is about to arise," Zetsu warned.

"Fine, but I was having fun. You can't kill me, but you ARE dangerous. We don't want grumpy Zetsu to take over," Tobi answered. "I'll stop now and assume my position as leader."

"Thanks, sir," Zetsu replied.

"Come on, just call me Madara," Madara requested.

"Then, many thanks, Madara," Zetsu answered.

"Okay, back to Konoha. I think Hidan and Zetsu should go and check out exactly what's happening," Madara instructed.

"Should we attack anyone?" Kakuzu questioned.

"Not unless you have to. Try to go low on profile, we're not quite ready to terrorize them until we have enough information. Normally, I would send Zetsu, but I need him for something else. Also, if you do happen to fight them, no one from Konoha have even thought of immortality, let alone know how to counter it," Madara explained.

"Except for snake-boy," Kisame answered.

"Yes, except for Orochimaru," Kakuzu muttered.

Ichiraku Ramen Shop- Earlier the same day

"I'll have one Miso ramen please," Naruto requested. As quickly as he could ask, a bowl of Miso ramen was placed in front of Naruto.

"Naruto!" Sakura shouted from a distance. Footsteps could be heard, then a flutter of curtains opening. "Naruto."

"Have you come to tell me you're my sister?" Naruto retorted in an ungrateful way.

"I just want to talk," Sakura pleaded.

"Then go away," Naruto growled as he turned to his right side, away from Sakura.

'Great,' Sakura thought. 'I have to think of something. Oh no, is this my only choice? Well, it'll work.'

"Naruto, count it as a date," Sakura said with slight regret and a cringe on her face. She knew Naruto wasn't looking. Naruto quickly turned to Sakura, a flicker in his eyes that resembled happiness, but still were filled with a mix of anger and confusion.

"Have a seat," Naruto replied.

"I want you to tell me what you're feeling, Naruto," Sakura said as she took the seat to Naruto's left. Right to Naruto was an empty seat. Doku's seat. "I can help; you just have to explain everything to me."

That night, Naruto told Sakura just about everything, except for how he had felt about her before his two year trip, and after.

Minato's office- Next week around 10:00 A.M.

"It's time for the Chuunin exams," Minato said while talking to Doku and Naruto. "And both of you are still Genin."

"But we need a new person and Sakura's not here!" Naruto exclaimed. He learned to accept Doku as his brother, and actually enjoyed it, thanks to Sakura's talks over the last week. "I mean, we can't use Sakura, can we?"

"You're right Naruto, we can't," Minato replied. "I was going to add her into your group, like I said, but decided both of you progressed a lot recently. Also, I think it would be highly unfair to import a Chuunin to your team. I found a young man of the age of 13. He may seem young, but he's powerful. Tora, you may enter."

"Tora? Who would name their son Tora?" Doku questioned.

"Don't ever make fun of my name!" A young man growled as he entered. He was a red-head, and I mean that literally. His head had red hair upon it. It put the term 'red-head' to shame. AN: I don't have anything against red-heads, I just was saying that because his hair was literally red, and red-heads have more of an orange colored hair. His red hair was slightly spiked while curving in a downward fashion. Tora's eyes were very narrow, and his nose curved up slightly. His two canines were slightly pointed out of his mouth. Tora also had on a black robe that went down to the middle between his ankle and knee, with Shinobi sandals as his shoes. Tora ran up to Doku, gripped onto the collar of his shirt, and picked him up. "You WILL respect me." He threw Doku down on the ground. Hard. Doku got the breath knocked out of him, and quickly shuffled to his feet. He whipped out this sword, but was stopped with a loud shout.

"Enough!" Minato yelled not with anger, but just loud enough to overpower their thoughts. "I introduced you early so that you could get used to each other and acquire more jutsu and techniques."

"Shirotora, come on it," Tora commanded. A white tiger cub pranced in, as if he owned the place. "This is my tiger. Respect him as much as you will me."

"Naruto, Doku, I just wanted to inform you that Tora and Shirotora are like Kiba and Akamaru." Minato explained. "I decided this type of fighting style would help your group. Okay, then. I will start training with Naruto. Doku and Tora, you will train by fighting each other. No deadly poison, Doku, okay?"

"Fine," Doku said with a sulk.

"Come on Naruto," Minato coaxed. Naruto followed, and they ended up in a set of woods right by the Hokage mountain.

"How come you haven't taught Doku much?" Naruto asked.

"There are many things you don't know about your brother. You do know that Doku likes to fight with his sword. What you don't know is that he poisoned the edge of his sword. Those are his fighting types, swords and poison. Those are also my two worst forms of fighting, and I only know so much. He learned his skills, or at least fighting skills, from a great master. He learned his poison skills from another great master," Minato replied.

"Who?" Naruto questioned.

"Kisame and Sasori," Minato answered with a cringe on his face.

"Naruto's eyes went wide and he shook his head. "You and Doku joined the Akatsuki?"


AN: First off, I'm very sorry for the long wait, but I have two more chapters that are about this length sitting in my notebook after I had written them from a long car trip. Secondly, I want to translate a couple of names I used in this chapter. Doku means poison, which suits him well for his fighting style. Tora, as most should know, means tiger. Shirotora means white tiger, which also suits him well because he is white. Lastly, like I said, the Chuunin exams are coming up. Not the next chapter (which is an epic fight between Tora and Doku) but the one after that will be the whole first part of the exam, and an introduction to three new characters! And don't worry, I'll have them up very soon!