Disclaimer: I do not own anything, except for the plot.
Warning: This story might contain harsh words. But believe me, it's for the best. You know, to get this story all alive, whatever! Sorry if you guys hate me for this.
Author's Note: A very long oneshot! I might want to make it a twoshot. I don't know, what do you think? Well, hope you like it!
Gabriella lay on her bed, sighing. She just got into a fight with her ex-boyfriend at school today. I still can't believe he chose that bitch over me. She was still mad at Troy for asking Jennifer to the dance instead of her. For cheating on her. For making out with Jennifer in front of her on purpose. She was his girlfriend, for God's sake! She broke up with him but he acted like he didn't care. Maybe he really didn't care. Whatever.
Gabriella was tired and sick of him. He never really showed his love for her. Well, he did, four years ago. Wow, that was a long time ago, huh? But he was changing a lot lately. It's like he's a whole new person. She gave up. She didn't know what else to do. She tried talking to him about but all he ever said was 'You're just overreacting'. Yeah, right!
She picked up her cellphone and dialed Taylor's number.
"Oh, Gabs, I'm so sorry about your fight with..."
"Ugh! It's okay, Tay. I'm so over him."
"Wow. You're really tough, you know?"
"I was over him a long time ago, he didn't even care about me."
"You deserve a lot better than him."
"I know. So, about tonight's party..."
"What about it?"
"I don't have a partner, you know. I wanted to go with you but if you're going with somebody else..."
"No, no, no. I'm sure Chad doesn't mind. Even though he has a small brain, he still has a big heart, you know?"
"Yeah, he's like my big brother that I never had."
"Oh, I gotta go now! Bye."
Taylor hung up. Gabriella sighed at the thought of Troy, wondering if he's going to be at the party. Of course he's gonna be there! Who wouldn't want to invite the hottest, most popular guy in school?
......What You Did Was Unforgivable.....
Gabriella looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a silky black gown that hugged her perfect curves. She looked stunning yet sexy. Her loose curls were sitting on her shoulders, making her look more beautiful. She heard a honk. She quickly grabbed her Gucci black purse and ran outside.
Taylor gasped at the sight in front of her. "Oh God, Gabs, you look...wow!" she said, struggling to find the perfect word that fits her best friend's look. Gabriella smiled and eyed her best friend. Taylor was wearing a knee-length gold dress with some sequins on it paired with a matching pair of gold stilettos. "You don't look so bad yourself." Gabriella complimented and got into the car.
"Hey, big bro!" she greeted. Chad smiled at her. "You look stunning, Gabs. Who do you wanna attract tonight? Troy?" he smirked.
Gabriella rolled her eyes. "Please don't mention his name again, I'm in the process of forgetting he even exists! Bear with me!" she huffed. Chad chuckled and drove them to Jason's house, which was where the party was being held.
......What You Did Was Unforgivable.....
Wolf whistles and hollers were heard when they entered the house. Troy's eyes landed on the person everyone was looking at, Gabriella Montez. He gaped as he saw her. She was beautiful. So stunning, so sexy, so...kissable.
Gabriella could feel the blue-eyed boy's stare. She ignored it and went to get some punch. She eyed the punch carefully. "Is this spiked?" she asked Sharpay, who was also her best friend and her fashion advisor. "I guess not. I drank it and nothing happened here!" she replied. Gabriella poured some into her glass and drank it.
Suddenly, she felt a pair of strong arms on around her waist. "Hey, sexy. Wanna dance?" she immediately recognized the voice. Her anger rushed over her as she heard it. She took a deep breath and struggled free from his grasp.
"You know, you shouldn't be flirting with someone else when you have a girlfriend. That's what you did to your ex-girlfriend, right? She made the right decision to break up with you. I bet she's over you right now. I mean, who wouldn't? You're an insensitive jerk who only knows how to cheat, anyways." She said calmly and walked off.
Troy looked at her and sighed. I am so stupid! Troy Bolton, never, I repeat, never let go of a chance like that ever again! He thought.
Sharpay walked over to Gabriella. "Wow, Gabs, you were so brave! I can't believe you said that to him. Wait till I tell the whole school that a girl ditched the Troy Bolton! You should've seen his face." The blonde laughed.
Gabriella shook her head. "I made the biggest mistake ever dating him! I should've seen it coming, Shar." She sighed. Sharpay nodded. "Oh, and by the way, I love your dress! It's totally fabulous!" Sharpay shrieked. Gabriella giggled. "Well, I learnt from the best!" she exclaimed.
