Ah, finally updated. sorry for the wait, got caught up in finishing Light in the Darkness. Now that that's out of the way, hopefully i can get back to my routine of updating all of my different series at least once a week, though this one may be difficult. so much to change, so little time. well, i'm wide awake yet again when i should be sleeping, and i'm having a grand old time, so here's the last thing i do before crashing. Enjoy! R&R!

Kirea giggled at Fereno's confusion. "We met some spirits…"

Beside Eragon, Saphira morphed into a blue dragon, showing her true form.

Eragon quickly leapt to her back and waited for Kirea to mount Remare as well. Kirea smiled back down at the befuddled rider. "Where's Dax? I can't wait to see him."

It was Fere's turn to smile and he called out with his mind, Dax! Where are you?

In response to his question, the green dragon appeared in the air above them, dropping quickly, but gracefully to the ground. Kirea jumped from her dragon's neck to land on Dax's, smiling wide as she wrapped her arms around the dragon's neck. "DAX! It's good to see you too!" Remare turned to Dax and gave a nod, the two dragon's exchanging a greeting.

Fere jumped up to the back of his dragon and dropped into the junction between his shoulders just behind Kirea. She turned her head and smiled at him, motioning for Rem to take off.

Fere grinned to himself. It was nice to see Kirea again; she was a really good friend. Dax followed behind Remare and Saphira took flight behind him. As they flew back to the home of Kírinare, Fere saw the elf maid in front of him sigh and stare at her dragon, watching the white scaled creature with a loving gaze. He felt the need for an explanation, for he did not understand her actions. He tapped her on the shoulder and she turned to him with a soft smile.

"Yes?" her voice was quiet, making her sound like the little girl that Fere remembered her as.

The rider voiced his confusion. "Is there something between you and Rem? I mean, besides the fact that he's your dragon, do you have feelings for him too?"

Her smile widened, but her voice remained quiet and gentle. "Yeah, ever since being Released, we've fallen in love with each other." At the strange expression that Fere gave her at that statement, she let out a dragon like growl. "You wouldn't understand, you and Dax aren't like that. Eragon and Saphira are the same way too. They love each other as well. It's something that you wouldn't get."

Fere resigned himself to this being true, feeling his and his dragon's loneliness once more ebb forward into his mind and heart. He realized that he had been in love with Kirea before she left, but now he was too late. A dejected sigh escaped him and he patted his dragon on the shoulder. Maybe someday we'll find someone. Both of us. I know there has to be another female rider and dragon pair out there somewhere…

Dax bobbed his head. I sense that your words are correct, though when and if we meet them will depend on fate.

Kirea returned to staring at her dragon until they arrived at Kírinare's dwelling. The three riders dismounted and went to the building, then spotted the elder elf over underneath the tree with his dragon. Fere led the three over and Kírinare let a grin come over his face when he saw the two foremost riders. "Fere, Kirea, thank you both. Vorand told me of what happened, and I want to express my gratitude." He bowed before them. "It's good to have you back Kirea. And I hear that you have discovered the hidden potential of Riders."

She nodded, her own smile reappearing on her face. "Yes, as have my friends Eragon and Saphira." she waved Eragon forward and the elf bowed to the elder rider.

"I was told to bring Glaedr's greetings to you, since he can no longer travel." Eragon's expression soured slightly, fresh pain bubbling up within him from the death of his former mentor. "Oromis has…died…Glaedr lives on as an Eldunarí. He told us of being Released and how we could achieve it."

Kírinare frowned, a tear finding its way down his cheek. "That is…something I expected. A while ago I felt something alter within my heart, as if something disappeared." He wiped the tear away. "He was…a good friend. I will miss him sorely."

Eragon nodded, finding himself reaching out towards Saphira for comfort. The blue dragon strode over to him and he let a smile cross his features, stretching out his marked palm to gently stroke his dragon's scales.

The other two dragons followed her over and the four riders stood around in a circle, silent until another pair appeared at the edge of the trees.

Dan and Skiadem walked over to Fere, the young elf holding Ilethia in his arms. Skiadem, always friendly towards new faces, plastered one of his warmest smiles on his face and looked over at the two others. Eragon put his hands behind his head and chuckled.

