Written By: Craig Phillips
The characters herein this story is the property, copyright © and registered ® trademarks of Hasbro. The TV series was created by Christy Marx. The story, and the characters Officer Davidson, Corporal Smith, Mark Pelligrini, Edwin Pelligrini, and Charlie Owens are copyright © and belong to me.
Chapter 5: Fates Warning (Solitude)
Kimber looked down at her watch it read "12:33 am." She had been at Jerrica's bedside the entire day and now into the night. Her eyes still burned from crying so hard, and what was left of her makeup stained her once fresh young face. In her mind, Kimber only blamed herself for the situation her sister was now in. How could she have been so stupid to just run away? Everyone in her family always said to never bury the pain inside, because it would become worse for her. Kimber was so deep in thought she nearly screamed at the knock at the door. She got up slowly, but her legs had fallen asleep which caused her to stumble a bit. As she opened the door a familiar face was before her. It was Stormer. Kimber immediately hugged her friend tightly, and tears welled up in her eyes again.
"Kimber I just don't what I can say right now," she tried to fight her tears, "why did this happen?" Stormer held onto Kimber as if she was her life blood.
"I don't know Stormer," Kimber sighed heavily, "where's Roxy I really need to talk to her. If it wasn't for her, I'd be dead right now."
Stormer looked at Kimber with tears running down her cheeks. Kimber hadn't yet found out that Roxy was arrested for her uncle's death, "the cops took Roxy to jail, and they might charge her with manslaughter."
"Why? Kimber protested, trying to keep her voice down, "damn it Stormer, Roxy did nothing wrong! How is this not self defense?!"
"I don't know Kimber, but I'm so scared that they will put her in prison for years," Stormer let go of Kimber and made her way into the room.
"This is such a crock," vented Kimber, "we have to find that detective and set him straight! Roxy doesn't deserve this," Kimber huffed, and flopped down in the chair next to her sisters' bed.
There was a soft knock on the door, and an older looking nurse peaked inside, "excuse me ladies I'm just going to check on Jerrica's vitals," she walked over towards Jerrica's bed and began the examination.
As the nurse busied herself, Stormer looked at her watch, and knew that Craig would be worried about her. She gently took Kimber's hands,
"Hey I've gotta head home and talk to my brother. I know he's been worried about me, but I'll call you a little later."
Kimber didn't want Stormer to leave. She really needed someone to stay with her, but she couldn't be selfish, "Stormer? Thanks for being here for me. You're the only one who understands what I'm dealing with."
Stormer kissed Kimber on her right cheek and smiled warmly, "you just take care of your sister."
"I will," said Kimber as she watched her friend walk away.
Stormer tried to hold back her tears as she stepped out into the hallway. It ripped her up inside to see Jerrica suffering like this. Back when she and Kimber had inadvertently signed away half of Starlight Music, it was Jerrica that helped the two of them finish the album. Stormer leaned against the wall, closed her eyes, and felt hot tears flowing down her face. She began to pray silently for both Jerrica and Kimber.
The nurse had just finished checking Jerrica's IV, and was about to walk out of the room. She turned and faced Kimber, "Miss Benton, you look exhausted, maybe you should go home and get some sleep. You can come back in the morning," She offered reassuringly.
Kimber's heart sank into the pit of her stomach. The thought of not being there for her sister was too much to bear tonight, but she had to be there, "I know this is really asking a lot, but is there any chance I can just sleep here? Doctor Robinson said it was okay, and I really don't want to leave my sister's side," Kimber looked down at her sisters' lifeless body hoping she would not be asked to leave.
The nurse could see that there was no talking her out of leaving. She smiled at the young red head, "Of course you can. I'll have one of the orderlies bring you a cot."
"Thank you," she then turned her head and just starred at her sister. She held Jerrica's hand in hers and pulled it to her heart.
Most everyone had left the hospital to get some sleep before Danse finally arrived. She'd been working late with her kids at Haven House, and could not break away to see Jerrica. She entered through the emergency room lobby, and headed for the receptionist desk. She was stopped by Jetta.
"Everyone's gone home, and Jerrica can't have visitors," Jetta walked with Danse to one of the chairs and filled her in on the entire story.
Danse's once beautiful blue eyes were now dull and bloodshot from heavy crying. Jerrica was like an older sister to her, and would always lend a helping hand to her kids at Haven House. She held her hands in her face. Jetta put her arm around her, and rested her head next to Danse's. Kimber came downstairs to see if there was something in the cafeteria to eat. When she passed through the lobby of the ER she noticed Danse and Jetta sitting there. They both heard Kimber's boots tapping against the linoleum floor. Danse immediately stood up and embraced Kimber.
