Disclaimer:I do not own Futurama, Matt Groening does, and that's why he rocks (Well, that and The Simpsons). However, I do own Zera, Freeda (even though she's only mentioned), and the younger Yancy.

A/N: If anybody already has a plot like this, let me know.


"Bad news everyone..."


"Quit you!", The Professor then continued, "My cousin, Freeda, wants me to take you to some new-fangeled rock concert at the other end of the universe. She's put spy cameras everywhere, so we have no choice, but to go immediately, so we don't hit traffic."

"Hooray!", said the crew, and off they went.

At the Ship...

"Fry! Go get me some pop corn, it's going to be a long ride...", the Professor said.

"On it sir!", Fry said, and then he headed off.

"Professor,", Amy said, "Are you sure that was a good idea?"

"Yah," said Bender, "You remember what happened last time."

"Oh, now calm down,", said the Professor, "I'm sure by now, he's learned from th-"

But then, a whole bunch of wavy colors showed up, and the ship started spinning. The old man looked at the ground, it was blue and red. The crew looked out the window, they were passing a sun...

"FRY!", yelled the Professor, "You son of a-"


And they were gone.