Sharpay smirked. "You definitely did!" she boasted and they both burst into a fit of giggles. Taylor stepped in. "Seems like you're having fun." She said. Gabriella nodded. "Yeah, it's so great to be free again! I don't have to worry about boyfriends flirting with other...sluts." she said.
Taylor nodded, understanding that she was talking about her ex-boyfriend. "You definitely got him, Gabs. He was looking at you all the time. And yes, he's still looking at you right now." Sharpay said, looking at the gorgeous blue-eyed boy, who was still staring at his stunning ex-girlfriend.
"I bet he regrets cheating on you. If I were him, I wouldn't dare letting go of a gorgeous girl like you. You're perfect! Kind, helpful, generous, beautiful...everything!" Sharpay said as Taylor nodded in agreement.
Gabriella gave her best friends a warm smile. "Hey, nobody's perfect." She said in protest. The three girls giggled. They immediately stopped when an unwanted someone walked over. Taylor and Sharpay glared at him while Gabriella looked away, trying her best to act like he never existed.
"Brie, can we talk?" he asked. Sharpay stepped in front of Gabriella. "One, her name is Gabriella. Two, she doesn't talk to assholes. And three, you don't exist in her world so obviously she didn't hear you." She said, crossing her arms over her chest.
Troy sighed. "Come on, just one talk, and I promise I won't say a word to you ever again!" he pleaded. Taylor sneered. "You can't even keep one promise and now you want to make another one? How thoughtful." She said sarcastically.
"Brie...I mean, um...Gabriella, please?" he pleaded again. Sharpay handed her purse to Taylor. "Hold this shit for me, Tay. I'm gonna teach somebody who doesn't know what 'fuck off' means." She said, charging towards Troy. Gabriella held her back. "He's not worth it, Shar. Alright, Bolton, just one talk and you're out of my life, get it?" she said, poking his chest. He nodded.
Sharpay gasped dramatically. "Oh my God, Gabs! You touched him! Come on, Gabs, let's go to the bathroom! You're gonna get STDs that he got from the sluts he screwed!" she said dramatically. Gabriella shook her head. "It's fine. I'll wash my hands later." She said.
Sharpay looked at her. "Are you sure?" she asked curiously. Gabriella nodded. "I got some wet tissues if you want." She offered. Gabriella sighed. "No, thanks, Shar. I promise I'll wash my hands after this." She reassured. "Oh, okay." Sharpay said quietly. "Make sure you use soap!" she called when they walked off.
......What You Did Was Unforgivable.....
Troy sat on the bench, looking at Gabriella. The moonlight glowed on her perfect gesture, making her look even more beautiful. He sighed, struggling to find a word to start with. "Brie..." he started.
"Gabriella." She corrected. "Um...Gabriella, look, I know I was a total jackass for saying those shit to you and choosing that, what did you call her again, oh yeah, air-headed slut over you." He said, trying to make eye contact.
"You weren't just a jackass. You were a stupid, self-centered, insensitive, goddamn, air-headed, dickheaded, cheating, lying, fucking..." "Okay, I get it!" he exclaimed. She huffed and looked away, avoiding eye contact.
"Gabriella, look at me." He said, grabbing her arm. She pulled her arm out of his grasp harshly. "There's no way I'm looking at a cheater!" she yelled. He sighed. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't know what I was thinking! If possible, I could even kill myself right now." He said.
Gabriella sneered. "Yeah, go ahead and kill yourself! Shoot yourself, slid a razor through your wrist, swallow some pills, hang yourself, jump over a bridge, whatever! It's not like I care!" She said coldly.
Ouch! The words that left her mouth stabbed him like daggers. If words could kill he would be dead by now. But he knew what he did was worse than that. "Gabriella, I lov-" "Don't!!!" she screamed. He winced.
"Don't you dare say those words to me! I hate you and your guts, Bolton, and don't you ever think that I'm going to fall back into your arms and be with you again. And what about your slut? I bet you already fucked her and now you want to search for another toy you can fuck, huh? Just get out of my life! Why don't you just die?! It'll be easier for me! I fucking hate you, Bolton! Down to the gut!" she said harshly.
He groaned and put his head in his hands. It hurts! It hurts too much! He was trying hard to fight back the tears that were desperately forcing to come out. Her words just hurt too much. He couldn't stand it. If words hurt this much, he couldn't imagine how she got through his guts, which was obviously worse than this.
