Legend Of A Cheat Device

The different Legend Of Zelda games with the addition of the plot bunny cheat device. Expect the fourth wall to fall down faster than Ganon's tower in Ocarina Of Time

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my hallucination inspired ideas


So far Link's adventure into the forest temple had not been going well at all, there had been some very creepy things in this place, evidence of how powerful Ganon's magic was, creating all these things in what was supposedly a sacred place. "Where did that other one come from?" Link thought out loud as a second Stalfos had joined the frey, it had been difficult enough to beat the first one, who seemed to be pulling himself together, literally.

"The ceiling? Perhaps where that was why he had to wait for you to defeat the first one before showing up."

"Darn it! They keep dodging the bombs and the hookshot doesn't stun them. It's time for desperate measures."

"When you say desperate measures…"

"Feel the wrath of the gods! Din's…"

"Wait! When was the last time that spell was any use?" Navi interrupted.


At the royal family tomb searching for whatever they were supposed to find here.

"Stupid bats, time to use this spell that creepy looking fairy at Hyrule Castle gave me. Din's Fire!" Link cast, setting all the bats alight but they still continued to fly around. Only now they were on fire, and diving straight for him "Uh oh."


At the entrance to the forest temple

"Time to teach these Wolfos a lesson they'll remember for the rest of their lives. Din's fire!" The spell seemed to have about as much affect as one slash from the master sword. "Oh come on!"


"I can't believe it; he froze over all of Zora's domain." Link looked gobsmacked, the once flowing waters of the river were completely iced over. Added to this that the Gorons had all been taken to death mountain crater and it gives the effect as to what lengths Ganondorf will go to in order to send a message.

"And this isn't regular ice either. This is magical and can only be melted by a magic flame by the looks of it."

"Magic flame? Of course! Din's Fire!" Link Cast watching the flames surround the ice. Nothing happened. "FFFFFF"


"Okay so maybe it didn't work those times but I'm positive it'll work this time around. DIN'S FIRE!" He shouted letting the normal dome of flames surround him and spread out to cover the two Stalfos. This time the skeletal soldiers were quickly incinerated as the flames continued to spread out, moving through the walls of the temple, burning Otorocks, wall masters and the 4 poe sisters.

"Whoa." Navi said.

"KEEE!" The Poes screamed, being incinerated within the portraits they were hiding in.


Meanwhile in the tower of greater evil who hams up the dialogue so much that it could be used to fill a buffet table.

Wait, who scribbled that bit down on the sign leading to it?

"Lord Ganondorf. There are rumours of the hero that the prophecy foretold is in the Forest Temple."

"Ha! With the Triforce of power I created new races! I need not worry about some 'chosen one' and if I'm wrong let Kokari forest produce an odd sized explosion!" Ganondorf taunted before breaking into a laugh. However then he saw the dome of flames surround the forest and quickly stopped.

"Shall I double security on all other temples?" The Moblin asked quietly.

"Yes. Go do that."


I can't be the only one who finds Din's fire to be useless most of the time can I? Well that was super-charged magic. Any suggestions of where to go from here? Any particular aspect you want to see destroyed like it (might) deserve? Well don't forget to leave a review.