Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own twilight. Stephenie Meyer does.

Hey there guys! It's my first story and I'd like to see people's opinion of it. This will not be a one-shot; I plan on having a few more chapters in follow-up of this chapter and already have ideas for more stories. After I get a couple of reviews for this I'll go straight onto the next chapter. Please rate and review!

"Bella!" Edward's voice sang. I looked up from my feet to see Edward standing in front of me. "What did Emmett want?" I asked.

Edward rolled his eyes. "Oh you know Emmett; he was planning a prank on you. But I wouldn't let him."

"Oh." That was just about all I could manage to say. Edward was dazzling me again. His golden eyes locked with mine and I felt myself blush. He smiled. "How about we go out tonight?" he asked. I nodded. "Sure."

We had spent the whole Saturday at his house. Charlie was watching the game with Billy; I was getting used to seeing Billy sitting in his wheelchair every day in front of the television with Charlie, and had no objection. But I think both Charlie and Billy would have preferred me be with Jacob, rather than Edward. But I could never let Edward go. He was my everything, he was my other half. Sure, Jacob was a great friend, but that was all I could ever imagine him as – a friend.

"Let's go now then" said Edward. I stood and smiled at him. We descended the stairs and walked into his living room, to see Esme and Carlisle arguing with Jasper, Alice, Emmett and Rosalie.

"That totally sucks!" whined Rosalie.

"Tough" replied Esme, "Just for once it would be nice to be all together as a family!" She turned to us. "Where are you two off to?"

I looked up at Edward and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I was merely taking Bella out for dinner" replied Edward.

"That's not fair!" shrieked Emmett, "They get to go out while we sit here and suffer?" I was confused now. What was he talking about?

"What are you on about?" I asked him.

Esme sighed. "It's been a long time since we've all been together in the house. The children are always out hunting, Alice and Rosalie spend their lives at the mall, usually taking Jasper and Emmett with them, Edward is always at Bella's, Bella is always at home… there's always someone who isn't here."

"Which is why," interrupted Carlisle, "We have decided to make you all stay here tonight, a time for family. If not, then you can all say your goodbyes to your cars and bank accounts. Of course Bella, no one's forcing you. It's entirely your decision."

That was true, and now that I really thought about it, it had been a while since we had all been together…

"Sure, I'll just have to ring Charlie and tell him Alice and I are having a girls night" I said smiling. Esme smiled her warm Esme smile at me.

Alice scowled. "It's not us you need to blame. We can't be cooped up inside all day, and Carlisle spends most of his time down at the hospital, and when he's not there, he's here in his office surrounded by paperwork!"

Edward snickered. "Yes Alice, but you can't blame Carlisle. You're the shopaholic of the family, always making regular trips to the mall."

Alice opened her mouth to reply but was hushed by Esme. "Don't start bickering. It's been decided. We're all spending tonight here together. That's all we ask. From 6PM tonight till 6PM tomorrow night."

Emmett looked over at Rosalie and squeezed her bum, pinned her to the ground and began kissing every inch of her. Jasper howled with laughter. "Don't be offended if we leave the room Emmett, that's X rated stuff you're doing." Emmett pulled himself off of Rosalie and growled at Jasper. "Do you mind?" he asked angrily, "It's hard to control myself if you're sending out waves of lust every five seconds!"

Jasper grinned. "Okay Emmett, I won't throw any more emotions at you… just yet." A wave of happiness washed over me and I turned to face Edward. My lips locked with his and we pulled away grinning. "Thanks Jasper" I muttered, grinning. Of course, Edward with his vampire hearing just had to hear that. He began grinning. "Perhaps Jasper should send out waves of lust more often" he grinned. Emmett howled with laughter and began rolling around on the floor. "HAHA!" he laughed. Edward raised an eyebrow at Jasper. "Don't blame me! That's entirely his doing!" laughed Jasper.

It was only then that I noticed Esme and Carlisle had left the room, probably to get away from their extremely crazy children. Alice was still scowling. Rosalie wrinkled her nose. "That's getting really irritating Alice! We could always play a prank on them to get back at them." Alice sat up straight and smiled. "Good idea Rosalie! I've got a perfect idea!" and with that, she left the room clutching her cell phone. Edward laughed. "What…?" I asked, clueless. He grinned. "Wait and see."

My tummy grumbled. I hadn't eaten lunch, and until now, I hadn't realised how hungry I was. "Hungry?" asked Edward.

"Very" I replied.

All of a sudden we were standing in darkness. "Power failure" muttered Rosalie. I could just make out her shape in the darkness.

"Alright, who did it?" came Esme's voice.

"Probably Emmett!" cried Alice from the other room.

"Emmett" said Jasper.

"Emmett Cullen!" shrieked Rosalie.

I heard Edward chuckle. "Emmett!"

"Wait till I get my hands on him…" came Carlisle's voice.

"Emmett" I giggled.

"ME?" asked Emmett.

"YOU!" everyone yelled.

"Why does everyone always blame ME?" he asked.

"Because it usually turns out to be you" replied Edward.

"Why does everyone always blame ME?" he asked again.

"Okay we get it!" Jasper muttered.

Just then, the power was restored and the lights came on again. "See? Nothing to worry about" grinned Emmett.

"Gah! All of that work on the computer, GONE!" shrieked Carlisle from the other room. "Now I'll have to start all over again, stay away from the power Emmett!"

Emmett frowned. "But it wasn't me!" he growled. "Well then tough guy, who was it?" asked Edward. Emmett shrugged.

Edward turned to Jasper. "I'll bet you it was Emmett!"

Jasper flashed his perfect white teeth. "I'll bet you it wasn't."

Edward rolled his eyes. "You're on."

"How much?" asked Jasper. This time it was me rolling my eyes. Edward, Jasper and Emmett were always betting. It was a bit of an… addiction.





"One hundred and fifty!"

"One hundred!"

"One hundred and ten!"

Jasper flashed Edward another smile. "You're on!" Jasper grinned. Then he turned to Emmett. "It better not have been you" he growled. Emmett banged his hand on the coffee table. "It wasn't! Edward will be paying you one hundred and ten dollars!" he yelled. I stared down at the coffee table. It was unnecessary, Vampires couldn't eat or drink… well, they could only drink blood…

Just then, the doorbell rang. Me, being the closest, opened it to see a young guy, probably around my age standing there holding a package.

"Delivery for Emmett Lucy Cullen."