"You must think I'm being really harsh now. Well, why don't you remember back what you did to me which was a million times even hurtful than this?! If this hurts, can you imagine how hurt I was when you ditched me?! When you cheated on me?! You weren't the one who cried for nights and get red eyes everyday! You weren't the one who felt like someone who just got killed in the inside! You weren't the one who felt like killing yourself! You weren't the one who was almost blind of crying everyday! I fucking loved you so much, Bolton! I loved you so much it was indescribable, I even loved you more than life itself! And what did I get?! Betrayal! Yeah, that's what I really needed!!" She screamed.
"And you're probably thinking why aren't there tears running out of my eyes right now, huh?! Because, Bolton, they dried! They dried from running out of my eyes everyday! Every fucking day, Bolton! Why?! Because I loved you so fucking much! I trusted you with all my heart! You were so sweet, so romantic! But I should've known better! It was all just a lie! Just an act! Where were your promises?! Oh, that's right, you don't have any! Your promises are all lies!" she screamed.
His head was still in his hands, tears begging to come out. "Okay, okay, I get it! I was stupid! I never should've let you go! Please, just give me another chance. I'll make the best of it!" he pleaded, his voice shaky.
She snorted and looked at him, her hands on her hips. "You seriously think I'm gonna give you another chance after what you've done? Forget it!" she spat. He sighed. "Can us at least be friends?" he asked hopefully. She shook her head. "Listen, I really don't want rivals or enemies, but I don't think I can even stand being in a room with you. I know this sounds harsh, but I think we should just forget that we even knew each other, okay?" she said, calming down a bit.
He bit his lip and nodded hesitantly. He really didn't want that, but as long as she's happy, he will be too. "Look, from now on, we don't talk with each other anymore, okay?" she said. He nodded again.
......What You Did Was Unforgivable.....
They went back inside. People were staring at the two exes, probably wondering if they were together again. The thoughts faded as they saw the frown on Troy's face and the angry look on Gabriella's.
Sharpay and Taylor looked at them as they stepped inside. "So, are you together or what?" Taylor asked. Gabriella shook her head vigorously. "No!" she said. "Did you touch him again?! Have you washed your hands yet?! Did you get STDs?!" Sharpay asked worriedly.
"Damn it, quit with the STDs already!" Gabriella exclaimed, slightly annoyed at her best friend's curiosity. "STDs? Who are you guys talking about?" Chad said, appearing from the crowd. "Troy! He got STDs and he touched Gabriella! Seriously, you need to give that guy some advice." Sharpay said, causing Taylor bursting into a fit of giggles.
"Troy? You didn't tell me you got STDs?!" Chad said, trying to avoid himself from getting close to Troy. "What the...?! I do not have STDs!" Troy exclaimed. Sharpay snorted. "Yeah, right! Liar!" she said. Troy gave her a 'what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you-woman' look. Gabriella groaned. "Ugh! Can't you people just shut up?! Chad, send me home!" she said firmly. Chad nodded. "I'll come back here after sending her, alright?" he said. Taylor nodded.
Sharpay pointed a finger at Troy. "Did you touch her? I swear to you, if I find out that she has..." "God damn it, Sharpay, I don't have STDs!" he said angrily. Taylor groaned loudly. "Cut it out, Shar! Don't be silly! You sound stupid, you know?" she said.
Sharpay feigned hurt. "You are such a drama queen!" Taylor laughed. She looked at Troy. "So, what did she say to you?" she asked, folding her arms.
Troy looked at the floor. "She blew up. She told me to forget that we even knew each other." He said, sadness and regret evident in his voice. "I know she's harsh. She was really sweet before that incident. But remember, Troy, you're the one who caused all those anger." She said, before walking off. Sharpay gave him a dirty look. "Stay away from her, Bolton! I mean it! I don't want her to be sick with your...um...viruses." she warned and walked away with Taylor.
Troy looked down at the floor. If only he kept his promises. If only he hadn't cheat on her. If only he hadn't choose that slut over her. If only he didn't betray her trust towards him. He sighed, regretting all the things he did.
What he did was totally unforgivable. Completely unforgivable.
......What You Did Was Unforgivable.....
So? Twoshot, anybody? I can't stand it when it ends with no Troyella. But I'm not really in the mood to update, you know. But with good reviews, I might be happy to make it a twoshot. =D Sorry for bad grammars. I'm not really good at English.
Review please? (Puppy dog eyes with a pout)
And seriously, I can't help but to put on the STD...things. I can't help it, I don't know why. LOL. Please bear with me. And please don't hate me for Gabriella's harshness. I don't know why but I think Troy deserved it. He should know what she felt. I don't know but I feel so emotional right now. Well, no offence but this story is especially made for guys who cheated on their girlfriends, unless your girlfriend's a bitch. Sorry again.