Author's Note : Okay. So this is my first story. It's bound to be terrible. I think it has an okay plot and such it's just that I have a tendency to be harsh on myself. Eh. Can't help it now. All that I ask is that you be gentle with your comments. I have a bad habit of taking things personally. Sorry if it is a horrible monsterous... thing, but it's all I've got at this point. I plan on posting a new chapter weekly, so long as I receive at least one or two comments for the previous one.

Disclaimer : I do not own Kingdom Hearts or any of the characters therein. No matter how many pretties I add to my please's they continue to deny letting me have them. It's really a bit tragic.

Special Thanks : To my long time friend Faye Silo. She helped me develope this story into something that could be interesting.

Word Count : 1,278

Chapter 1


~Beep, Beep, Beep~

Damn… He thought as the annoying tone woke him from his seemingly short slumber. Mornings were never his thing. They always put him in a bad mood. His brother only ever made this mood worse by practically attacking him whenever he didn't get up on his own. And knowing him, the brunette would probably be here in 3...

~Thump, Thump, Thump~




" ROXAS! Get up!" The teen screamed as he leapt upon the still motionless boy. "Come on! You promised that you would go with me to get stuff for school tomorrow!" At this point the was jumping up and down on the bed.

Roxas growled quietly before sitting up. "Sora, I could have sworn I told you to never wake me up like this again." His arms were now folded across his chest as he threw his slightly younger brother a grumpy look. The brunette's blue eyes drifted toward his feet. A light sigh escaped his lips before he sunk down next to his twin. "Sorry. I know you don't like it when I attack you in the mornings."

The blonde couldn't hold back the soft smile that took over his features, nor the arm that found it's way around his brother's shoulders. "It's alright, just try not to do it again." Sora looked up and returned the smile with enthusiasm. "And you're right. I did promise to do that today. You go ahead and eat while I get ready okay?" Sora leapt from the bed, "Okay!" a smile still threatening to split his head in two as he left the room.

Roxas slowly got out of his bed, not wanting to leave the comforting warmth it's blankets provided. He walked over to his closet and grabbed the first things he saw, a black MSI concert tee, a pair of tight blue jeans, and his faded black converse. Then he went to the bathroom to attempt the always futile task of fixing his hair. After a few minutes of zero progress he gave up and went downstairs to find his brother humming some unrecognizable tune while chewing on a granola bar.

"Finally," the brunette teen complained after swallowing. " I swear Rox, you take longer than a girl to get ready." With that said he grew a mischievous grin and fled out the front door knowing how much his brother hated being compared to a girl. "Sora!" the blonde cried, darting out the door after his brother who was already half way down the street. They ran like that the whole way to the store. Once inside, they stopped to catch their breaths, panting and grinning like mad men.

"Sora? Is that you?" someone voiced from behind the two. "Oh, and Roxas. What a surprise." Sora turned to look at the origin of the voice, his expression alone could tell anyone who it was. "Riku!" he cried as he embraced the silver haired teen. "What are you doing here?" God, Sora was always so annoying when he got like this. "Last minute school shopping," Riku responded with a sheepish smile, "What about you?" Sora smiled broadly at his friend. "Same."

Ugh. Roxas thought. He loved his brother, but sometimes he just couldn't stand his bubbly personality. Sometimes it seemed like Sora might be the girl. The blonde smirked to himself at that thought and turned to leave the two friends to talk. He figured that he should go ahead and get the shopping done, rather that wait all day for Sora to finish talking with Riku.

Roxas dug into his back pocket and pulled out the schedule/supply list he had received in the mail.

1st Hour - English………....................1 Spiral Notebook, 5 #2 Pencils, 3 Red Pens

The required supplies were generally the same for each class with just a few key differences, such as a calculator for arithmetic. The blonde teen drifted from aisle to aisle, grabbing two of everything. One for him, one for Sora. Gradually, Roxas came to the last class listed, art. He never really cared much for the subject, he just signed up for it because he was required to take a class of 'arts.' When he finally reached the aisle he needed, the teen stopped dead in his tracks. Good thing too, or else he may have run right over the poor man. Standing there, right in front of the shell-shocked blonde, was a rather tall man with unnaturally vibrant red hair and, at this moment, shock-filled emerald eyes.

After a brief moment of awkward silence, the red haired stranger smirked at Roxas. Did his heart just skip a beat? No, it couldn't have. It was just acting up because of his rushing through the store.

"Sorry," Roxas mumbled as he made his way around the strange man and his penetrating gaze, his face heating up ever so slightly from what could be assumed as embarrassment. It was almost as if those green eyes of his could see right through him. Nothing had ever frightened him more. The blonde rushed to get the things on his list. Quickly, he reached and took the first pack of colored pencils he saw.

"I wouldn't get those ones if I were you," a deep smooth voice spoke from behind him. He turned around and (surprise, surprise!) it was the red haired man. "Oh? And why would I care about what you would get?" Roxas snapped back as he grabbed a box of pastels. He could hear the footsteps get closer. "Maybe because I happen to know a thing or two about this stuff." The strange man was still smirking as he came to a stop just behind the blonde teen. Roxas rolled his eyes and grabbed a sketchbook. "And what, might I ask, makes you think that even remotely care about any of this 'stuff'?" The red head shrugged, his seemingly permanent smirk never wavering. "Well, I figured you might, seeing as you're obviously taking a class over this 'stuff'." Roxas picked up a box of paints and then glared at the strange red head. "Guess that shows how little you know about me."

After that, before the taller male had a chance to respond, Roxas walked out of the aisle and went to the front of the store. Unsurprisingly, Sora was still talking animatedly with Riku. Roxas then took the liberty of paying for all of it before rejoining the other two teens.

"Hey Sora. I've finished all the shopping. What's say we get goin'?" The brunette looked over at his blonde twin, eyes growing large and apologetic as he took in the sight of Roxas holding the bags. "Oh my god Roxy, I'm so sorry!" The slightly younger teen somehow latched himself to his elder brothers arm. The act seemed to amuse Riku quite a bit. What with his face growing red with suppressed laughter. Roxas threw him the best death glare he could manage. "Okay, first, never call me Roxy. Ever. And second? Let go of my and it's fine." Sora, naturally, did no such thing. He didn't do anything but let worry crease his brow.

"Are you sure?" The brunette was beginning to resemble a deer in headlights. "Yes, now let go of my arm and lets get home," Roxas spoke softly, gently even, to his somewhat spastic brother. Sora finally released the blonde's arm and smiled that famous smile of his. "Alrighty then." He turned and hugged his friend once more, "Bye Riku, see you at school tomorrow."

And with that, the twins left the store and all the people in it to return to the place that they called home.

Author's Note : Okay, so it was a lot more terrible than I thought. And it isn't very long. Ugh. That's annoying. Anywho, please be kind enough to leave me a comment telling me how you feel about this story. Hell, give me advice! It dosen't really matter. I just need something. Please?