"I'm so sorry about Jerrica," she could not hold back her emotions, "If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask," Danse looked into Kimber's eyes.
"Of course Danse, you're family to us," she smiled warmly.
"Listen, I have something for your sister," Danse sniffled and held out a white gold necklace with a small cross encrusted with diamond chips, "Kimber, would you give Jerrica this?"
"Outrageous." Kimber said softly while taking the necklace.
"My mother gave this to me when I was very young, it was my Great Grandmothers. It was said to have been wore in the 12th century by the royal family."
"Danse thank you. I'll give it to her when I go back upstairs," she gave Danse a hug, "Hey are you two hungry?"
Jetta shook her head, "Not really Yank. I should get going, I'm wiped out." She grabbed her purse and headed out to her car.
Kimber looked at Danse, "how about you?"
"Yeah, I'm a little hungry."
The two girls walked down to the cafeteria, and started to reminisce about how they met.
It seemed to take forever until Stormer reached her house. She was so tired that she almost fell asleep at the wheel. Pulling up the driveway she noticed Craig left the outside lights on. The house; however, was eerily dark. Stormer put on the brakes and turned off the car. There was dead silent as Stormer stared blankly out her car window. Stormer reclined her seat back a little and closed her eyes. The last few weeks have been the most stressful in her life. Everything seemed so easy for her back when the Misfits were just trying to take over the world.
Those days seemed so long ago, and seemed so innocent compared to now. She did have a lot of regret from all the trouble she and her band caused. At first making mischief was fun and a rush, but it caused the Misfits to lose a lot of great gigs. It hurt Stormer to know that such a great person as Jerrica could be in such an ordeal. Was this a cruel twist of fate? She began to feel a weak lump growing more intense in her throat the more she dwelt on the situation. Just then there was a light rapping against her window. She was startled from her thoughts and just about shrieked. Her eyes focused on the figure standing over her car. It was Craig. She grabbed her keys and got out of her car.
"How's Jerrica?" Craig asked as he closed his sisters' car door. He knew it was bad when he saw her hanging her head, but once she lifted her head tears began spilling from her blue eyes.
"I wish I knew Craig. I only had a moment with Kimber. She hasn't left her sisters side since she came into the hospital," she wiped the tears away with the sleeve of her shirt.
Craig gave his baby sister a compassionate brotherly hug, and the two of them headed into the house. He flipped on the entry way light and turned off the outside lights. Moving over to the stairs he sat down a few steps up and looked at his sister. Craig could tell that her mind was elsewhere.
"Mary. I can't imagine how bad this hurts you, but we both know Jerrica. She's a fighter and won't let this keep her down."
A very slight smile crossed Stormer's lips, but it quickly faded, "I just don't know anymore. Jerrica's been like an older sister to me, and God Craig to see Kimber's life crumbling away is heartbreaking."
"Sis what Kimber needs more than anything is to be around her closest friends and her family. Mary, you are family to them." He gently lifted his sisters' face to meet his, "Your strength has kept Kimber grounded in life."
"Yeah I know," she said with a bit of a shrug, "Kimber knows I'm there for her day or night. I just don't know what I can say to her."
Craig looked at his sister with a gentle smile, "Mary you don't have to say a word. Just listen to her, be her friend, and a shoulder. That's why you two are so close," Craig was so wise in his words. He'd seen his fair share of drama in his life. Losing his best friend to suicide devastated his world. Then watching his band The Blue Bloods rip itself apart internally through bad business decisions, showed him how hard life was.
"Craig you've always been there for me, and I love you so much for that."
He smiled, "I love you too Mary. I'm always here for you," and he gave her a hug.
"I gotta get some sleep. I am absolutely drained," She yawned and stretched her arms over her head.
Craig nodded and said goodnight. Stormer headed off to her bedroom, but she was pretty sure that she was going to get to sleep. As she got ready for bed, her mind was spinning wildly over the events. All she could do was hope that her mind would just shut down for a few hours so she could sleep. She reached over the turned off her lamp.
Through the night Stormer tossed and turned in her bed. In her sleep she'd kicked the blankets off her body, and then tossed and turned more. Finally after two hours she was finally falling to sleep, but just as she was her cell phone began to play "Makin Mischief". She rolled her eyes very annoyed by this peace disturbing call. She picked up the receiver and yawned into it.
"Hello?" She said with a hint of attitude in her voice.