"Hello there. What are your names?" Eragon gave a nod towards the young ones.

Skiadem scratched his head as he responded. "My name's Skiadem, and my dragon is Ilethia. Nice to meet you!"

Dan was a bit more hesitant. He glanced at a smiling Fere and reluctantly gave his name. "I'm Danmír, Fereno's brother, but call me Dan."

Eragon nodded again. "Well met Dan, Skiadem. I am Eragon, Rider of Saphira." Saphira stepped forward and examined both boys with her eyes and mind. She first looked at Skiadem. Ilethia is a lucky dragon, you will be an excellent rider. She then swung her gaze to Dan. Her eyes shot open wide, and she froze. Who are you?

Dan took a step back, confused at her words. "What do you mean? I'm Fere's brother. What are you talking about?"

She turned to Fereno, eyes still wide in shock. Your brother is not a rider, correct?

Fere nodded slowly, puzzled by the question. "No, he is not…why do you ask?"

She growled slightly, swinging her stare back to the young boy. Then please tell me why he is bonded to Daxxon?

Fere whipped his head around and glared at his dragon. "WHAT?! Is she right?"

Dax offered no objection, trying to defend himself. What, he was just there, in my head. Like you.

That thought stuck in Fere's head. Like me…

Kírinare ran his hand across his dragon's leg. "Well, this is something I feared may happen. He is gifted, more so than I originally anticipated. It appears that he is a Dragon Speaker, one who can share a bond with another Rider's dragon without being a Rider himself. A Dragon Speaker hasn't been born in decades, it surprises me that another has come to light at this time."

Dan looked in shock at the elder elf. "Are you joking. Me? A Dragon Speaker? I mean, it makes sense, but really? Wow."

Fere transferred his glare to his younger brother. "Dan, you knew about this? Why didn't you tell me?"

Dan shrugged. "Dax IS your dragon, I thought you knew."

Kirea playfully elbowed Fere in the ribs. "He's got ya there, Dax is your dragon." She giggled and leaned back against Remare's brilliant white scales.

Fere sighed, exasperated. "Gah, will everyone just get off my back. Alright, I should've known, it's my fault I'm lost here. Okay? You happy?"

Dax snorted, the hot air ruffling Fere's hair. Yes, now introduce your brother to Kirea and Rem, they are anxious.

Fere nodded, taking Dan by the shoulders and guiding him over to stand in front of the white dragon and his Rider. "Well, Rem, Kirea, this is my brother, Dan. Dan, these are my good friends, Kirea and her dragon Remare."

Kirea stepped forward and extended her hand in greeting. "I finally get to meet you, he's told me so much about you."

"It's good to meet you too, I guess." Dan took the proffered hand and shook it. He then turned to Remare and put a hand on the dragon's shoulder. Your name is Remare, right?

Remare bobbed his head pleasantly. Yes young one. I have heard a lot from Fere about you. You are a good lad, I like you.

Eragon moved closer to Saphira and leaned heavily on her, yawning a bit as he looked at the position of the sun. It was nearing mid-afternoon, and he hadn't slept in over a day. Fere noticed this and walked over to him. "Eragon, are you okay? You look exhausted."

"Yeah, I'm a bit tired. We've been traveling a lot and haven't slept much." Eragon patted his dragon's neck affectionately.

Fere grinned, and put a hand on the elf's shoulder. "Let Dax show you back to our home, you can rest there. It was built for more than one Rider as it is; there's a lot of empty space."

The Rider managed a weak smile, before morphing into a dragon to follow Dax. Thank you, Fereno. Lead the way, Daxxon.

Dax leapt into the air, closely followed by the two other dragons, taking them back in the direction of the house nestled in the trees roots.

Fere watched them fly out of sight before turning back to his student, Skiadem. "Don't think that you're off the hook for today, I still have a lesson for you. Follow me."

Yet more surprises, this will come into play here soon.....i hope....it shouldn't get out of hand again, though there are a few minor things i need to work out with myself on future events. they will soon fall into place though and all will be right with the world. well, my mind is mush right now, so that's all i got.