"Stormer?!" The voice shouted.
Stormer recoiled a bit and pulled the phone from her ear, "Kimber? What's going on? Are you okay?"
"Stormer, oh my God, Stormer she's awake, my sister's awake," Kimber could hardly contain her joy.
"What?" Stormer was so tired that the news really didn't register with her brain.
"Jerrica's awake!" Kimber nearly blew out Stormer's hearing.
Stormer quickly sat up and turned on her lamp. Temporarily blinded she began to rub her eyes, and looked over at her alarm clock. It was reading three eighteen in the morning, "You're kidding right? Oh Kimber that's so wonderful."
In all her excitement Kimber had not even realized that she'd woken her best friend up, "Oh God, Stormer I am so sorry it's well after three."
"Hey don't worry about it this is really big news," she said while yawning, "I'll be up to see you later today if you want?"
"Yes of course Stormer. I'll let you get back to sleep," Kimber didn't even say goodbye before she slammed the phone down.
Stormer placed her phone back on the little night stand, and turned off the lamp. She flopped back onto her soft down filled feather pillows. As she was finally falling asleep a warm feeling coursed through her body. Jerrica was going to make it.
The next morning word had spread throughout the media world about Jerrica Benton coming out of the coma. It was a madhouse inside of the emergency room lobby. There were major news networks, music journalists, various magazine writers, and all were being led to a large conference room to hear the latest reports on Jerrica's condition. This room was fairly large and had about sixty or so chairs lined up for the media to sit. Cameras were being set up for live coverage of the announcement. Vivian Montgomery known (professionally as Video) set up her camera near the front. Video had been out of the country shooting a video for the 5th Avenue Boys in England. It was her cousin Constance (known as Clash) that told her the horrible news. Video had been working with Jem and The Holograms almost since the beginning of their careers. She was especially close to Jerrica, because Jerrica actually gave Video her first major gig. Nothing could have prepared her for what happened to her long time friend.
At the front of the room was a conference table with several microphones, small recorders from the various news networks, and other media outlets. Also on the table was a model of the human backbone and spine for use in describing Jerrica's injury, and a blue backdrop with the hospital name on it covered the wall behind the table. After about twenty tense moments of waiting Jake Robinson the head of the residency department, the hospital director Jennifer Hugo, and the chief surgeon Dr. Timothy Sanford stat down at the table. The crowds and media began quieting down. The only noises that could be heard were from the various cameras snapping pictures. Dr. Sanford spoke first.
"Good morning," the crowd responded quietly with the same, "my name is doctor. Timothy Sanford, I am the chief surgeon who operated on Miss Benton."
"I'm Jake Robinson and I'm head of the residency department, and Jerrica's personal care doctor."
"I'm Doctor Jennifer Hugo, hospital director of Northridge Memorial.
"And I'm Corporal Hank Smith. I was the arresting officer of the suspect Mark Pelligrini.
Doctor Hugo cleared her throat and spoke into her microphone, "Now before we take any questions, Doctor Jake Robinson will provide you with the latest information that we have on Miss Benton's condition."
"Miss Benton woke up from a deep coma last night around two thirty-five in the morning. The care nurse on staff was alerted to this news by Miss Benton's sister Kimber. Immediately the on duty surgeon was called to her room and began to speak to her. Within a few minutes Miss Benton opened her eyes fully. She was unable to speak, but she was able to make small movements with her fingers. This of course is i good sign that the paralysis was confined below her waste," Jake looked over at chief surgeon Sanford who went into detail about the wound.
"The gunshot wound is located at her lower back," he said pointing to the model of the human spine, "there was not an exit wound, because the bullet ricocheted off the backbone." As he pointed to the locations on the model there were gasps that filled the air from some of the media personnel, "we did an immediate X-Ray to find where it stopped. The bullet was actually just below her right kidney. We did not see signs of damage to her kidney; however, the bullet did graze her spinal cord. And as doctor Robinson has pointed out caused partial paralysis to Miss Benton's lower extremities."
"Keep in mind that this could be temporary paralysis and she could regain the use of her legs in time. But at this time it is far too early to tell," Jake concluded.
As the doctors continued filling in the press over the tragedy, Video felt hot stinging tears roll down her cheeks, and though the news was not all bad it still was hard to accept. A lot of memories flooded back to her as she reflected back when she first signed with Starlight Music. Now the thought of Jerrica paralyzed for who knew how long was so overwhelming. She forced herself to remain professional and composed as she filmed.
"Now if you have any questions we will do our best to answer them," Jake said.
One by one the reporters asked their questions, and received direct answers. Video again tried to keep her composure as she listened intensely to the various questions and answers. After ten minutes the staff headed back inside, and Corporal Smith headed back to his patrol car.
Later that day Roxy had been talking with investigators at the police station. She'd been there for hours repeating the same story again and again. Everything was blurring together, and she feared that she might start forgetting certain parts of her story. Roxy was mentally and emotionally drained. After one last question the investigators left the interrogation room while so she could talk to her lawyer.
"Roxanne you do realize that you may be held on charges of manslaughter?" Her lawyer asked.
"So I defend someone, and I'm the criminal," Roxy protested, "look my uncle was a complete fucking psycho, and he would have killed Kimber."
"That may be so Roxanne, but the fact is you didn't kill him out of self defense. To a Grand Jury they will look at this as manslaughter."
Roxy's face lost all of its color. She felt as though she was going to throw up. Though she would not be tried with murder according to her lawyer the thought of any prison time scared her badly. All she ever wanted to do was protect Kimber, and keep her uncle from ever hurting anyone again. Thoughts of her past haunted Roxy the more she replayed what was probably happening to Kimber. Roxy grew up never knowing her mother, and her dad was too poor to take care of her. So when she was very young her father took her to live with his brother Edwin, but the affection she craved was met only by physical abuse. The abuse went on for years, and at one point when she quit school Edwin whipped her with a belt.
Whether or not the "law" says what's right and wrong Roxy felt vindicated that her uncle could never hurt another human again. But she had no idea what she could possibly do to convince a Grand Jury to go easy on her. Tears flooded her eyes, and she just broke down.
"Roxanne. I'm not gonna lie to you. This is really bad, but there is one thing that might bring you leniency."
Through the stifled sobs, Roxy looked into the eyes of her lawyer, "What? My life's already fucked up, and this could ruin me forever," she wept again, "what possible thing could save me from this?"
"You need to take the stand and tell the jury that the years of abuse caused this. Tell them what he did to you during your childhood," Roxy's lawyer took her hands.
"But I can't. I can't relive those memories."
"Roxanne you don't have a choice. It's either this or prison for up to 10 years," Roxy's lawyer knew that it was a long shot asking her client to do this, but without some ammunition the case was open and shut.
Kimber paced around outside of her sister's room. The doctors were examining Jerrica, running more neurological tests to see if the spinal injury would be permanent or not. She agonized over her sister's condition, and prayed that she would recover. Kimber made a promise to herself that she was going to seek counseling for the recurring nightmares she'd been having. With all the recent drama they had not returned, but she still wanted to find out what was causing them. At this point in her life, Kimber did not want to be the explosive girl anymore. She replayed the incident at Starlight mansion where it all began, and she grew cold inside. She shook off the feelings and returned her focus to Jerrica. A moment later, Jake Robinson came out of her room followed by a few other medical personnel. Kimber waited while they finished talking. She could not really hear what they were saying, but the smile that Jake flashed her way flooded her with relief. Kimber walked over to Jake who was looking hopeful.
"Jake, is Jerrica gonna be alright? I mean I know you said that this was so hard to tell, but...,"Kimber trailed off.
"Jerrica is a fighter, and there are early signs that she'll recover from this in time." Jake looked over his notes.
Kimber grew a little impatient wanting to know every bit of detail, "you said there are "early signs", but what does that mean?"
"I did a reflex check on your sister. The concern was her lower body, and when I saw movement in her toes that's when I knew she'd recover."
"Does that mean she'll be able to walk again?"
"With a lot of hard work in physical therapy I don't see a reason why she won't be able to."
"Listen Jake, I don't want the media to know any more of this. Jerrica needs her rest. Can you make sure only family can see her?" Kimber pleaded with Jake to understand. She knew that Rio was going to go nuts not seeing her, but after his blow up no way was he ever gonna get near her sister again.
"Tell you what Kimber. We can have special ID passes made just for a few selected family and friends, but make sure no one stays longer than ten minutes. Listen I have to get to my rounds, but why don't you go sit with Jerrica. She still has the trachea tube to help her breath, but she is awake."
Kimber reached out and hugged Jake tightly. Things were finally making sense, and her dear sister was still with her. She slowly opened the door and there starring back at her was Jerrica. Kimber walked over to her sister and took her hand. Jerrica could manage only a partial smile, but Kimber could see in her eyes that she was so glad to see her.
To be continued in Part 5, Starting Over (A Long Journey)